اخبار الموقع

...مبروك لكل اوائئئئئئئل الثانوية العامة و حظ موفق للجميع.........englishmistro.......أهنى كل طلاب مصرنا الحبيبة بالعام الجديد 2013 و بداية الترم الثانى كما اتمنى ان يكون الجميع قد حققوا التفوق فى امتحانات الترم الاول.............englishmistro................تم ايضا اضافة فديوهات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد و نطق و يمكنكم اختيار اى من هذة الفديوهات بالنقر على كلمة بلاىلست او قائمة التشغيل الموجودة اسفل الفديو على الشمال و تمرير الموس على اى منهم لاختيار الموضوع الذى ترغبون فى تشغيله.........................englishmistro...........كما تم مؤخرا اضافة موقع للاختبار اونلاين على كل مهاراة اللغة من تحدث و استماع فضلا عن القواعد................englishmistro ............انتظروا كل جديد و مفيد ....................englishmistro.........استعدادا لامتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوى سوف يتم طرح مراجعات على المنهج و سوف تكون كالتالى: اولا اسئلة كتاب التدريبات مجمعة حسب ترتيب اسئلة ورقة الامتحان يليها تجميع لنفس النوع و اجابتة ثانيا اسئلة القصة و اجاباتها ثالثاامتحانات كتاب التمرينات و اجاباتها مع الدعاء للجميع بالتفوق ............englishmistro...........زائرى الموقع يمكنكم طبع الموضوعات او اخذ نسخة منها بصيغة بى دى اف وذلك بالنقر على الايقونة الموجودة اسفل عنوان او تاريخ المادة المنشورة كما يمكنكم تلقى جديد الموقع و ذلك بتسجيل الايميل الخاص بكم فلى خانة اتبعنى بالايميل الموجودة على يمين الشاشة..............englishmistro............يمكنكم التعليق على الموضوعات المنشورة فلى الموقع بكل حرية و صراحة و ذلك بالنقر على كلمة تعليقات الموجودة اسفل عبارة اقر المزيد الموجودة اسفل كل موضوع .........englishmistro...........>

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Final Revision 1st year Sec 1st Term المراجعة النهائية للصف الاول الثانوي ترم اول

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Dialoguesالسؤال الاول
أولاً : اذا بدأت الجملة بـ :-
Yes/ No/ Of course/ Well / Sure / I’m afraid / Ok
ويكون السؤال هنا بفعل مساعد أو ناقص بمعنى ( هــل ..... ؟ ) ونتبع الأتي :-
1- تحذف No , Yes أو أي من الكلمات السابقة إن وجدت.
2- نقدم الفعل المساعد أو الناقص علي الفاعل ويكون شكل السؤال كالتالي :-
? تكملة + فعل أساسي + فاعل + فعل مساعد
الأفعال المساعدة والناقصة هي :
( have / has / had) (am / is / are / was / were )
(can / could / shall/ should / will / would / may / might / must / ought to / had to)
أداة استفهام +am/is/are + فاعل +v+ing ?
what are you doing?what were you doing ?
أداة استفهام + do/does/did + فاعل +inf ?How do you go to school?
أداة استفهام + has/have/had+ فاعل+p.p. ?
how long have you been watching the film?
أداة استفهام + can/could/will/must الفعل المساعد الناقص++ فاعل +inf?when will he arrive?
لاحظ التحويلات الآتية عند السؤال او الاجابة :-
Question you your are you were you …?
Answer I - we my – our I'm/we are I wa
/ we were
- نضع الفعل الأساسي
إذا لم تجد بالجملة فعلاً مساعداأو ناقصاً عليك باتباع الآتي :-
1- إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع به ( s ) نستخدم does )) .
2- إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع بدون ( s ) نستخدم ( do ) .
3- إذا كان فعل الجملة ماضى نستخدم ((did .
ثانيا: إذا لم تبدأ الجملة بـ ) (Yes ,No ,Of courseأو ما سبق نستخدم أداة الاستفهام كالآتي :-
Leila I think it’s the hottest day of the year today!
Sara 1 I’m not so sure about that./I disagree.. It was hotter last week.
Leila Could you do me a favour, Leila? 2 Certainly./Yes. What is it??
Sara 3 No problem./Yes, of course./That’s not a problem.
Leila That’s much cooler! Thanks!
Sara 4 Perhaps we should go to the park. ? It’s too hot outside.
Leila That’s a good idea. How about watching television?
Sara I agree! Let’s stay here and watch a film.
Review C
3-Finish the following dialogue:
Walid and Karim are in their art class.
Walid I passed the art exam with 100 percent!
Karim a Congratulations./Well done.
Walid b Did you draw this/that picture?
Karim Yes, I drew it.
Walid I can’t draw, but I can take good photographs.
Karim Yes, you can. c You’ve always been good at taking photographs.
Walid They are having a photography competition in the library next week. I have two
photographs that I think are quite good. d Should I join the competition?
Karim You should join the competition of course!
Practice Test 1
4- Finish the following dialogue:
Ola is telling Samira about her weekend.
Samira What did you do last weekend / Did you do anything last weekend ?
Ola Last weekend, I went to the city on the bus.
Samira What did you do after that ?
Ola After that, I went to the museum to see The Experts.
Samira I didn’t catch/hear you. Can you repeat that, please?
Ola The Experts. The museum has information about famous people who are very good at
something. I learned about Dr Mostafa El-Sayed.
Samira Who is Dr Mostafa El-Sayed?
Ola He is a famous Egyptian scientist

