اخبار الموقع

...مبروك لكل اوائئئئئئئل الثانوية العامة و حظ موفق للجميع.........englishmistro.......أهنى كل طلاب مصرنا الحبيبة بالعام الجديد 2013 و بداية الترم الثانى كما اتمنى ان يكون الجميع قد حققوا التفوق فى امتحانات الترم الاول.............englishmistro................تم ايضا اضافة فديوهات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد و نطق و يمكنكم اختيار اى من هذة الفديوهات بالنقر على كلمة بلاىلست او قائمة التشغيل الموجودة اسفل الفديو على الشمال و تمرير الموس على اى منهم لاختيار الموضوع الذى ترغبون فى تشغيله.........................englishmistro...........كما تم مؤخرا اضافة موقع للاختبار اونلاين على كل مهاراة اللغة من تحدث و استماع فضلا عن القواعد................englishmistro ............انتظروا كل جديد و مفيد ....................englishmistro.........استعدادا لامتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوى سوف يتم طرح مراجعات على المنهج و سوف تكون كالتالى: اولا اسئلة كتاب التدريبات مجمعة حسب ترتيب اسئلة ورقة الامتحان يليها تجميع لنفس النوع و اجابتة ثانيا اسئلة القصة و اجاباتها ثالثاامتحانات كتاب التمرينات و اجاباتها مع الدعاء للجميع بالتفوق ............englishmistro...........زائرى الموقع يمكنكم طبع الموضوعات او اخذ نسخة منها بصيغة بى دى اف وذلك بالنقر على الايقونة الموجودة اسفل عنوان او تاريخ المادة المنشورة كما يمكنكم تلقى جديد الموقع و ذلك بتسجيل الايميل الخاص بكم فلى خانة اتبعنى بالايميل الموجودة على يمين الشاشة..............englishmistro............يمكنكم التعليق على الموضوعات المنشورة فلى الموقع بكل حرية و صراحة و ذلك بالنقر على كلمة تعليقات الموجودة اسفل عبارة اقر المزيد الموجودة اسفل كل موضوع .........englishmistro...........>

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Oliver Twist . Final Revision 1st term مراجعة اوليفر توست للترم الاول

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Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist : an orphan born at the workhouse
Agnes : a young woman and Oliver's mother
Nurse Sally : an old nurse at the workhouse
Mr Bumble : an official from the workhouse
Mrs Mann :a woman who looked after the young orphans from the workhouse
Mrs Corney (later Mrs Bumble) : in charge of the workhouse
Mr Sowerberry : Oliver's employer
Mrs Sowerberry : Mr Sowerberry's wife
Noah Claypole : Mr Sowerberry's employee
Jack Dawkins or The Artful Qodger :
a boy in Fagin's gang / house of thieves
Fagin : leader of a gang/house of thieves
Charlie : a boy in Fagin's gang/house of thieves .
Mr Brownlow: a kind gentleman who adopted Oliver in the end.
Mrs Bedwin : a woman who looks after Mr Brownlow's house
Mr Bill Sikes : a thief and friend of Fagin's
Nancy : a young woman who works for Mr Sikes.
Mr Grimwig : a friend of Mr Brownlow's
Tobey Crackit : a thief
Monks : a mysterious man and Oliver's half brother
Mrs Maylie : a kind woman
Rose : Mrs Maylie's niece and Oliver's aunt
Brittles : a servant in Mrs Maylie's house
Mr Giles : a servant in Mrs Maylie's house

Oliver Twist – Chapter 1
Questions & Answers
1- What is the setting (time and place) of Oliver Twist?
- The setting is England in the 19th century.( during Industrial Revolution )

2- What did most English towns مدن need تحتاج during the Industrial Revolution الثورة الصناعية?
- They needed people to work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the country.

3- Why did many people go to the towns? What problems مشكلات did people have because of the changes تغيرات in society مجتمع?
- They went to the towns to find work, but they were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep.

4- Why did people work at the workhouses ورش?
- Because at least على الأقل they had a bed and some sort of food.

5- Where was Oliver born? - He was born in a workhouse ملجأ.

6- How was Oliver when he was born? - He found it difficult to breathe يتنفس.

7- Why did the doctor and the old nurse not know if the newly born المولود baby would live?
- Because he found it difficult to breathe.

8- How was Oliver's mother when she arrived at the workhouse? - She was ill and weak ضعيفة.

9- What did Oliver's mother do just before she died?
- She kissed قيلت her baby gently برقة on the cheek الخد and smiled.

10- Why was Oliver Twist sent to an old house after he was born?
- He was sent to live with other orphans أيتام there.

11- Who were the orphans أيتام? - They were all the children of parents who had been destitute فقراء.

12- Who was Mrs Mann? - She was the woman who looked after تعتنى بـ the orphans in the old house.

13- Why didn't the boys like Mrs Mann? - Because she was not a kind عطوفة woman.

14- Why did the orphans أيتام in the old house never have very much to eat?
- Because Mrs Mann took some of this money given to look after them for herself.

15- What was Oliver's life like on his ninth birthday?
- He was a small, weak child. He did not go to school and he did not know the world outside.

16- Who was Mr Bumble? - He was an official موظف from the workhouse.

17- Why did Mr Bumble visit Mrs Mann? - to take Oliver to work in the workhouse ملجأ.

18- Why did Mr Bumble take Oliver to work in the workhouse?
- Because he was old enough to work for Mr Bumble in the workhouse.

19- Why was Oliver not sad to leave Mrs Mann? - Because she was not kind to him.

