Unit 10
1-Which animals have scales? اى الحيوانات عندها قشور ا حراشيف ؟
-Lizards, crocodiles, fish,..
2-Which animals have fur? اى الحيوانات لديها فرو؟
– Rabbits, cats , dogs, bears ,……..
3-What are birds covered in? ما الذى يغطى الطيور ؟
4-How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts?
لماذا جبال سيناء مختلفة عن الصحراء المصرية؟
-The mountains are sometimes covered in snow; the desert is very hot. الجبال احياناً مغطاة بالثلج اما الصحراء فحارة.
5-Why don't sand cats need to find water?
لماذا لا تحتاج القطط الصحراوية الي ايجاد الماء؟
-They get moisture from their prey.
لانهم يحصلون علي الرطوبة من الفريسة.
6-How do polar bears keep warm? كيف يحتفظ الدب القطبي بالفء؟
Their thick skin and fur keeps them warm.
جلدهم وفروهم السميك يجعلهم يحتفظون بالدفء.
7-How do polar bears catch their prey?
They catch it through holes in the ice.من خلال فتحات في الثلج.
8-Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat?
اى الحيوانات تاقلمت مع الحر الشديد
Sand cats have adapted to the heat in Egypt .
9-Which animals that have adapted to extreme cold?
اى الحيوانات تاقلمت مع البرد القارص
Polar bears have adapted to the extreme cold of the North Polar area.
10-Will animals have to adapt to new extreme conditions in the future? Why?/Why not?
هل يجب علي الحيوانات ان تتكيف مع الظروف القاسية في المستقبل؟ لماذا؟
Some animals will have to adapt because climates are becoming warmer and deserts are growing.
بعض الحيوانات يجب ان تتكيف لان المناخ يصبح ادفء والصحاري تتسع.
11-What kind of environment do lions live in? في اي بيئة يعيش الاسد؟
Lions live in African grassland (in hot dry conditions).
. تعيش الاسود في المناطق السهلية الافريقية
12-How have lions adapted to these environments?
كيف تكيفت الاسود مع بيئتها؟
Lions use the open space to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth and are very fast.
تستخدم الاسود الفضاء الواسع للامساك بفرائسها.لديهم اسنان حادة وسريع جداً.
13-What kind of environment do crocodiles live in?
في أي بيئة يعيش التمساح؟
Crocodiles live in rainforests / jungles and rivers (in hot, wet conditions).
تعيش التماسيح في الغابات الممطرة والادغال والانهار(في ظروف حارة )
14-How have Crocodiles adapted to these environments? كيف تكيف التمساح مع البيئة؟
Crocodiles use the shallow water to catch their prey.
تستخدم التماسيح المياه الضحلة للامساك بالفرائس
They have sharp teeth to bite their prey.
لديهم اسنان حادة لعض الفرائس.
15-What kind of environment do mountain goats live in?
في اي بيئة تعيش الماعز الجبلية؟
in the mountains.
16-How have mountain goats adapted to these environments?
كيف تكيفت الماعز الجبلية مع هذه البيئة؟
Mountain goats have thick fur to keep them warm and have strong legs to walk on steep slopes.لديهم فرو سميك ليحتفظوا بالدفء ولديهم ارجل قوية للمشي علي المنحدرات شديدة الانحدار.
17-How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment?
كيف تكيف أنسان الغابة مع هذه البيئة؟
It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the trees to make nests.
تعيش في الاشجار الباردة لتبقي بعيداً عن الحرارة وتستخدم اوراق الاشجار لتبقي جافة.وتستخدم الاشجار لصناعة الاعشاش.
18-Where do orangutans live?أين يعيش انسان الغابة؟
In the rain forest of Borneo .
19-When and where do orangutans sleep?
متي وأين يعيش انسان الغابة؟
They sleep all night in nests in the trees.ينام طوال الليل في الاشجار.
20-Why do orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads? لماذا يحمل أنسان الغابة الاوراق فوق راسه؟
-To protect themselves from rain. ليحمي نفسه من الامطار.
21-Do you think 'the wild man of the forest' is a good name for orangutan? Why?/ Why not?هل تعتقد ان اسم الانسان المتوحش الغابة اسم جيد لانسان الغابة؟
-No, it’s a bad name, because they are quiet animals.لا فهو اسم سيء.لانها حيوانات هادئة.