السؤال الثاني في ورقة الامتحان:SITUATIONS
1:You see a boy hitting your brother. "Don’t you dare do that"
رايت ولد يضرب اخيك تقول ( أياك ان تفعل ذلك)
2: You ask a policeman the way to the bank.
Could you tell me the way to the bank please? تسأل شرطي عن الطريق للبنك ( هل تخبرني عن الطريق للبنك؟)
3:You show the way to the bank to someone . تبين الطريق لشخص
Go straight on. Then turn left. The bank is on your left. اذهب مباشرة ثم ادخل يسار . البنك علي يسارك
4: Your brother spilt coffee on your books. You were very angry .
" That's terrible".أخيك سكب القهوة علي كتبك. أنت غاضب جدا . ( هذا فظيع )
5: Your friend accidentally spills some orange juice on you jacket. You aren't angry.'Never mind". صديقك سكب بعض عصير البرتقال بدون قصد علي الجاكيت . وأنت لست غاضب. ( لا عليك)
6:You accidentally bump into a stranger in the street . You apologize "I'm so sorry". بدون قصد صدمت في غريب في الشارع تقول ( انني أسف جدا)
7: Your friend tells you that his brother is very ill.
" This is too bad". صديقك يخبرك ان اخيه مريض. ( هذا سيىء )
8-You arrived at the station lately.
" This is too bad". وصلت متأخر للمحطة ,القطار كان قد غادر ( هذا سييء جدا )
9: You visit someone in hospital. "I hope you get better soon". زرت شخص في المستشفي تقول ( أمل ان تتحسن سريعا
10: You lent a pen to your friend . He lost it.
" Never mind. I've got another one." سلفت قلم لصديقك ولكنه فقده ( لا تقلق لدي قلم أخر )
11: You ask your brother's opinion about your new jacket.
" What is your opinion of my new jacket" ? تسأل أخيك عن رأيه في جاكيت جديد
( ما رأيك في الجاكيت )
12: Nancy asks your opinion about her new blouse. "I think it is nice" . نانسي تطلب رأيك في بلوزتها الجديدة ( اعتقد انها جميلة
13: Your friend thanked you. "Not at all" صديقك يشكرك ( العفو )
14: Your friend apologized for coming late .You aren't angry.
"Never mind." صديقك يعتذر لقدومه متأخر ( لا عليك )
15:Your friend thinks that the telephone is the most important invention. You agree."I agree with you ." صديقك يعتقد ان التليفون احسن اختراع ( أنا متفق معك)
29:You greeted a person you met for the first time. "How do you do ?" تحيى شخص قابلته لأول مرة 30: You congratulate your friend on passing his test. "Congratulations " تهنيء صديقك علي نجاحه " تهانينا )
31- You meet some tourists at the airport . You welcome them . Welcome to Egypt تقابل سائحين في المطار رحب بهم : " مرحبا بكم في مصر"
32- Someone asks you what your favourite hobby is.
"My favourite hobby is reading novels".
شخص يسالك عن هوايتك المفضلة ( قرائة الروايات )
33- Someone asks you how good you are at maths.
"I'm very good at Maths " شخص يسالك عن مستواك في الرياضيات "جيد جدا"
34- Someone invites you to his party, but you are busy and can't go. "I wish I could come but I'm too busy"
شخص يدعوك لحفلته ولكنك مشغول " يا ليتني استطيع ولكني مشغول "
35: Someone asks you what job you want to do .
"I want to be a pilot" شخص يسال عن الوظيفة التي تريدها " اريد ان اكون طيار "
36: The bus you were travelling in was in an accident and you are the only one who has a mobile phone and can call the police for help.
Our bus has an accident on the main road to Assuit. We need help.
الاتوبيس الذي تستقله للقاهرة تعرض لحادثة وانت الوحيد الذي تمتلك الموبايل وتتصل بالشرطة للمساعدة " اتوبيسنا تعرض لحادثة نريد المساعدة "
37 : Someone asks you what you think the most important invention is.
I think mobile phones are the most important invention.
شخص يسألك ما اعظم الاختراعات " اعتقد ان الموبايل اهم الاختراعات "
38 : You ask your friend about the price of his new shoes.
How much are your new shoes? تسأل صديقك عن سعر حذائه " كم سعر الحذاء ؟ "
39 : Your friend wants to go swimming this evening. You disagree and suggest another sport.
I'm not very keen on swimming .What about running?
صديقك يقترح الذهاب للسباحة هذا المساء وانت تقترح رياضة اخري " لست متحمسا للسباحة اقترح الجري "
40 You think that something your friend has just said is wrong.
I don't think so . تعتقد ان ما قاله صديق ليس صحيح " لا اعتقد ذلك "
41 Your friend asks you what your plans are for today.
what are your plans for today? يسألك صديق عن خططك اليوم " ما خططك لليوم
Review C
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a You want to congratulate your sister because she has passed her driving test.
b A friend shows you an article they wrote . Compliment him.
c You are going to have lunch with your young brother. He has been playing outside. Advise him.
d Your uncle is going on holiday in Britain. You want to remind him that they drive on the left.
a I must congratulate you on passing your driving test.
b That’s excellent./I must say, it’s very good.
c You should wash your hands before you eat.
d You must drive on the left in Britain. /Remember to drive on the left in Britain.
Practice Test 1
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a Your sister says that she met a new friend at school.
b A friend tells you about a book that he or she enjoyed. You want to know what advice the story gives you about life.
c Your friend just won a tennis match.
d A friend asks you if you can sing.
1-That’s nice. What is your friend’s name?
2-What did you learn from the story? / What’s the moral of the story?
3-Congratulations on winning the match!
4-Yes, I’m quite good at singing. / No, I can’t sing well at all.
Practice Test 2
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a A friend asks you if you like your new school. There are some good things and some bad things about it.
b Your little brother asks you if Cairo is the biggest city in Egypt. You know that it is.
c A friend says that basketball is the best sport. You think that it is tennis.
d A friend asks you to help him/her with some homework. You are happy to do this.