20- Why did Oliver feel wretched محطم when the door to the old house closed behind him?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.

21- Why did the managers of the workhouse مديرو الملجأ tell Oliver he was very lucky محظوظ?
- Because they would give him food and a bed for nothing.

22- What kind نوع of life did the orphans أيتام lead يعيش in the workhouse?
- They lead a hard life. They were thin نحيف and weak ضعيف. They wore old clothes. They were always hungry جوعان.

23- Why was Oliver's life in the workhouse not easy?
- He worked hard at the workhouse. His bed was very uncomfortable غير مريح and the food was never enough.

24- Why were Oliver and the other boys in the workhouse close to قريب من starving الموت جوعا?
- Because the food was never enough. All they ate was a thin soup.

25- Why was the master furious غاضب جدا with Oliver at the workhouse?
- Because he asked for more food.

26- How was Oliver punished عوقب for asking for more food?
- He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten in front of the other boys. And the workhouse put up a sign to find someone to take Oliver away.

27- What did the managers مديرو of the workhouse do to get rid of يتخلص من Oliver?
- They put a message on the door of the workhouse. It offered عرض five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.

28- What did Mr Bumble do to prevent يمنع any of the boys from asking for more food?
- He made Oliver stand in front of them while they were eating. Then he beat Oliver.

29- Who was Mr Sowerberry? - H was a coffin maker صانع توابيت.

30- Why did Mr Sowerberry take Oliver from the workhouse?
- Because he needed an apprentice. صبى تحت التمرين

31- Why did Oliver cry صرخ when Mr Bumble took him to Mr Sowerberry?
- Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.

32- Why was Mr Sowerberry not very happy when he saw Oliver?
- Because Oliver was very small.

33- Why did Mrs Sowerberry object to اعترضت على Oliver's being very small?
- Because it would cost يكلف money to feed him.

34- Do you think Mrs Sowerberry was kind to Oliver? Why / why not ?
- No, she treated him unkindly بلا عطف. She gave him some old food that they had not eaten. She made him sleep down in the shop.

35- Why was it not easy for Oliver to sleep when he went to Mr Sowerberry's?
- Because he was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded محاط by unfinished coffins توابيت لم تكتمل.

36- Who was Noah Claypole? What did he look like يشبه?
- He was a boy who helped Mr Sowerberry. He was tall with a red nose.

37- What did Noah do to make sure Oliver knew who the master was?
- He gave orders أوامر to Oliver and gave him a small kick ركلة.

38- Show وضح that Mrs Sowerberry didn't treat تعامل Oliver and Noah Claypole equally بالتساوى.
- She asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast, but she gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down below where it was freezing cold.

39- Why was Noah jealous of غيور من Oliver?
- Because Mr Sowerberry seemed بدا pleased مسرور with Oliver. Noah was told to work inside when Oliver went out with Mr Sowerberry.

40- What did Noah say about Oliver's mother that made Oliver so angry?
- He said that she died in the workhouse because she was not good at ماهرة فى anything .
41- What did Oliver feel when Noah talked about his mother?
- He felt ashamed خجل and angry Because Noah talked badly تحدث بالسوء about his mother.

42- What did Oliver do when Noah talked badly of his mother? - He hit ضرب him hard.

43- How was Oliver punished عوقب when he hit ضرب Noah hard?
- They locked حبس Oliver in a dark cellar القبو and complained اشتكى to Mr Bumble.

44- Show that Oliver was a brave شجاع boy.
- When he was locked حبس in the cellar القبو, Mr Bumble talked to him menacinglyمهددا , but Oliver told him that he was not afraid.

45- What did Mr Bumble blame يلوم Mrs Sowerberry for?
- He blamed her for giving Oliver too much meat and for being too kind o him.

46- What advice نصيحة did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?
- He advised her to leave Oliver in the cellar القبو without food for a few days and to feed يطعم him only soup شوربة.

47- Why did Oliver run away from يهرب من Mr Sowerberry's house?
- He knew he could not stay in that place any longer. His life was unbearable لا تطاق.

48- How did Oliver run away from يهرب من Mr Sowerberry's house?
- He realised أدرك that the door was not locked مغلق. No one was awake مستيقظ and it was easy to leave the house without anyone realising.


1- "What's the mother's name?"
1- Who said this to whom? - The doctor to the nurse.
2- Who were they talking about?- They were talking about Oliver's mother.
3- Did they know the mother's name? Why? Why not?
- No they didn't because she died.

2- "She arrived at the workhouse last night. She was ill and weak when she came."
1- Who said this to whom? - The nurse to the doctor.
2- What were they talking about? - They were talking about Oliver's mother.
3- Where were they? - They were in the workhouse.

3- "Can I see my new baby?"
1- Who said this to whom?- Oliver's mother to the nurse
2- What did the speaker say this? - She said this when the baby cried.
3- What did the speaker do on seeing the baby?
- She kissed قبلت her baby gently برقة on the cheek الخد and smiled.

4- "Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was."
1- Who said these words? To whom? - The nurse to the doctor.
2- Who is the beautiful woman? - She is Oliver's mother.
3- Why will they never know who she was? - Because she died.

5- "Now Oliver's nine, you don't need to look after him."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Bumble to Mrs Mann
2- Why didn't the addressed person need to look after Oliver?
- Because Oliver was old enough to work for Mr Bumble in the workhouse.
3- Why did Oliver feel wretched محطم when the door to the old house closed behind him?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.