22-Why do you think orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees?
لماذا يقضي انسان الغابة معظم حياته عالياً في الاشجار؟
-Because they feed on fruitsلانه يتغذي علي الفواكه.
23-Why do you think orangutans rest during the middle of the day?
لماذا يستريح انسان الغابة في وسط اليوم
-Because they get tired as they are lazy.
لانه يصاب بالتعب لانها حيوانات كسولة.
Unit 11
Defoe was one of the first writers of novels in England . Defoe was born in London in 1660. His father was a butcher. Defoe married Mary Tuffley in1684. They had two sons and five daughters. Defoe started his own newspaper, The Review in 1704. He wrote his most famous book Robinson Crusoe in 1719. It’s about the adventures of a man who was shipwrecked alone on a desert island. Defoe died at the age of 71 in 1731.
Crusoe left England on a ship
2-For how long was Robinson Crusoe a sailor before he was shipwrecked?
ما المدة التي قضاها كروزو كبحار قبل ان تتحطم سفينته؟
He was a sailor for eight years before he was shipwrecked.
3-What happened when he was shipwrecked on an island? ما الذي حدث عندما تحطمت السفينة؟
All the other sailors died, except Crusoe.كل البحارة ماتوا فيما عدا هو.
4-What did Crusoe save from the ship?
ما الذي انقذه كروزو من السفينة؟
He saved tools, guns and other useful things from the ship. أنقذ الالات والبنادق وأشياء مفيدة.
5-In what ways was Crusoe able to adapt to life on the island?
كيف تكيف كروزو مع الحياة علي الجزيرة؟
He built a safe home, hunted animals and grew crops for food.
6-Who were his friends? من كانوا أصدقائه؟
A bird and some cats.
7-How did he feel on the island?كيف شعر علي الجزيرة؟
He felt lonely because he was the only one on the island. شعر بالوحدة لانه كان الوحيد علي الجزيرة.
8-Why was Crusoe surprised after twelve years?
لماذا كان كروزو مندهش بعد 12 سنة؟
Because he found a human footprint in the sand.
لأنه وجد اثار اقدام بشرية عي الرمال.
9-What did Crusoe discover after twelve years?
ماذا أكتشف كروزو بعد 12 سنة؟
He discovered that people from the mainland sometimes visited the island and killed their prisoners there.أكتشف ان اناس من اللارض الرئيسية زاروا الجزيرة وقتلوا السجناء هناك.
10-What did Crusoe called سميthe prisoner escaped? He called him Friday.
11-What did Crusoe teach Friday?ماذا علم كروزو فرايدي؟
He taught Friday a few words of English.علمه بعض الكلمات الانجليزية.
12-How did Crusoe and Friday save more prisoners?
كيف أنقذوا السجناء؟
They killed some people from the mainland and saved some more prisoners.
قتلوا بعض الناس من الارض الرئيسية وأنقذوا بعض السجناء.
13-Who was among the prisoners?من كان من بين السجناء؟
Friday's father was one of these prisoners.
14-How did Crusoe go back to London ?كيف رجع كروزو الي لندن؟
Crusoe married when he went back to London .
16-How did Crusoe become a rich man? كيف اصبح كروزو رجل غني؟
-Because of the successful business he started years ago.بسبب العمل الناجح الذي بداه من سنين.
17-When did he sail back to the island? متي ابحر عائداُ للجزيرة؟
-After his wife died, he sailed back to the island.
بعد وفاة زوجته أبحر عائداُ للجزيرة.
18-How did he find the Islanders?كيف وجد سكان الجزيرة؟
He found the islanders were living happy, successful lives there.
وجد سكان الجزيرة يعيشون في سعادة ونجاح.
Unit 12
1-What does a bakerالخباز do?
-He makes bread and cakes .
2-What does a flight attendant do? ماذا تعمل المضيفة؟
-She gets passengers drinks and serves food
.تحضر للركاب المشروبات وتقدم الطعام.
3-What should an applicant have before applying for a job?
ماذا يجب ان يمتلك المتقدم لوظيفة؟
-He should have all the necessary qualifications..
يجب ان يمتلك كل المؤهلات المطلوبة.