السؤال الثالث اختار CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
Review A
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord:
1 My brother …………….a lot of money from his job as a pilot.
a going to earn b earns c earn d earning
2 I always……………. ill if I go on a boat.
a feel b will feel c would feel d feeling
3 If I ………….a camera. I would take a photo of the family party.
a had b have c have had d would have
4 If you…………….. very fast. you'll catch your train.
a ran b running c runs d run
5 My brother ………….. a goal in a school football match yesterday.
a played b scored c won d took
6 If I felt tired, I'd go to bed ………………
a early b today c later d before
7 Someone who studies soil and rocks is called a/an……………..
a surgeon b astronaut c geologist d architect
8 Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a………………..
a journalist b champion c teacher d head mistress
9 Neil Armstrong …………….on the moon 1n 1969.
a walk b walks c walked d walking
10 While he …………….as a journalist, Charles Dickens was writing magazine stories.
a works b working c is working d was working
11 Something hit the car window so it was …………….
a brave b famous c edited d cracked
12 You can only use this computer if you know the …………….
a password b cell c clarification d moral
Review B
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 When John first moved to Cairo from England, he felt like a ……… out of water.
a boat b fish c man d cat
2 It was a……………. to hear about the massive earthquake
a lie b truth c pain d shock
6 There are ………………. post offices in the centre of the city.
a several b soft c obvious d wild
7 You ………………… touch that pan. It is very hot
a should b must c mustn't d must not to
8 Ali is very tall. He………………….. play basketball.
a should b would c shouldn't d can't
9 We wouldn't have gone to the beach if we………. it was so windy
a knew b would know c had known d know
10 I would never ………………… Chinese food if we hadn't visited that restaurant.
a try b have tried c trying d tried
11 You must never look at …………………. sun.
a a b the c an d (no article)
12 Ahmed's father is……………….. teacher.
a a b the c an d (no article)
Practice Test 1
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 You should try………………. a lot of water every day.
a drink b drinking c drank d drunk
2 Ali always …………… to school by bus.
a comes b will come c coming d to come
3 Hassan didn't play football because he……….. his football trainers
a forgets b forget c forgot d had forgotten
4 Manal …………… her lunch when the phone rang.
a is eating b eats c ate d was eating
5 If I swim in the sea, I always …………… cold.
a feel b feels c will feel d feeling
6 If we lived in England, we …………….. English every day.
a speak b will speak c would speak d spoke
7 Neil Armstrong was the first …………….. to walk on the moon.
a astronaut b geologist c expert d pilot
8 Nadia fell and cut her arm, but she did not cry and she was very …
a fit b brave c ordinary d active
9 The farm has very good ______ , so plants grow very well there.
a space b debts c soil d cells
Practice Test 3
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Do not eat plants that you do not know because they might be ….
a infected b poisonous c malnourished d dead
2 The swimming pool is …………….. Anyone can use it
a public b rural c national d urban
3 Egypt …………….. France at football yesterday. Everyone in Egypt was happy!
a achieved b attracted c beat d bought
4 My sister needed …………….. after she broke her arm.
a kung fu b braille c weight d physiotherapy
5 The teacher says that this book will …………….. the children to read more!
a inspire b compliment c perform d capture
6 The storm did a lot of …………….. to the houses by the sea .
a sanitation b donation c damage d blame
7 The tourists …………….. visit the museum. It's very interesting.
a shouldn't b mustn't c should d would
8 If Ahmed hadn't lived in China, he wouldn't …………….. to speak Chinese.
a learn b had learned c have learned d learned
9 If Mona …………….. to the Red Sea last summer, she would have swum in the sea.
a went b had gone c has gone d will go
10 Mahmoud went to a school in Cairo. ……… school was very big .
a A b The c An d (no article)
11 This is …….. first time that the tourists have seen the Pyramids
a a b the c an d (no article)
12 You …………….. look at the sun. It is bad for your eyes l
a wouldn't b mustn't c should d must

4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
Review C
1 What do you advise me to do? (should)
2 Hana went to the doctor, as she wasn't feeling well. (If)
3 Omar read an interesting story. (The)
4 If Ali had been busy, he wouldn't have gone to the club. (because)
1 What should I do?
2 If Hana had been feeling well, she wouldn’t have gone to the doctor
3 The story Omar read was interesting.
4 Ali went to the club because he wasn’t busy.
Practice Test 1
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
1 I spent a week in London in 2014 (ago)
2 Omar doesn't practise well. That is why he doesn't play well in matches. (If)
3 When Ahmed returned home, his mother was baking a cake. (While)
4 Heating makes iron expand. (If)
1-Two years ago I spent a week in London.
2-If Omar practised well, he would play well in matches.
3-While his mother was baking a cake, Ahmed returned home.
4-If you heat iron, it expands.
Review A
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 This is my mobile. It owes to me. belongs
2 Mahmoud always understands the most complete maths problems. complex
3 Ms Jehan is the headmaster of our school. headmistress
4 I felt much better after I took the illness. Medicine

Review B
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 In 1800, two percent of the world’s
pollution population lived in cities.
2 Urban life has its pros and coins cons.
3 A Child’s Garden of Verses is a book of poets poems.
4 If you sit in a traffic jam, your lungs will fall fill with the smoke from cars.

Review C
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 It you want to avoid infectious, you must always wash your hands.
2 Mahmoud Youssef couldn't walk, so he used a swing. wheelchair
3 Helen Keller was borne in a rural area. born
4 Invitations, you just passed your exams.Congratulations

Review A
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The small red plane
One day last week, a small plane landed in a field near Tarek's house. Tarek phoned his friend Gamal and told him what had happened. Gamal immediately went to Tarek's house When he arrived, the boys went to the field to look at the plane.
Two men were climbing out of it One of the men asked the boys where they were, because they had no idea where their plane had landed. Tarek and Gamal told them that they had landed near AI -Minya. The two men asked the boys to telephone to get help.
After the boys had helped the men, Tarek took them back to his house. When they had told Tarek's father what had happened, one of the men phoned the plane rescue company. After a short time, a large lorry arrived, picked up the men and their plane and drove away. Suddenly, the field looked very empty.
1 When did this story happen?
2 What does it refer to in this sentence: Two men were climbing out of it?
3 Why did the men from the plane ask the boys where they were 7
4 How do you think Tarek and Gamal felt at the end of this story? Why/
5 The boys went to the field
a as soon as Tarek saw the plane. b after Gamal arrived at Tarek 's.
c after the men climbed out of the plane. d before Tarek arrived .
6 Who did the boys tell about the plane?
a Tarek's father b the police
c the plane rescue company d another friend
1 He told him about the plane.
2 It refers to the plane.
3 They did not know where their plane had
4 Students’ own answers.Happy as they could help the pilots
5 b
6 a
Review C
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Hi Magda,
Thank you for your email and I'm looking forward to you visiting me here in the hospital. Your mother says that you have never been to a hospital' When you arrive, you must wash your hands before you come in. You should go to room 4 and ask to see me.
I am not bored here. Yesterday we watched a play. The actors performed for all the children in the hospital. If you had visited me yesterday, you would have seen it It was very good!
The doctors think that my leg is nearly better. They will make a decision tomorrow about when I can go home. I must use a wheelchair for a few weeks and I will also need physiotherapy, but
then I will be better'
1 Why do you think Magda must wash her hands before she visits Nahla?
2 Why wasn't Nahla bored yesterday?
3 What did the actors do?
4 What would Madga have seen if she had visited yesterday?
5 When will Nahla know when she can go home?
a tomorrow b in a few days
c in a few weeks d in one or two months
6 What will help Nahla to be stronger after she leaves the hospital7
a a wheelchair b her friends
c physiotherapy d some actors