6- "Why are you crying? You're very lucky to work here."
1- Who said this to whom? - The managers of the workhouse said this to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person crying? - He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
3- Was the addressed person really lucky? Why? Why not?
- No, he wasn't because he worked hard at the workhouse. His bed was very uncomfortable غير مريح and the food was never enough.

7- "Please, sir, I want some more."
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver said this to the master of the workhouse.
2- Why did this person say it?
- He wanted more to eat. / The other boys chose Oliver to speak for them all.
3- What was the result of this request?
- He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten in front of the other boys.

8- "If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave."
1- Who said this to whom? - The managers of the workhouse to the master
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Oliver.
3- Were they really generous? Why? Why not?
- No, they weren't because the food they gave to the boys was never enough.

9- "Why are you crying? You should be happy to have the opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerberry."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Bumble to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person الشخص المخاطب crying?
- Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
3- Who was Mr Sowerberry? - H was a coffin maker صانع توابيت.

10- "I'll be a good boy, but I have no …"
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to Mr Bumble.
2- What didn't that boy have? - He didn't have friends.
3- What did the speaker mean by "but I have no …."? - He meant he had no friends.

11- "He's very small, Mr Bumble."
1- Who said this? - Mr Sowerberry
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Oliver.
3- Why did the speaker object to اعترضت على Oliver's being very small?
- Because he thought he isn't suitable to the job.

12- "He is small, but he'll grow."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Bumble to Mr Sowerberry.
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Oliver.
3- When did the speaker say this? - When Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very small.

13- "But it will cost money to feed him."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sowerberry's wife to Mr Bumble.
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - She was talking about Oliver.
3- How did the speaker feed him? - She gave him old food or a little bread.

14- "You're from the workhouse, aren't you?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Noah Claypole to Oliver.
2- What did the speaker do? - He helped Mr Sowerberry
3- What did the speaker look like? - He was a tall boy with a red nose.

15- "You do what I say, Workhouse Boy. Now open the shutters."
1- Who said this? - Noah Claypole
2- To whom was this said? - This was said to Oliver.
3- Why did the speaker give the addressed person orders?
- He wanted to make sure that Oliver knew who the master was.

16- "Why can't I have a good breakfast like Noah?"
1- Who said this? - Oliver
2- When did the speaker say this?
- He said this when Mrs Sowerberry called and asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast. She gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down
3- What does this show? - This shows that Mrs Sowerberry didn't treat تعامل Oliver and Noah equally بالتساوى.

17- "What happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Noah Claypole to Oliver.
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
- He told him that the nurse said she died of a broken heart.
3- How did the speaker insult يهين the addressed person?
- He told him he heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything and that that if she hadn't died, they would have punished her.

18- "Help! He's killing me!"
1- Who was shouting for help? - Noah Claypole
2- Why was he shouting for help? - Because Oliver started to hit him hard.
3- Who hurried to help him? - Mr and Mrs Sowerberry hurried to help him.

19- "Help me lock him in here."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr and Mrs Sowerberry to Noah Claypole.
2- Who are they going to lock? - They are going to lock Oliver.
3- Where are they going to lock him? Why?
- They are going to lock him in a dark cellar because he hit Noah hard.

20- "You poor boy. We must get Mr Bumble at once."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mrs Sowerberry to Noah Claypole.
2- Who was Mr Bumble? - Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse.
3- Why did they have to get Mr Bumble at once?
- Because Oliver, who came from the workhouse, hit Noah hard.

21- "Oliver, do you know who's speaking? Aren't you afraid, Oliver?"
1- Who said this? - Mr Bumble.
2- Where was Oliver? - He was locked in the dark cellar at Mr Sowerberry's house.
3- What was Oliver's reply?
- He said that he knew who was speaking and that he wasn't afraid.

22- "You've given him too much meat. You've been too kind to him. Leave him in this cellar without food for a few days, then feed him only soup."
1- Who said these words? - Mr Bumble
2- Where was the speaker? - He was at Mr Sowerberry’s (outside the cellar where Oliver was locked in).
3- What had happened shortly before these words were said?
- Noah Claypole spoke badly Oliver about his mother, so Oliver started hitting him. They locked Oliver in the cellar and called for Mr Bumble.
Oliver Twist: Chapter 2
Questions & answers

1- Why was Oliver careful to hide after running away from Mr Sowerberry's?
- He thought that people would take him back to Mr Sowerberry.

2- Why did Oliver decide to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.

3- How did Oliver go to London? - He went to London on foot.

4- How long did it take Oliver to go to London? - It took him seven days .

5- Who helped Oliver to go to London? What was he like?
- Jack Dawkins, the Artful Dodger. He was a boy of about Oliver's age عمر. He was wearing يرتدى a man's coat and a tall hat.

6- How did Jack Dawkins seem يبدو to be kind عطوف to Oliver when they first met?
- He bought Oliver a meal and said he could show him the way الطريق to London.

7- Why did Oliver think he should run away يهرب again when Jack took him through the streets of London?
- Because London was not as he expected يتوقع. The streets were poorer أكثر فقرا and dirtier أكثر قذارة than he had ever seen.

8- Who was Fagin? What was he like?
- He was the leader زعيم of a gang عصابة who got young boys to steal يسرق for him. He was an ugly قبيح old man with red hair.

9- What did Oliver see Fagin doing when he woke up استيقظ?
- Oliver saw Fagin taking out some expensive jewellery مجوهرات of a wooden box صندوق خشبى.