4-What qualifications do employees need to get a good job? ما المؤهلات التي يحتاجها الموظفون ليحصلوا علي وظيفة جيدة؟
Speak and write English well, be able toيكونوا قادرين علي use the internet and deal with يتعامل معpeople well.
5-When does a cleaner work?متي يعمل عاملة النظافة ؟
He does most of his work when other people are at home. Some weeks he works in the evenings and some weeks he works in the early morning.
-يؤدي معظم عمله عندما يكون باقي الناس في المنزل. بعض الاسابيع يعمل في المساء واسابيع اخري يعمل في الصباح الباكر.
6-When must he finish work? متي ينهي عمله؟
He finishes his work before the office workers arrive
.ينهي عمله قبل أن يصل باقي عمال المكتب.
7-What does a cleaner do? ماذا يعمل عامل النظافة؟
He cleans the floors and the toilets and he empties all the bins.
ينظف الارضيات والحمامات ويفرغ سلات القمامة.
8-What is a fireman’s job like? ما طبيعة عمل رجل الاطفاء؟
It’s a very dangerous job. وظيفة خطيرة.
9-What do firemen do? ماذا يفعل رجل الاطفاء؟
They rescue people and go to road accidents.
ينقذوا الناس ويذهبوا الي حوادث الطرق.
10-Why don’t firemen think about the danger?
لماذا لا يفكرون في الاخطار؟
Because they are too busy rescuing people.لانهم مشغولن بانقاذ الناس.
11-Where does a flight attendant work? أين تعمل المضيفة؟
She works on international flights and on national flights
.في الرحلات الداخلية والدولية.
12-What doesn’t flight attendant like doing?
ما الذي لا تحبه المضيفة؟
She doesn’t like staying in hotels in other countries.
لا تحب الاقامة في فنادق الدول الاخري.
13-What does a carpenter do? ماذا يفعل النجار؟
He repairs things, like doors and windows, stairs and floors, and makes a table or chair.
يصلح اشياء مثل الابواب والشبابيك والسلالم والارضيات ويصنع المقاعد والمناضد.
The kangaroo - a different kind of animal

Red kangaroos live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia . They do not need to drink for long periods فتراتof time (Why) because they can find moistureرطوبة in the grass and other plants that they eat(1). During the day, when it is hot, they sleep or rest out of the sun(2). They start moving around in the evening, at night or early in the morning.
Kangaroos are famous (strange) forthe way they move. (Why) They do not walk or run like most other animals, but jump using their powerful back legsارجل خلفية and large feet. They can move six metres in one jump. They use their huge tails like another leg to stop themselves from falling, especially when they are moving slowly. Scientists have discovered that these strange jumping animals use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.
"Joeys",صغار الكانجارو which is what Australian people call baby kangaroos, are born into their mother's pouchجراب-كيس, where they can drink her milk. At first, they are only as big as a small nutجوز الهند, but they grow slowly in the pouch until they are big enough to leave their mothers.
1-Mention some wild animals. اذكر بعض الحيوانات البرية؟
-sand cats, lions, elephants, tigers, polar bear,…
2-Mention some domestic animals. اذكر بعض الحيوانات الاليفة؟
-donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, cows,…
3-How can we protect wild animals from being died outتنقرض?
-By keeping them in a zoo.
4-Why do you think some animals are found only in certain places?
لماذا توجد بعض الحيوانات في أماكن معينة؟
-Because they have adapted to live in these places.لأنهم تكيفوا مع الحياة في هذه الاماكن.
5-Can we learn anything from animals?هل يمكن انت نتعلم شيء من الحيوانات؟
-We can learn team workالعمل في فريق by watching, e.g. ants; about the patience صبرof animals with their young/when catching prey.
6-Which animals are particularlyعلي الاخص useful to humans?
-Guide dogs الكلاب المرشدةfor the blindالمكفوفين, horses and camels for carrying things, cows for milk.
7-How and where do red kangaroos live?كيف وأين يعيش الكنغر الاحمر؟
-They live alone or in small groups in the dry areas in the centre of Australia .
يعيش بمفرده او في جماعات في المناطق الجافة في وسط أستراليا.