1 Because this helps to stop infections.
2 Because she watched a play.
3 They performed for all the children in the hospital.
4 She would have seen the play.
5 a
6 c

Practice Test 2
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions.
The first national census in England was carried out in 1085. At this time, King William I sent researchers around the country to find out how people lived, how much land they had and which animals belonged to which farmer. The Domesday Book showed the results. The massive book was written at a time when few people could read or write. It is 913 pages long and gives the names of 13,000 places in England. The next census to have as much information was in the nineteenth century I However, the researchers of the Domesday Book only talked to people who owned land, so there is not information about other people in England. No one knew the population of Eng land until the first population census in 1801 .
1 When was the first census carried out in England?
2 What does the Domesday Book show?
3 Who wanted people to do this census?
4 Why do you think that people say the Domesday Book is incredible ?
5 How many years was it before there was another census with as much information?
a about 800 years c about a thousand years
b about 1,900 years d about 100 years
6 Which information was not in the Domesday Book?
a the names of villages b who had land
c how many people live in England d who had animals

1-It was carried out in 1085.
2-It shows how people lived, how much land and how many animals they had.
3- King William I wanted this census.
4-Students’ own answers.
5 a
6 c

Questions & Answers:
Critical thinking Questions & Answers :-1-
1-In your opinion, why is remote sensing so important in Egypt?
Because Egypt needs water.
2-How can scientists like Dr El-Baz change our lives now and in the future?
Through their new discoveries.
3- Why do you think we should thank Dr Farouk El-Baz?
Because he found underground water.
4 How has Zeinab Oteify influenced people?
She showed people they can do a lot of things even with a disability.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 2 -
1-How do you see the life of Caleb and his blind daughter?
It was a miserable life. The ceilings were cracked and the plaster was falling off the walls. Everything around them was old and poor.
2-In your opinion, why didn’t Caleb tell his blind daughter about their real life? Because he wanted her to be happy .
3-Give a situation in which it is necessary to not tell the truth?
In case people have incurable disease \ illnesses and that their life is short.
4-How can we make life easier for people who cannot walk?
We can help them by buying them wheelchairs or walking sticks.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 4 -
1-Why do you think the information the census gets about people’s homes is
useful?To help the government to find homes for the homeless.
2-Why do you think some people move from the countryside to live in the city?To look for better jobs and income.
3-What can happen to rural areas when many people move to the cities?
They may decrease and there will be less agriculture and few crops.
4-How can workers from other countries benefit the cities they work in?
They can pass their experience, culture, customs and traditions.
5-How do you see the advantages of living in a rural area?
Life is easy, comfortable and healthy.
6-Would you like to live in a town, a large city or a small village? Why?
I would like to live in a large city as it would have all facilities.
I would like to live in a small village as there is quietness and freshness.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers: - 5 -
1- In the Gardener, give some words which rhyme.
dig and big, talk and walk.
2- Why does the writer call the gardener silly?
Because he doesn't play with the speaker and makes him work.

Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 7 -
1-Why do you think cleanliness is important? Because it protects us from infections.
2- How can we make sure that children wash their hands?
We should explain to them what may happen if they don't wash
3- What should you do if you are not sure whether food is bad or not?
Don't eat it. / Throw it away.
4- What public places should always be very clean and hygienic?
Hospitals, supermarkets, swimming pools, schools.
5-What can go wrong if people don't follow these rules?
They can become ill themselves and spread diseases to others.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 8 -
1- In your opinion, what lesson does Lear learn from his mistake?
I think he learns that people can have feelings without talking about them.
2- How do you think Lear feels when he knows that Cordelia loves him?
He feels ashamed and regrets making his terrible mistake.
3-Why do you think that Lear wanders around the country?
Because he doesn’t want to live with his two dishonest daughters
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 9 -
1-Why do you think Anne was very patient with Helen?
Because Helen herself could not see well which made her feel Helen’s suffering.
E Writing
Review A
Write a paragraph of about ninety (90) words about one of the following:
a your good friend
My best friend is my father. He has been the greatest support for me. He loves me and is very caring.
My father is like a magician because whenever I am in trouble he solves all my difficulties as if he has a magic wand. When I am ill he does all he can to make me well soon.
My father is brilliant. He is a Carnatic musician. He did his masters in mathematics, and though music was always his passion, it is now his profession too. He loves to sing, and perform in concerts. I enjoy listening to my father sing. He is also training me in Carnatic music. He is strict with me, but I know it is for my good. So I do not grudge his strictness with me .When I have any doubts or questions in my studies it is my father who helps me. He solves my difficulties very easily. If there is any topic I find tough in mathematics or any other subject he teaches me with a great deal of patience.
My father always encourages me to do well in my studies, and in other extra-curricular activities. He rejoices in my achievements. A courageous man, he teaches me to be brave and bold. He is punctual, and I too try to be in time so that I do not have to rush or be late. My father and I share a very special bond. We are like good friends, and I love him.
b a famous person
Naguib Mahfouz was born in 1911 and died in 2006. He was an Egyptian novelist and winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature. He is considered as the father of modern Arabic literature and is popular throughout the Arab world. Many of his books were about Egyptian nationalism. He said politics “is the very axis of our thinking.”
He graduated in philosophy from the University of Cairo and decided to be a professional writer. He got a job in the Ministry of Culture, where he stayed until 1972, as a movie censor. While working as a civil servant, Mahfouz wrote 34 novels, 350 short stories, dozens of movie scripts and five plays. Many of his works were made into Arabic-language movies.
b a poem you have read and enjoyed
To :Ali @yahoo.com
From :Hany@hotmail.com
About : "The Gardener" by Robert Louis Stevenson
The poem I have read and enjoyed is "The Gardener"
"The Gardener" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a poem from the collection A Child's Garden of Verses. It is written for an audience of children. The narrator of the poem is a young boy. The young boy wants to live in the moment and play and seems quite disappointed that the gardener is focused on his job and does not want to chat or play. The gardener does not talk as he works, and he makes the child stay on the walk rather than treading in the flowers. As soon as he has finished his work, the gardener locks the door to the garden so that the child cannot play there. the gardener devotes himself to digging flowers and cutting hay without any inclination to speak or play. I liked this poem and I advise you to read it.
With my best wishes.
Review C
9 Write a paragraph of about ninety (90) words about only one (1) of the following:
a an amazing person that you know
The person I admire most is my father. He is a role model father He is a successful doctor. He treats his patients kindly. He is serious and sincere at work. He is a friendly character who spares no effort to help those who need him and holds back nothing in due. He is loved by all people around him. I am greatly affected by him so I wish very much to follow in his footsteps. That's why I consider him the most important person in my life.