10- What did Fagin do when he saw that Oliver was awake مستيقظ? Why?
- He jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. He threatened هدد Oliver with a knife سكين to make sure يتأكد that Oliver didn't see his gold watches and expensive jewellery.

11- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser بخيل?
- Because he had so much jewellery and so many watches, however مع ذلك he lived in such an old place.

12- Why do you think Fagin live in such an old dirty house ?
- He was a miser بخيل; he didn't like to spend money. Or he didn't want the police to know about him

13- What did Oliver think about the way طريقة Fagin used all his money?
- He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.

14- Oliver agreed that the notebooks كراسات were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny مضحك ( Why did they laugh at him ) ?
- Because Oliver was an innocent برئ child, he didn't know that the things were stolen.
Or because of his innocent remarks about stolen things

15- What do Fagin and the boys do for a living لكسب الرزق? - They steal things.

16- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys? What did Oliver think of it ?
- It was how to steal يسرق things from people. Oliver thought that the game was very funny.

17- When did Oliver understand why Fagin had so many watches and silk handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery?
- When he saw the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow, he realised أدرك that the boys were thieves.

18- How did Oliver get involved تورط in a crime جريمة he didn't commitيرتكب?
- He just watched the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from the gentleman who called out صاح, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away يهرب, he was caught by people.

19- Why was Mr Brownlow puzzled مندهشا when he first saw Oliver?
- He thought he had seen the boy before, but he didn't know where.

20- What happened to Oliver when the magistrate القاضى decided that Oliver should go to prison?
- He felt ill سقط مريضا and fainted أغمى عليه.

21- Why did the magistrate القاضى change his decision and set Oliver free اطلق سراحه ?
- Because the owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys.

22- Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted طيب القلب gentleman.
- He tried to prove يثبت Oliver's innocence براءة in the police station. When he saw Oliver lying down مستلقيا on the street, he took him to his house to look after him.

23- Who was Mrs Bedwin? - She was an old lady who looked after تعتنى بـ Mr Brownlow's house.

24- Why did Mr Brownlow look puzzled مندهش when he looked at Oliver and the painting صورة?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth of the pretty جميلة woman were almost تقريبا the same as Oliver's.

25- Why was Fagin so angry to hear that Oliver was caught( arrested القي القبض عليه ) by the police?
- He was afraid that Oliver would tell the police about the gang .

26- Who was Bill Sikes?
- He was a thief and a friend of Fagin's. He was an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders أكتاف.

27- Who was Nancy? - She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.

28- Why did Mr Sikes suggest sending Nancy to the police station?
- Because the police didn't know her. She could go and find out what had happened to Oliver.

29- How did Fagin find out يعرف where Oliver was?
- He sent Nancy to the police station, where she was told that Oliver had gone.

30- Why did Fagin want to find Oliver?
- Because he was afraid that Oliver would tell Mr Brownlow about them and Mr Brownlow would send the police after them.


1- "You look hungry. Where are you going?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Jack, the Artful Dodger, to Oliver.
2- Where was the addressed person الشخص المخاطب going? - He was going to London.
3- What did the speaker المتحدث do when he knew that the other person was hungry جوعان?
- He bought him a meal وجبة.

2- ''I'm going to London."
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to Jack, the Artful Dodger.
2- Why did the speaker decide يقرر to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to قادر على find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.
3- How did the addressed person الشخص المخاطبhelp the speaker to go to London?
- He showed him the way الطريق to London.

3- "Have you got a room there? Or any money?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Jack, the Artful Dodger, to Oliver.
2- What was the addressed person's answer? - He said that he had almost تقريبا nothing.
3- How did the speaker help the other person?
- He said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing مجانا.

4- "Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."
1- Who said this? - Jack Dawkins
2- To who was it said? - It was said to Oliver.
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man?
- He will steal يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs مناديل حرير.

5- "What did you see?" he shouted صاح, taking a knife سكين in one hand.
1- Who said this o whom? - Fagin to Oliver.
2- What was the other person's answer? - He said that he saw nothing.
3- What did that person really فعلا see?
- He saw Fagin taking gold watches and expensive jewellery مجوهرات out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى

6- "I hope you've been at work this morning, boys."
1- Who said this to whom? - Fagin said this to Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins.
2- What kind of work were they doing?
- They were stealing يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs.
3- What did Oliver think they had done? - He thought they had made the things.

7- "They're well made, aren't they?”
1- Who said this to whom? - Fagin to Oliver.
2- What were they talking about? - They were talking about some notebooks.
3- Who brought those things? How did he / she get them?
- Jack brought them. He stole سرق them from people.

8- "The boy is so very young."
1- Who said this? - Charley.
2- Which boy was he talking about? - He was talking about Oliver Twist.
3- Why did the speaker say so?
- Because of Oliver's innocent remarks ملاحظاته البريئة on the stolen things.

9- "Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game."
1- Who said this o whom? - Fagin to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What did he mean يعنى by "our little game"? - How to steal سرقة things from people's pockets.
3- What did Oliver think at first of this game? - He thought that this game was very funny مضحكة.

10- "Stop him! He's a thief!"
1- Who said this? About whom was it said? - People in the street. It was said about Oliver.
2- Was that person really a thief? Why / Why not? - No, he wasn't. He didn't steal anything.
3- Why was that person accused اتهم of being a thief?
- He was with Jack and Charley when they stole a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow who called out, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away, people caught him.

11- "It wasn't me!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to the policeman.
2- What did the speaker deny أنكر? - He denied stealing anything from the gentleman.
3- Was the speaker innocent برئ or guilty مذنب? - He was innocent.