8-What are kangaroos famous for?بأي شيء يشتهر الكنغر الاحمر؟
-They are famous for the way they move as they don't walk or run but jump using their powerful back legs.يشتهر بالطريقة التي يمشي بها لانه لا يمشي ولا يجري بل يقفز بأرجله الخلفية القوية.
9-What have scientists discovered about the way they move?
ماذا أكتشف العلماء بخصوص الطريقة التي يمشي بها الكنغر؟
-Scientists have discovered kangaroos use less energy when they are moving fast than when they are moving slowly.
أكتشفوا أن الكنغر يستخدم طاقة أقل عندما يتحرك أسرع وطاقة أكثر عندما يتحرك ببطيء.
10-Why don't kangaroos need to drink for long periods of time?
لماذا لا يشرب الكنغر لفترات طويلة؟
-Because they get moisture from the grass and the plants they eat.
لأنهم يحصلون علي الرطوبة من العشب والنباتات التي يأكلها.
11-"Kangaroos are marsupials" What does this mean?الكنغر من الحيوانات ذات الجراب؟
-This means that their babies grow in a pouch.يعني أن صغاره تنمو في جراب.
12-What does a pouch mean?ماذا يعني الجراب؟
-It is a kind of bag at the front of أمام kangaroos mothers' body.
13-What are the joeys? -They are baby kangaroos.
14-What are joeys fed on?علي أي شيء يتغذي صغار الكنغر؟
-On their mothers' milk.
15-Kangaroos are mammalsثدييات not reptilesقوارض animals. Explain.
-They are mammals because they give birth to a baby and feed it on milk.
هي ثدييات لأنها تلد وترضع صغارها.
16-How do kangaroos stop themselves from falling?كيف تمنع الكنغر نفسها من السقوط؟
-Using their huge tails.بأستخدام ذيولها القوية.
17-What is strange about the kangaroos legs?ما الغريب في أرجل الكنغر؟
-The front legs are short but the back legs are powerful, long and large.
الارجل الامامية قصيرة ولكن الارجل الخلفية قوية وطويلة وضخمة.
Unit 13
1-What are some of the wonders of the modern world?ما العجائب الحديثة؟
cloningالاستنساخ, space travel, electricity, computer & internet, solar energy, x-ray, test tube babies أطفال الانابيب, Nuclear powerالطاقة النووية , genetic engineeringالهندسة الوراثية, Radio and television, the plane, new ways of farming, the telephone and the mobile etc…..
2-How was the computer in the past?كيف كان الكمبيوتر في الماضي؟
Computers were huge, expensive machines which filled rooms.
3-What about the computer’s price in the past?ماذا عن سعر الكمبيوتر في الماضي؟
They cost so much .
4-What about the personal computer nowadays?ماذا عن الكمبيوتر الشخصي هذه الايام؟
Nowadays computers are cheap , many ordinary people have bought one or more computers, which are connected by the internet to shops, banks and offices.
هذه الايام الكمبيوترات رخيصة والكثير من الناس العادية اشترت واحد او اكثر المتصلة عن طريق الانترنت بالمحلات والبنوك والمكاتب.
5-How could people benefit from computers?كيف يستفيد الناس من الكمبيوتر؟
People are shopping, paying their bills, studying and doing many other things by computer.يتسوقون ويدفعون الفواتير ويدرسون ويفعلون أشياء كثيرة بالكمبيوتر.
6-Which science has done the best to increase our health and happiness?
ما العلم الذي فعل الافضل ليزيد من صحتنا وسعادتنا؟
Medicine, there have also been enormous advances in medical treatment.
الطب لانه يوجد تقدم عظيم في العلاج الطبي.
7-What is best example to show / illustrate advances in medical treatment?
ما أفضل مثال لتوضيح التقدم في العلاج الطبي؟
-X-rays, make it possible to see what is happening inside our bodies.
-Doctors can also replaceيستبدل damaged hearts and lungs.
8-What are the Egyptian pyramids?
The Egyptian pyramids are the tombsمقابر of the pharaohsالفراعنة.
9-How many pyramids are there in Egypt ?كم عدد الاهرامات في مصر؟
There are more than 90 pyramids in all.هناك أكثر من 90 هرم في مصر.
10-Were the pyramids built without machines?هل تم بناء الاهرامات بدون الات؟
They were built without بدونthe kind of machines we use today.