The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man, “Write All the things you said about him on a piece of paper.
Cut them up and On the way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to Hear the sentence.
The next day, the judge told the old man, “Before receiving the Sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper That you threw out yesterday”. The old man said, “I can’t do that! The wind must have spreads them and I won’t Know where to find them.”
The judge then replied, “The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. The old man realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness.”
Moral: Do not malignant or blame anyone without knowing the fact or a truth. Your words may ruin someone’s reputation without any fault of theirs.
b a person you know with a good memory
The Person With the World's Best Memory Is a Millennial From the US
Alex Mullen hadn't been expecting to win.
Looking back on December's three-day World Memory Championships in Chengdu, China, Mullen still figures he was one of the dark horses.
But going into the final round of the competition, the 24-year-old medical student learned he was in second place — just 300 points behind the first-place contestant, Sweden's Marwin Wallonius. The top prize could be Mullen's. All he had to do was memorize the order of an entire deck of cards in 23 seconds or less. He did it in 21.5
Mullen became the first American to win the World Memory Championships, according to the competition's website.
He also holds the Guinness World Record for most numerical digits memorized in an hour: 3,029.

There is clear evidence, for example, that when older people's right to social security is realised, there is a positive impact on reduction of poverty rates, restoration of older people's dignity, reduction of child labour and increased enrolment in schools.
Practice Test 3
Write an email of about ninety (90) words to a friend about one (1) of the following:
a the importance of hygiene and sanitation
Cleanliness is extremely important in protecting us from infections. Hygiene (your own cleanliness) and sanitation (public cleanliness) are both important. Many infections of the stomach pass from one person to another because of bad sanitation and hygiene. If a child has dirty hands, they will be covered with millions of germs which we cannot see. If that child gives sweets to another child, some of those germs will be passed to the other child. When this child eats the sweet, he or she will eat some of the germs and may become ill. The child's mother may say that it is because her child ate the sweet, but it is really because her child ate the other child's germs. These are some of the rules of hygiene.
You should always wash your hands before a meal. You should bathe more often in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the gym. You should also be very careful about the food you eat and the water you drink. Make sure that flies and other insects do not land on your food. Insects eat dirt and there are germs in dirt. If insects land on your food, they may pass their germs on to you. You must not leave pieces of food or dirty dishes laying around, because they will attract flies, You can protect food from flies and germs by covering it. You should always boil tap water before you drink it.
Finally, you must never eat food that smells bad because it may be poisonous. Do not eat food from a tin if the tin is damaged; the food will probably be bad.

REVIEW A Translation
10 A Translate into Arabic:
1 Dr Mostafa El-Sayed’s work is very useful in medicine.
2 At one o’clock yesterday, I was having my lunch.
B Translate into English:
- كل المصريين فخورون بعلمائهم العظام فى شتى المجالات
A Translate into Arabic
1أعمال الدكتور مصطفى السيد مفيدة جدًا في )مجال( الطب
2كنت أتناول غدائي في الساعة الواحدة بالأمس.
B Translate into English
All Egyptians are proud of the great scientists they have in different fields.
REVIEW B Translation
10 A Translate into Arabic:
1 We should protect the environment so that we can live in a clean world.
2 Fareeda stopped to talk to her friend on her way home.
B Translate into English: .
- لم أستمتع بقراءة قصة شيقة كهذه من قبل
A Translate into Arabic
يجب / يتوجّب علينا أن نحافظ على / نحمي البيئة حتى / 1لكي نتمكّن من العيش في عالم نظيف
توقفت فريدة في طريقها / في طريق عودتها للمنزل / . 2للبيت لكي / حتى تتكلم مع صديقتها
B Translate into English
I haven’t / have not enjoyed reading an exciting story like this one before.
REVIEW C Translation
10 A Translate into Arabic:
1 People who can’t see or hear should learn to depend on themselves.
2 Sanitation is very important for leading a healthy life.
B Translate into English:
- لا يستطيع الكثير من الناس التعبير عن مشاعرهم بسهولة .
A Translate into Arabic:
يجب / يتوجّب على الناس اللذين لا يستطيعون الرؤية / . 1البصر أو السمع أن يتعلّموا أن يعتمدوا على أنفسهم
. 2 النظافة العامة مهمّة / هامّة جدًا للتمتع بحياة صحيّة .
A Translate into English:
Many people are unable to / cannot / can’t express their feelings easily.