12- "It wasn't that boy! It was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. "
1- Who said this? - The bookshop owner .
2- Who is "that boy" and "two other boys"?
- “That boy” is Oliver. “Two other boys” are Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins / the Artful Dodger.
3- What happened as a result of these words? - The magistrate set Oliver free. اطلق سراح اوليفر

13- "Poor boy. Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me."
1- Who said these words? - Mr Brownlow.
2- Why did the speaker want to take Oliver to his house?
- Because he was lying down on the street outside the police station. He wanted to look after him.
3- What does this show يبينabout the speaker's character شخصيته?
- This shows that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted person.

14- "But what is this? Look there."
1- Who said this? - Mr Brownlow
2- Where was the speaker? - He was in a room in his house.
3- What was the speaker looking at? - A painting صورة of a young woman who looked like Oliver.

15- "We need يحتاج to speak to him quickly."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes to Fagin.
2- Who did they need to speak to? - They needed to speak to Oliver.
3- Why did they need to speak to him quickly? - Before he told the police about them.

16- "The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out يعرف what's happened."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who was Nancy? - She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.
3- What did Nancy find out?
- She found out عرفت that Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow.

17- "Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1- Who said this to whom? - Fagin to Nancy and the Artful Dodger.
2- Who did they want to find? - They wanted to find Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them

- Chapter 3
- Questions & answers

1- What did Oliver find when he woke up at Mr Brownlow's house?
- He found that the painting صورة of the woman on the wall had gone اختفت.

2- Why was the painting of the woman taken down تم إنزالها?
- Because it seemed to worry تقلق Oliver.

3- What did Oliver tell Mr Brownlow when he asked him about his life?
- He told him about his time at the workhouse إصلاحية.

4- Who was Mr Grimwig? - He was Mr Brownlow's friend.

5- Why did Mr Brownlow send Oliver to the bookshop المكتبة?
- To pay for يدفع ثمن some books and to return ليعيد some others..

6- Why did Mr Grimwig think that Oliver wouldn't return? Was he right?
- Mr Grimwig thought he would return to the thieves لصوص because he had money, new clothes and books. Mr Grimwig was partly جزئيا right: Oliver did return to the thieves, but not willingly ليس برغبته.

7- What happened to Oliver while he was walking to the bookshop?
- Nancy and Mr Sikes kidnapped him اختطفوه and led him قادوه to Fagin's old shop.

8- What did Nancy tell the people who saw her grab Oliver?
- She told them that Oliver had run away from هرب home and she was taking him to his parents والديه.

9- Why couldn't Oliver run away from Nancy and Mr Sikes? - Because he wasn't strong enough.

10- What did the boys do when they saw Oliver in his new clothes?
- They started laughing بدأوا يضحكون.

11- What did Fagin and Mr Sikes do with Oliver's new clothes, the money and the books?
- Fagin took the new clothes and the books while Mr Sikes took the money.

12- Why did Oliver beg Fagin and Mr Sikes to take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow?
- Because Mr Brownlow had been so good to him عطوف عليه and because he would think he stole them.

13- What did Mr Sikes do to Oliver when he tried to escape?
- He began to beat يضرب him with a stick عصا.

14- Show that Nancy was kind to Oliver.
- She asked Mr Sikes to stop hitting ضرب Oliver and threatened هددت to call تستدعى the police if he didn't stop.

15- What was the advertisement إعلان, which Mr Bumble saw in the newspaper, about?
- To ask for any information people had about a lost boy called Oliver Twist.

16- What did Mr Bumble do when he read the advertisement in the newspaper?
- He told Brownlow all he knew about the bad and difficult boy .

17- Why did Mr Bumble talk to Mr Brownlow about Oliver? What was the result of their conversation?
- Because Mr Bumble hated Oliver. As a result كنتيجة, Mr Brownlow didn’t want to hear anything about the boy again.

18- What did the Artful Dodger ask Oliver to join? How did he try to persuade him يقنعه?
- He asked him to join their gang العصابة. He said that he could be rich by taking people's things.

19- What plans خطط did Fagin have for Oliver?
- Fagin wanted to make him a thief لص. He let سمح Sikes use Oliver to rob يسطو على a house.

20- Show how Nancy sympathised with تعاطفت مع Oliver.
- She sympathised with Oliver and asked Mr Sikes to stop hitting him. She told Oliver that she tried to help him and promised to help him again.

21- Who was Toby Crackit? - He was a thief لص in Fagin's gang.

22- What did Oliver see when he climbed up the wall in the countryside?
- He saw a large house.

23- Did Oliver want to help the gang to rob the house? Explain.
- No, he didn't. He cried asking not to ask him to do such a thing. Sikes told him to be quiet and do as he was told or there'd be trouble. He threatened him هدده with his gun مسدس.

24- Why did Sikes and Crackit need Oliver to help the gang to break into the house?
- Because the window was too small for any adult شخص بالغ to climb through, but it was not too small for a child.

25- What happened when Oliver went inside the house?
- Oliver heard someone shout something. Then there was a loud bang صوت إطلاق النار. Oliver was shot.

26- Was the robbery successful ناجحة? Why? - No, because Oliver was shot.


1- "We took it down because it seemed to worry you."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mrs Bedwin to Oliver.
2- What was the speaker talking about? - The painting of the woman on the wall.
3- Did that thing really worry يقلق the listener المستمع? Why / why not?
- No, it didn't worry him because he said that he liked it.