11-During what months were the pyramids built? Why?في اي شهور تم بناء الاهرام؟لماذا؟
Between July and November. Because those are the months when the land was under water so the farmers could not work in the fields.
بين يوليو ونوفمبر وهي الشهور التي كانت فيها الارض مغمورة بالماء ولذلك لم يعمل الفلاحون في الحقول.
12-How did they get the huge pieces of stone up the pyramids?
كيف رفعوا قطع الاحجار الي اعلي الهرم؟
They built ramps up the sides of the pyramids and pulled the stones up the ramps.بنوا طرق منحدرة اعلي جوانب الهرم وجذبوا قطع الاحجار اعلي هذه الطرق.
13-Why the pyramids’ sides shone brightly on finishing the pyramids?
لماذا لمعت جوانب الهرم عندما انتهوا من بناء الهرم؟
They filled in the steps with smaller pieces of white stone.
لأنهم ملئوا درجات الهرم بقطع صغيرة من الحجارة البيضاء.
14-Why did they want the pyramid to shine brightly?
لماذا أرادوا أن يلمع الهرم؟
-To attract the attention.لكي يجذب الانتباه. 15-What qualities were needed by the people who built the pyramids?
ما الخصائص التي أحتاجها من بنوا الهرم؟
Patienceالصبر, intelligenceالذكاء , strong willالارادة القوية, and strong bodiesالاجسام القوية.
16-What can we learn from people in the past, like the Ancient Egyptians?
ماذا يمكن ان نتعلم من بناة الاهرام؟
Working hard leads to success.العمل الجاد يؤدي الي النجاح
17-What do you think makes space travel a wonder of the modern world?
ما الذي يجعل السفر للفضاء عجيبة من العجائب الحديثة؟
It enables people to explore the universe beyond their own world.
لأنه مكن الناس من أكتشاف الكون فيما وراء عالمهم.
18-How can space travel help ordinary people? كيف يمكن ان يساعد السفر للفضاء الناس العادية؟
The science and technology related to space travel have been used in everyday life: the design of small, lightweight equipment; the development of new materials which can be used for everyday things such as medical equipment, use of solar power.
العلم والتكنولوجيا المتصلة بالسفر للخارج استخدمت في الحياة اليومية:تصميم الاجهزة الصغيرة والخفيفة الوزن وتطوير مواد جديدة التي يمكن ان تستخدم في الاشياء اليومية مثل الاجهزة الطبية واستخدام الطاقة الشمية.
19-What new ways of farming are there that help produce better food?
ما الطرق الجديدة في الزراعة التي تساعد في أنتاج طعام أفضل؟
Disease-resistant crops, more intensive use of land, better irrigation and better understanding of nature. المحاصيل المقاومة للامراض والاستخدام المكثف للأرض وري أفضل وفهم أفضل للطبيعة
20-What do you think the writer means by better food?ماذا يعني الكاتب بطعام أفضل؟
Food that is more nutritious and healthy.طعام صحي ومغذي.
21-What do you think will be the wonders the future world?
Space stationsالمحطات الفضائية, robotsالانسان الالي.
22-Do you think ordinary people will travel into or live in space?
Humans may need to colonies يستعمرspace. On the other handعلي الجانب الاخر, it will always be very expensive, so not availableليس متاح to the majorityاغلبية of the world's populations.
23-What do you think people in the future may learn from us today?
ماذا يمكن ان يتعلم الناس في المستقبل منا اليوم؟
I think that they will realiseيدرك that we can adapt toيتكيف مع changes in climate and population.
Unit 14
1-What did Jules Verne write about?عن ماذا كتب جوليوس فيرن؟
He wrote stories about air travel, space travel and submarines.
كتب قصص عن السفر الجوي والسفر للفضاء والغواصات.
2-Why do many people call Jules Verne the father of science fiction ?
لماذا يًُُُُسمي فيرن رائد الخيال العلمي؟
Because Verne wrote stories about air travel, space travel and submarines before planes, rockets or submarines were used.
لانه كتب قصص عن السفر للفضاء والسفر الجوي والغواصات قبل ان تستخدم الطائرات والصواريخ والغواصات.