Translate into Arabic :
1-Governments should increase food production to put an end to starvation.
- يجدر ب / يجب على / يتوجب على الحكومات أن تزيد إنتاج الطعام لتضع نهاية للمجاعة / للمجاعات
2-Pollution is one of the most serious problems that threaten our lives.
- التلوث أحد أخطر المشاكل التي تهدد حياتنا
3-Do you think that communications make the world a small village?
- هل تعتقد / تظن أن (وسائل) الاتصالات (الحديثة) تجعل العالم قرية صغيرة؟
4-Children are fond of listening to fictional stories for entertainment.
- الأطفال / الصغار مفتونون / مغرمون بالاستماع لقصص خيالية من أجل / بغرض / ل التسليه
5-To protect our environment, we should stop cutting down trees
- لحماية بيئتنا، يجدر بنا / يجب علينا أن نتوقف عن قطع الأشجار
6-Everyone should express their opinions freely and respect the opinions of others.
- يجدر ب / يجب على الجميع أن يعبروا عن آرائهم بحرية وأن يحترموا آراء الآخرين
7-Modern forms of communication play a vital role in our modern life.
- تلعب طرق الاتصال الحديثة دورا حيو يا في حياتناالمعاصرة
8-We should be grateful to those who do us favours.
- يجب / يتوجب علينا أن نكون ممتنين لمن يصنعون لنا
9-All Egyptians hope that the Suez Canal project will attract foreign investors.
- يأمل المصريون كلهم/ جميعهم / جميعا أن مشروع قناة السويس سوف يجذب / يجتذب المستثمرين الأجانب
10-Do you agree that we should have challenges in our lives?
- هل توافق أننا يجب أن يكون لدينا تحديات في حياتنا؟
11-It is necessary to turn off any lights that are not needed..
- -من الضروري غلق أية أنوار( كهربية / كهربائية )لا نحتاجها
12-Egypt has reclaimed 400,000 hectares of desert to produce more food.
- -استصلحت مصر ٤٠٠ ألف هكتارا من الصحراء لإنتاج طعام أكثر
13- Camping teaches us cooperation, discipline and self reliance
يعلمنا المعسكر التعاون،الانظباط و الاعتماد على النفس
١٦ - تمكننا الاختراعات الحديثة من ان نحيا حياة افضل واكثر راحة
- Modern inventions enable us to lead a better and more comfortable life.
١٧ - بفضل وسائل الإعلام والأقمار الصناعية أصبح العالم كلة قرية صغيرة
Thanks to mass media and satellites, the whole world has become a small village.
1-Why did the managers of the workhouse tell Oliver he was very lucky?
 Because they would give him food and a bed for nothing.
 Why was Oliver's life in the workhouse not easy? His bed was very uncomfortable and the food was never enough.
1. Why were Oliver and the other boys in the workhouse close to starving? Because the food was never enough. All they ate was a thin soup.
2. Why was the master furious with Oliver at the workhouse?
 . No one had ever asked for more before.
 How was Oliver punished for asking for more food? He was locked in a cold, dark room. He was beaten by Mr Bumble every day.
What did the managers of the workhouse do to get rid of Oliver? way.
 Why was Oliver crying when he was walking with Mr Bumble to Mr Sowerberry's house? Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
 What advice did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry? He advised her to leave Oliver without food and to feed him only soup.
3. Why did Oliver run away from Mr Sowerberry's house?
 . His life was unbearable.
4. When and where was Oliver Twist born?
• Late at night In a workhouse in England
5. Why did people go to the workhouses?
• To have a bed and food,.they were very poor
6. -What was a workhouse ?
* It's a place where the older children from poor families were big enough to work .
7- Why didn't the boys have very much to eat?Mrs Mann was cruel /bad woman .
7. * Because Mrs. Mann took some of the little
money given to look after the orphans for herself

2- "He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse.”
Who said this? To whom? Mr Bumble said this to Mrs Mann.
(A) Who were they talking about? Oliver Twist.
(B) How old was he at that time? He was nine years old.
3- "If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 The managers of the workhouse said this to the master who gave the boys their food.
(B) Who were they talking about? Oliver Twist.
(C) Were they really generous كرماء? Why / Why not?
No, they were not generous at all. The food they gave to the boys was never enough.
4- I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything.’’
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Noah Claypole said this to Oliver.
(B) How did the addressed person feel on hearing this?
 He felt both ashamed and angry.
(C) How did he react to this insult إهانة?
 He started to hit Noah hard.
5-"Why are you crying? You're very lucky to work here."
1- Who said this to whom?
- The managers of the workhouse said this to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person crying?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the home.
- 6-"Why are you crying? You shoul be happy to have the opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerberry."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Bumble said this to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person crying?
- Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
3- Who was Mr Sowerberry?
- H was a coffin maker صانع توابيت.

15-Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted gentleman.
- He tried to help Oliver at the police station. he took him to his house to look after him.
16-Why was Oliver amazed to see the painting of the pretty woman?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost the same
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-"Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."
1- Who said this? - Jack Dawkins said this.
2- To who was it said? - It was said to Oliver.
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man?
- He will steal يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs مناديل حرير
2- "Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1-Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Nancy and the Artful Dodger.
2- Who did they want to find?
- They wanted to find Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person? 2
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police
3-"Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game."
1- Who said this o whom?
- Fagin said this to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What did he mean by "our little game"?
- He meant stealing things from people's pockets.
3- What did Oliver think at first of this game?
- He thought that this game was very funny.
4-"It wasn't that boy!. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. "
1- Who said this?
- The bookshop owner said this.
2- Who is "that boy" and "two other boys"?
- “That boy” is Oliver. “Two other boys” are Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins / the Artful Dodger.
3- What happened as a result of these words?
- The magistrate set Oliver free.

1- What was the advertisement, which Mr Bumble saw in the newspaper, about?
- To ask for any information people had about a lost boy called Oliver Twist.
2- What did the Artful Dodger ask Oliver to join? How did he try to persuade him?
- He asked him to join their gang He said that he could be rich by taking people's things.
3- What plans did Fagin have for Oliver?
Fagin wanted to make him a thief. He let Sikes use Oliver to rob a house.
4- Where did Nancy and Mr Sikes lead Oliver after kidnapping him?
They led him to an old shop where there were Fagin, Charley and the Artful Dodger
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-" He's run away from home. I'm taking him back to his mother and father"
1- Who said this? - Nancy said this to.
2- To whom was it said? - It was said some people in the street.
3- Where was the speaker really taking 'him' to?
- - She was taking him to Fagin's old house