2- "Get well, then, Oliver, and we can put it back."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mrs Bedwin to Oliver.
2- What was the speaker talking about? -About the painting of the woman on the wall.
3- Why would the speaker put that thing back - Because Oliver liked it.

3- "Hello, is this the boy you told me about?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Grimwig to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Oliver Twist.
3- What did the speaker think of that boy? - He thought that he was a bad boy and a thief.

4- "We need to pay for these new books."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mrs Bedwin to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who would be sent to pay for the books? - Oliver
3- Who suggested اقترح sending that person? - Mr Grimwig suggested sending him.

5- "Yes, do let me help you, sir.".
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to Mr Brownlow.
2- What did the speaker want to do to help the listener? - To go to the bookshop to pay for the books.
3- Why did the speaker beg the listener to give him that chance فرصة?
- Oliver wanted to repay يكافئ Mr Brownlow for all his kindness عطف.

6- "Do you really think he'll come back?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Grimwig to Mr Brownlow.
2- When was this said? - He said this just after Oliver went to pay for the books.
3- How did the listener reply? Do the speaker and the listener share يشارك the same opinion?
- He said of course Oliver would come back. The speaker and listener do not have the same opinion.

7- "He has new clothes, some books and five pounds."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Grimwig to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - He was talking about Oliver Twist.
3- What were the speaker and listener arguing يجادل about?
- Mr Grimwig thought that Oliver would run away يهرب with the things he had, but Mr Brownlow was sure he would go back.

8- "There you are! I've found him!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Nancy said this to Mr Sikes.
2- Who did the speaker find? - She found Oliver.
3- Why were they looking for that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.

9- "He's run away from home. I'm taking him back to his mother and father"
1- Who said this? - Nancy.
2- To whom was it said? - It was said to some people in the street.
3- Where was the speaker really taking 'him' to? - ToFagin's old house.

10- "Come with me, Oliver, you bad boy."
1- Who was speaking? - Mr Sikes
2- Where did he want to take Oliver? - He wanted to take him to Fagin's house.
3- What trick الحيلة did the speaker play to take Oliver there?
- He and Nancy pretended ادعت that they knew Oliver's parents and they were taking the boy to them.

11- "Look at his clothes and books! What a gentleman."
1- Who said this to whom? - Charley to the Artful Dodger and Fagin.
2- Who were they laughing at? - They were talking about Oliver who looked like a gentleman
3- How would that person lose these clothes and books?
- Fagin would take them from him.

12- "And I will have this five pound note for our troubles."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes to Fagin.
2- Whose مِلك من five pound note was it? - It was Mr Brownlow's.
3- What troubles did the speaker reward يكافئ himself for?
- The troubles of looking for Oliver and kidnapping him.

13- "Please, take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow."
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to Fagin and Mr Sikes.
2- Why did the speaker want to return the books and money to Mr Brownlow?
- Because he might think that Oliver stole them.
3- Did the listener agree? - No, he didn't.

14- "Don't do that to the boy! He's already a thief like me."
1- Who said this to whom? - Nancy to Mr Sikes.
2- Who was the speaker talking about? - She was talking about Oliver.
3- What was the listener doing to the boy then? Why?
- He was beating يضرب him with a stick because he tried to escape.

15- "Take his clothes and lock him in a room," he said angrily.
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes to Fagin
2- Why was the speaker angry?
- Because Nancy asked him to stop hitting Oliver and threatened to call the police.
3- Why would that person be locked in a room? - Because he tried to escape.

16- "I told you he was a bad one."
1- Who said to whom? - Mr Grimwig said this to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who did the speaker mean? - Oliver.
3- How did they make sure that this person was a bad one?
- Mr Bumble visited Mr Brownlow and told him that Oliver was a bad and difficult boy.

17- "Sadly, you were right. I do not want to hear his name ever again. "
1- Who said these words and to whom? - Mr Brownlow to Mr Grimwig.
2- Why did he say "You were right"?
- He said “You were right” because Mr Grimwig had said that Oliver would return to the thieves.
3- Whose name does he not want to hear again and why? What did he learn about the person?
- He doesn’t want to hear Oliver’s name because he learned (from Mr Bumble) that Oliver was bad.

18- "Why don't you join our gang? Take things and you'll be rich."
1- Who said this to whom? - The Artful Dodger to Oliver.
2- Who were the gang members أعضاء? - They were Fagin, Mr Sikes, Charley, Nancy and Toby.
3- What was the listener's reply?
- He refused, saying that he would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's.

19- "I would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's."
1- Who said this to whom? - Oliver to the Artful Dodger.
2- When was this said? - It was said when the Artful Dodger asked Oliver to join their gang.
3- Why would the speaker prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's?
- Because Mr Brownlow was very kind to him.

20- "We need a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the countryside."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes to Fagin.
2- Who did the listener suggest? - He suggested Oliver.
3- Why did they need a boy for that job المهمة?
- Because the window was too small for any adult to climb through, but it was not too small for a child.

21- "Be quiet. Do as I tell you or there'll be trouble."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes to Oliver.
2- Where were they? - They were on top of the wall of the house in the country.
3- What did the speaker do to show the other listener what the trouble would be? - He pointed to his gun.

- Chapter 4
Questions & answers

1- What did Toby Crackit and Mr Sikes do to make it harder for anyone who was following يتبع them after the robbery attempt محاولة السرقة?
- They ran to different places. Mr Sikes stayed in the country, but Toby went to London.

2- What happened to Crackit, Sikes, and Oliver after the failed فاشلة robbery attempt محاولة?
- Crackit got back to London. Sikes stayed in the country. Oliver was left in a field.