3-Why did Jules become interested in travel and exploration?
لماذا أصبح جوليوس فيرن مغرماُ بالسفر والاستكشاف؟
Because Verne grew up in a port called Nantes , in northern France .
لأنه نشأ في ميناء يُسمي (نانت)في شمال فرنسا.
4-What did he do after school?ماذا فعل بعد المدرسة؟
After he left school, Jules Verne studied to be a lawyer, as his father.
5-Why did Jules' father stop paying for his son's studies?
لماذا توقف أبو فيرن عن الدفع لدراسة ابنه؟
Because Jules spent a lot of his time writing stories about journeys.
لأن فيرن قضي الكثير من الوقت في الكتابة عن الرحلات.
6-What is Jules' first story?ما أول قصص فيرن؟
His first story was called Five Weeks in a Balloon.
7-What did he do to earn money to live? ماذا فلعل ليكسب قوت عيشة؟
He wrote two books every year and earned enough money to live.
8-What is Verne's most well-known book?ما أهم كتبه؟
His most well-known book is Around the World in Eighty Days.
9-What is his last novel?ما اخر رواياته؟
It was called The Lighthouse at the End of the World.
10-When did his last novel come out?متي ظهرت اخر رواياته؟
His last novel came out after his death. بعد وفاته.
11-Where did the story begin? The story began in a London club.
12-In what year does the story begin? In 1872
13-What is first scene in the story?ما أول مشهد في الرواية؟
Phileas Fogg, a rich man, has an argumentمناقشة-جدال with a friend about how long it would take him to travel round the world.
14-Why do you think Fogg has the time to spend travelling for 80 days?
لماذا فوج لديه وقت للسفر حول العالم في 80 يوم؟
Because he is a very rich man who does not need to work. لأنه غنياً ولا يحتاج للعمل.
15-How much will Fogg win if he succeeds? If Fogg succeeds, he will win £20,000.
16-Who does Fogg leave London with?
Fogg leaves London , with his servantخادم Passepartout.
17-What happened after they left London ?ماذا حدث بعد أن غادروا لندن؟
After seven days, they reach Suez , where they met a man called Fix.
18-What does Fix do? What is Fix's job? Fix is a policeman.
19-What does Fix think of Fogg?
Fix thinks that Fogg is the criminalالمجرم he is looking for.
20-How did they travel to Bombay ?كيف سافروا الي بومباي؟
They travelled to Bombay by ship.
21-How did they travel to Calcutta ? كيف سافروا الي كالكتا؟
They travelled to Calcutta by train.
22-Why did Fogg and his friends have to travel by elephant in India ?
Because the railway line was not finished.لأن خط السكة الحديد لم يكنمل.
23-What happened during their journey?ما حدث أثناء الرحلة؟
On their journey, they saved a young woman from death. Passepartout was kidnapped.
أنقذوا أمراة شابة من الموت وتم اختطاف الخادم.
24-What do Fogg , Passepartout, Fix and Aouda catch in San Francisco ?
In San Francisco they catch the train to New York .
25-What do they missفقد in New York ?
They get to New York late and miss their boat to Liverpool .
26-What two things do they lose in Britain ?
They have missed their train to London , lost a day and so lost the money.
27-Why did they lose the their train to London ?
لماذا فقدوا القطار الي لندن؟
Because Fix arrested Fogg as soon as they had reached Britain .
لأن فكس قبض علي فوج بمجرد ان وصلوا الي لندن.
28-What did Passepartout discover?ماذا أكتشف باسبارتوت؟
Passepartout discovered that it was December 20, not December 21.
and they saved a day.أكتشف انهم في 20 ديسمبر وليس 21 وفروا يوماً.
29-How did they save a day?كيف وفروا يوماً؟
They travelled east; they crossed the International Date Line. أتجهوا شرقاً وعبروا خط التاريخ الدولي.
30-What happened when they know that it was December 20?
Fogg and Passepartout hurried أسرعواto the club and arrived in time to win the £ 20,000.
31-What do you think Fogg's servant does on the journey?
He carries things, looks after Fogg's clothes and preparesيعد his food,books tickets etc.
32-How do you think Fogg and Passepartout prepared for their journey?
I think they prepared food, drink and arranged رتبfor meansوسائل of transport.

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