2-" And I will have this five pound note for our troubles."
1- Who said this to whom? - Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Whose مِلك من five pound note was it? - It was Mr Brownlow's.
3- What troubles did the speaker reward يكافئ himself for?
- The troubles of looking for Oliver and kidnapping him.
3-" Don't do that to the boy! He's already a thief like me."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Nancy said this to Mr Sikes.
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- She was talking about Oliver.
3- What was the listener doing to the boy then? Why?
- He was beating يضرب him with a stick because he tried to escape.
4-" Sadly, you were right. I do not want to hear his name ever again. "
1- Who said these words and to whom?
- Mr Brownlow said these words to Mr Grimwig.
6. What did Mr Brownlow's neighbour tell Dr Losberne about Mr Brownlow? - He told him that Mr Brownlow had moved. He went to the West Indies six weeks before.
7-How did Mrs Maylie and Rose treat عاملوا "the thief" when they knew that he was d hurt?
- They treated him kindly بعطف. They got a doctor to look after him.
8-What did Nurse Sally tell Mrs Corney about Oliver's mother? (admit اعترفت)
- She told her that Oliver's mother was rich and stole her.
9- What was Dr Losberne's second plan to protect Oliver from the police?
- He told the detectives that Oliver hurt جرح his arm and went there for help.
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1- "How can such a young boy be a criminal?"
A-Who said this? To whom? Rose, to Dr Losberne and Mrs Maylie.
B-What reply did the speaker get to this question?
 Dr Losberne told her that evil can live in anybody.
C-Was that boy really a criminal? State why.
 No, he wasn't. Because he was forced مُجبر to break into the house
2-" I stole from her before she died."
(A) Who said these words? To whom?
 Nurse Sally, to Mrs Corney.
(A) Who does the word "her" refer to? Oliver's mother.
(B) What did the speaker steal? A gold locket.
3-"What if the boy's dead? The police will look for us!”
1- Who said this to whom?
- Monks said this to Fagin.
2- Who would the police look for if that boy was dead?
- The police would look for Fagin's gang.
3- Why was it likely من المحتمل that this boy would die?
- Because he had been shot.
4-"She was rich enough for a good hospital. I stole from her before she died!"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Nurse Sally said this to Mrs Corney.
3- Why will they never know who she was ?
* Because she died after she had given birth.
C- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-
1- Mr. Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very big.
* small.
2- Mr. Bumble frightened Oliver when he was locked in
Mr. Sowerberry's cellar.
* didn't frighten.
8 -A ) Answer the following questions :-
1- Who took Oliver as an apprentice ?
* Mr. Sowerberry , the coffin maker took Oliver as an apprentice.
2- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do ?
* They ran away quickly and told Fagin what had happened.
3- Why didn't the magistrate send Oliver to prison ?
* Because the owner of the bookshop told him that Oliver didn't take anything.
4- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys ?
* Fagin was teaching the boys how to be thieves.
B ) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:-
" Well , I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."
1- Who said this ?
* Jack Dawkins.
2- To whom was it said ?
* It was said to Oliver Twist.
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man ?
* Oliver will steal things and give them to Fagin.
8 -A ) Answer the following questions :-
1- Where is the house that Sikes and Crackit want to robe ?
* It is in the countryside.
2- Why do they need Oliver to help them ?
* Because Oliver can pass through the small space in the window.
3- What happened when Oliver went inside the house ?
* Oliver was shot and his two friends ran away.
How long have you been studying English ?
أداة استفهام فعل مساعد فاعل فعل أساسي تكملة الجملة
ادوات الاستفهام
What ما / ماذا
When متى للوقت
Where أين للمكان
Who من للفاعل العاقل
Whomمن للمفعول العاقل
Which أي / أيهما
Why لماذا ( للسبب)
What time ماالوقت
What sizeما المقاس
What colour ما لون
What kind / sort ما نوع
Whose لمن / ملك من ( للملكية ) How كيف
How many كم للعدد
How much كم للكمية/للسعر
How often كم ( لعدد المرات)
How many times كم ( لعدد المرات)
How far كم ( لبعد المسافة)
How long كم ( للمدة / الطول )
How high كم للارتفاع
How fast كم ( للسرعة)
How deep كم ( للعمق)
How heavy كم الوزن
All reviews Term 1
Review A
Finish the following dialogue:
Mohsin and Hassan are talking about their memories.
Mohsin What’s your memory like?
Hassan 1 It is quite good .
Mohsin 2 Can you remember numbers easily?/Are you good at remembering numbers??
Hassan Yes, I can remember numbers easily.
Mohsin Can you remember people’s names easily?
Hassan 3 No, I’m not very good at that./Yes, I’m quite good.
Mohsin 4 Are you any good at maths? ?
Hassan No, I’m terrible at maths!
Mohsin Really? I’m not good either, but I like maths.
Review B
Finish the following dialogue:
Leila and Sara are discussing what to do on such a hot day.

Practice Test 2
5- Finish the following dialogue:
Magdy and Walid are talking about Walid’s stay in England.
Magdy How did you feel when you first arrived to England?
Walid 1 I felt like a fish out of water. / I wasn’t happy . Everything was different!
Magdy 2 Do you like the food/public transport there ?
Walid Yes. I like it very much. It’s very nice.
Magdy Is it true that all English people are very friendly?
Walid 3 No, it’s not true. Some of them are friendly, but not all of them!
Magdy 4 Did you take/Do you have any photos ? I’d love to see them!
Walid Certainly. Here’s my photo album. You can take a look at it.
Practice Test 3
6- Finish the following dialogue:
Reem is doing a quiz that Warda wrote.
Warda OK, this is the last question in the quiz. 1 How much
sleep/How many hours of sleep should you have a night??
Reem I think you should have about eight hours of sleep.
Warda That’s right. 2 Well done./Very good .You got ten out of ten!
Reem Good. I must say, it was a good quiz. You’ve always been good at writing them.
Warda Thank you. 3 Would you like to help me write another quiz? ?
Reem 4 OK, let’s do it We can write it now!
c-Eman and Amal are talking about detective stories.
Amal: 1 What are you reading ?
Eman: I’m reading a detective story by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Amal: I like detective stories, too. Last week I read a Sherlock Holmes story.
Eman: 2 What was the story about ?
Amal: It was about a man who disappears from a hotel. I don’t really understand what happened.
Eman: 3 Let’s ask my sister . She knows all about his books.
Amal: Ask your sister? 4 That’s a good idea.

16: Your friend thinks that man will be able to live on the space in the future. You disagree. ( I disagree with you)
صديقك يعتقد ان الانسان سوف يعيش في الفضاء في المستقبل ( لا اتفق معك )
17: Somebody doesn't help an old woman to cross the road.
" This is disgraceful" شخص لا يساعد عجوز ان تعبر الطريق ( هذا مشين )
18: Your neighbour threw rubbish in front of your house .you were furious.
"Don't you dare do that !" جارك القي قمامة امام منزلك . وانت ثائر ( كيف تجرؤ ان تفعل ذلك !
19 : you suggest going to the club. "What about going to the club?"
تقترح الذهاب الي النادي ( ما رأيكم في الذهاب إلي النادي؟
20: Your friend suggested going to the cinema. You disagree. " I'm not very keen." صديقك يقترح الذهاب الي السينما وانت لا توافق . ( لست متحمسا )
21: Your friend suggested going to the theatre. You agree. "A good idea " صديقك يقترح الذهاب الي المسرح وانت توافق . ( فكرة جيدة )
22: you offer to get your friend a cup of tea.
"Shall I get you a cup of tea?" تعرض أن تقدم فنجان شاي لصديق ( سوف احضر لك فنجان شاي )
23: You object to your friend's idea. "I disagree with you"
تعترض مع فكرة صديق ( لا اتفق معك)
24: You invite your friend to your birthday party.
"I'd like to invite you my birthday party."
تدعو صديقك لحفلة عيد ميلادك ( يسرني ان ادعوك الي حفلة عيد ميلادي)
25: A friend invites you to spend a week in his farm . you accept the invitation. "I'd love to"
صديقك يدعوك لقضاء أسبوع في مزرعته وأنت تقبل ( أريد ذلك)
26:You want to express your opinion about the TV educational programmes.
"In my opinion , the TV educational programmes are very useful ( good)"
تعبر عن رأيك في البرامج التعليمية ( في رايى البرامج التعليمية مفيدة ( جيدة) جدا
27:You've finished an exercise. You say to the teacher. " I've finished my exercise" . انهيت تمرين تقول للمدرس ( أنهيت تمريني . )
28:You advise your friend to come on time to school.
"You should come on time to school"
تنصح صديقك إن يأتي للمدرسة ( يجب إن تأتي للمدرسة في الوقت المحدد)