3- Why was Fagin not at all happy? - Because the robbery had not been successful.

4- What did Toby and Mr Sikes do with Oliver after he had been shot?
- They carried him through some fields, but people were chasing يطارد them, so they left him in a field.

5- Describe Monks. Who do you think he is?
- Monks is tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. He looks around nervously بعصبية. He looks cruel قاسى.

6- How does he feel about Oliver being used in the robbery attempt محاولة?
- He is not happy that Oliver was used for a robbery, He seems mostly afraid of the police.

7- What did Monks blame يلوم Fagin for? - He blamed him for not keeping Oliver with his gang عصابة.

8- Why was Monks worried قلق when he knew that Oliver had been shot?
- Because if Oliver was dead, the police would look for them.

9- What happened to Oliver when Mr Sikes and Toby left him in the field?
- He was unconscious فاقد الوعى. When he woke up, his arm hurt يؤلم badly and he was so weak ضعيف that he found it difficult to stand up..

10- What did Mr Brittles do when he opened the door and saw Oliver?
- He called, "Here's the thief!" and took hold of أمسك Oliver's arm.

11- How did Mrs Maylie and Rose treat عاملوا "the thief" when they knew that he was hurt?
- They treated him kindly بعطف. They got a doctor to look after him.

12- How did Dr Losberne explain that a young boy can be a criminal مجرم?
- He said that evil الشر can live in anybody.

13- What did Rose ask Mrs Maylie to do to Oliver? Why?
- She asked her to be kind to him because he was helpless بائس and small.
14- According to طبقا لـ Rose, what would have happened to her if it hadn't been for لولا Mrs Maylie's generosity كرم?
- Rose might have been helpless بائس like Oliver.

15- What was the obstacle العقبة in the way of Dr Losberne to help the poor boy when he heard his story?
- It was that the servants knew the boy was a thief and they might call the police.

16- What was Dr Losberne's first plan to protect Oliver from the police? Why was that plan not successful?
- To make use of يستغل Mr Giles's being worried that the boy could get him into trouble, so he might not call the police. But the plan was not successful as Mr Brittles had already called the police.

17- Why did the doctor refuse to tell the police Oliver's story?
- A magistrate قاضى المحكمة would send Oliver to prison السجن because he had run away from the place where he worked, then he joined a gang of thieves and tried to break into a house.

18- What was Dr Losberne's second plan to protect Oliver from the police?
- He told the detectives that Oliver hurt جرح his arm and went there for help. He also said that Mr Giles caught the boy by mistake thinking that he was one of the thieves.

19- How did Oliver try to show how thankful he was to Mrs Maylie and Rose?
- He offered to work for them. He asked to water their flowers or do something to make them happy.

20- Why did Rose say that she was lucky?
- Because she had an aunt who had enough money to help helpless people like Oliver.

21- Why did Oliver look white when he and Dr Losberne reached the street where Mr Brownlow lived?
- Because there was a sign on Mr Brownlow's house. It said "Sold."

22- Who was Mrs Corney?
- She was in charge of مسئولة عن the workhouse where Oliver was born.

23- Why did Mrs Corney leave her room to visit the sick old woman?
- Because the old woman wanted to tell her something important.

24- What did Nurse Sally tell Mrs Corney about Oliver's mother?
- She told her that Oliver's mother was rich enough for a good hospital. The workhouse was the wrong place for her.
25- What did Nurse Sally admit اعترفت بـ doing?
- She admitted stealing a gold locket قلادة . سلسلة from Oliver's mother.


1- "But where's the boy?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Fagin to Toby.
2- Which boy was the speaker referring to يشير إلى? - Oliver.
3- What was the listener's answer? - He said that they had left the boy in a field after the robbery.

2- "After he was shot, we carried him through some fields."
1- Who said this to whom? - Toby to Fagin.
2- Why was shot? Why? - Oliver was shot because he was trying to break into Mrs Maylie's house.
3- What did they do after carrying him through some fields?
- They left him in a field because people were chasing them.

3- "This was not well planned."
1- Who said this to whom? - Monks to Fagin.
2- What was the speaker talking about? - The robbery attempt at the country house.
3- Why did the speaker say that it was not well planned?
- Because the robbery was not successful and Oliver was shot.

4- "Mr Sikes had a job for him. And you should be happy I found him!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Fagin to Monks.
2- For whom did Mr Sikes have a job? - He had a job for Oliver.
3- What was that job that Mr Sikes had for that person?
- He wanted Oliver to help him and Toby in breaking into a house.

5- "What if the boy's dead? The police will look for us!”
1- Who said this to whom? - Monks to Fagin.
2- Who would the police look for if that boy was dead?
- The police would look for Fagin's gang.
3- Why was it likely من المحتمل that this boy would die? - Because he had been shot.

6- "Here's the thief!”
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Brittles to Mr Giles and the cook.
2- Where were they then? - They were at Mrs Maylie's house.
3- Who was accused اتهم of being a thief? Why?
- Oliver because he had tried to break into the house with Mr Sikes and Toby.
7- "We've got the thief that I shot!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Giles to Mrs Maylie and Rose.
2- Who did the speaker shoot? - He shot Oliver.
3- How could they get that "thief"?
- Oliver walked to Mrs Maylie's house and knocked on the door. Then, the servants caught him.

8- "Is he hurt? We must get a doctor at once."
1- Who said this to whom? - Rose to Mr Giles and Mrs Maylie.
2- Who were they talking about? Why was he hurt?
- They were talking about Oliver. He was hurt because he was shot.
3- Who was the doctor that they got? - Dr Losberne.

9- "I think you should come and see the thief. You don't need to be afraid."
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Mrs Maylie and Rose.
2- What did the listeners expect the thief to be like?
- They expected see a big, strong man.
3- What did the thief turn out اتضح to be like?
- He turned out to be a small sleeping boy.

10- "How can such a young boy be a criminal?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Rose to Dr Losberne and Mrs Maylie.
2- What reply did the speaker get to this question?
- Dr Losberne told her that evil can live in anybody.
3- Was that boy really a criminal? State why.
- No, he wasn't a criminal because he was forced مُجبر to break into the house against his will. ضد إرادته

11- "He looks so helpless and small. If it hadn't been for your generosity, I might be helpless like this small child!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Rose to Mrs Maylie.
2- Who is the person talking about? - She is talking about Oliver, who is wounded.
3- What does the person mean by "If it hadn't been for your generosity ... "?
- She means that Mrs Maylie was generous to adopt Rose when she was a child. This is why Rose now feels she wants to be generous in turn to some other child — Oliver.

12- "Let's wait until the boy can talk to us. Then we can decide what to do with him."
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Mrs Maylie and Rose.
2- Why couldn't the boy talk to them at that moment? - Because he was very ill in bed.
3- What did they think that boy was? Why did they think so? اعتقدوا ذلك
- They thought he was a thief. They thought so because he was trying to break into Mrs Maylie's house, but he was shot.

13- "You shot the boy, didn't you?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Mr Giles.
2- What was the listener's reply? - He said that he shot the boy.
3- Why did that person shot that boy?
- Because that boy was trying to break into Mrs Maylie's house.

14- "Yes, doctor. He isn't going to die, is he?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Giles to Dr Losberne.
2- Why was it probable محتمل that this person would die? - Because he had been shot.
3- Why was the speaker worried then?
- Because he had shot the boy. He was worried he might go to prison.

15- "I want to help the boy, but I don't know what to say to the detectives."
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Mrs Maylie.
2- Who did the speaker want to help? - He wanted to help Oliver.
3- Why did the speaker want to help that boy?
- Because he heard his story and realised that he needed to be helped.

16- "We must not tell them Oliver's story."
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Mrs Maylie and Rose.
2- Who did the speaker want to conceal يخفي (hide) Oliver's story from?
- He wanted to conceal يخفي (hide) Oliver's story from the detectives.
3- Why did the speaker refuse to tell these people Oliver's story?
- Because the magistrate would send Oliver to prison.

17- "This is the boy who hurt his arm yesterday and came here for help this morning."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Dr Losberne to Detective Duff and Detective Blathers.
2- What did the speaker want to hide from the addressed person(s)?
- He wanted to hide that Oliver took part اشترك في in the robbery.
3- Why did the speaker wish to protect that boy from the police?
- He sympathised with him and thought that he needed to be helped.

18- "You don't need to do anything. I'm lucky because I have an aunt who has enough money to help people like you. "
1- Who said this to whom? - Rose said this to Oliver.
2- What did the listener offer to do?
- Oliver offered to work for Rose, to water her flowers or do anything for her.
3- Why do you think the speaker says this?
- Probably because this is Rose’s way of showing her gratitude امتنان to Mrs Maylie, by being kind to someone else.

19- "What's the matter? You look white. Are you feeling ill?"
1- Who said this to whom? - Dr Losberne to Oliver.
2- Why did the listener look white?
- Because he found that Mr Brownlow had sold his house and moved.
3-Why did the speaker take the listener to that place?
- Because Oliver was looking forward to seeing the kind man who had helped him in London

20- "Excuse me, Miss. Nurse Sally doesn't have much time. "
1- Who said this to whom? - A poor woman, to Mrs Corney.
2- Why did Nurse Sally not have much time?
- Because she was very ill and she was about to على وشك أن die soon.
3- What did Nurse Sally want to do then?
- She wanted to tell Mrs Corney something important about Oliver's mother.

21- "No, Miss, but she says she wants to tell you something important."
1- Who said this to whom? - A poor woman to Mrs Corney.
2- What does the pronoun "she" refer to? - It refers to Nurse Sally.
3- About whom was that important thing?
- It was about Oliver's mother.

22- "When I was younger, I was a nurse to a woman who died here."
1- Who said these words? To whom? - Nurse Sally to Mrs Corney.
2- What did the speaker say about that woman?
- She said that she was rich and that she had a gold locket. She asked Nurse Sally to take the gold for her child, but she stole it.
3- Why couldn't the speaker complete her story about that woman?
- Because she died

23- "She was rich enough for a good hospital. I stole from her before she died!"
1- Who said this to whom? - Nurse Sally to Mrs Corney.
2- What did the speaker steal and from whom?
- She stole a gold locket from Oliver’s mother.
3- About how long after the theft did the speaker say this, and what happened to the speaker after saying this?
- The speaker said this more than ten years/nearly eleven or twelve years after Oliver was born, and she died after saying this.

24- "I stole from her before she died."
1- Who said this to whom? - Nurse Sally to Mrs Corney.
2- Who does the word "her" refer to?
- It refers to Oliver's mother.
3- What did the speaker steal?
- She stole a gold locket.

25- "This woman had a gold locket! She asked me to take the gold for the child."
1- Who said this to whom? - Nurse Sally to Mrs Corney.
2- Who was that child? - That child was Oliver.
3- What did the speaker do with the gold locket? - She stole it.

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