42 You want permission from your father to go to the cinema tonight.May I go to the cinema tonight.
تريد إذن والدك لتذهب للسينما الليلة ؟ هل اذهب إلي السينما الليلة ؟"
Review A
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a A friend tells you the name of a famous woman. You want to know about her job.
b Your teacher says something in English. You do not understand very well.
c Your mother tells you an interesting story. Express your opinion.
d Your little brother says that he is very tired. Advise him.
1 What work does she do?
2 Excuse me, could you repeat that, please?
3 That’s an interesting story!
4 Why don’t you go to bed?
Review B
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a A friend asks you why there are so many cars outside the school. Give reasons.
b Your brother/sister asks you to help him/her with some homework. You do not have time to do this.
c You would like a student in your class to help you with a maths question. You do not know the student very well.
d You read the same book as your friend. Your friend says that the book is very good. You think the same.
a The reason that there are so many cars is because they have closed the road they usually take.
b No, I’m afraid I can’t. I don’t have time.
c Could you possibly/I wonder if you could/Do you think you could help me with a maths question?
d I agree.

1-There are some pros and cons to my school.
2-Yes, it is. I know for sure..
3-I disagree. I think tennis is better.
4-Of course I’ll help you.
Practice Test 3
2 what you would say in each of the following situations:
a You are playing a game. A friend has thought of a person and wants you to guess who it is.
b A friend asks you to play tennis. Refuse politely.
c You would like a tourist to take a photograph of you with your friends.
d Your friend just passed his final exams.
1-Is this person living/famous/fictional?
2-Thank you but I can’t play now.
3-Excuse me. Would you please take a photo of us?
4-That’s great news!/Congratulations!
1- A friend says that the book which you are both reading is boring.
- I disagree. I think it’s very interesting./I agree it’s boring.
2 -Your friend says that the bus is the best way to go home from a museum. Disagree.-I don’t think so. I think we should take the metro.
3- You are asking people questions for a school project. You want to know the number ofdays of holiday they have.-How much holiday do you have?
4 -A friend starts to tell you about something he/she did last week, but he/she does not finish.-You were telling me about something you did last week
5- You want to know if a friend has a fear of spiders.
-Are you afraid of spiders?
6- You open your school bag and your English book is not there.
- I must have left my English book at home.

3 Please can you……. the door when you leave the building.
a lock b fit c influence d repeat
4 Hassan's brother always ……Hassan when he can't find his pen!
a fits b blames c plans d digs
5 If the toy car does not work, you should put in a new ……………..
a route b battery c fact d password
6 The …………………. of Cairo is growing every year.
a population b people c pros d national
7 My father has never ……….. to go to hospital.
a need b needs c needing d needed
8 ……………………. you enjoyed your time in the museum!
a Do b Have c Did d Has
9 Amira's sister agreed ….… the medicine, although she didn't like it
a to take b taking c took d take
10 Have you finished ……………… that book that I gave you!
a to read b reading c read d reads
11 I expect that Ahmed …………….. to university next year.
a goes b go c will go d went
12 Dina can't see her friends this afternoon . She ………. her mother in the kitchen.
a helps b is helping c helped d was helping
Review C
Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord:
1 Flu is a……………….. that many people can catch .
a drought b disease c donation d disaster
2 Do not leave your food on the table or it will …………….. flies.
a attract b starve c take d hit
3 They have …………… the animal that ran from the zoo in a park.
a infected b depended c freed d captured
4 Who is the ……………………of that new blue car!
a patron b owner c author d researcher
5 The hotel ……………….. the Nile.
a opens b looks c overlooks d sees
10 My best friend always tells the ………….. , so I always believe what she says.
a quotation b time c moral d truth
11 The scientist will …….. the water from the river to see if it is clean
a analyse b pour c freeze d repeat
12 I don't understand this maths question. It is very ………………….
a powerful b easy c complex d possible
Practice Test 2
3 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Fareeda has never ………….. to wear glasses.
a need b needed c needs d needing
2 I ………….. finished my homework, so we can go to the park.
a just have b just has c has just d have just
3 My uncle has offered ………….. me how to play tennis,
a teaching b to teach c teach d taught
4 The teacher suggests ………….. ten new words a day.
a learning b to learn c learn d of learning
5 We have no tea, so I………….. to the shops and get some.
a go b going c am going d goes
6 The teacher says that we ………….. a test tomorrow .
a are going to have b will be c would have d had
7 That mountain is …………..! It is about 7,000 metres high !
a tiny b massive c wide d ordinary
8 The children love to ………….. holes in the sand on the beach .
a stick b dive c dig d lock
9 It was a very long poem. It had about 15 …………..
a verses. b batteries. c systems. d plots
10 A lot of the city's pollution comes from car exhaust …………..
a facts. b fumes. c jams. d cells.
11 Many people on the island were………….. after the storms.
a homeless b careless c hopeful d cheerful
12 We used a map to plan our ………….. through the mountains.
a replacement b rhyme c opinion d route

4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
Review A
a It's my habit to play tennis. (used)
b When did you travel to Alexandria? (ago)
c You should read this book. (If)
d Leen is always early. (comes)
1 I am used to playing tennis.
2 How long ago did you travel to Alexandria?
3 If I were you, I’d read this book.
4 Leen always comes early.
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
Review B
1 This is the first time Salma has ever traveled to Sharm El Sheikh. (never)
2 What do you intend to do during the weekend? (going)
3 He mustn't repeat those mistakes. (avoid)
4 My father always walked to work when he was young. (used)
1 Salma has never travelled to Sharm El-Sheikh before.
2 What are you going to do during the weekend?
3 He must avoid repeating those mistakes.
4 My father always used to walk to work when he was young

Practice Test 2
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
1 I'm looking forward to joining the Faculty of Engineering. (hope)
2 The last time I caught a fish was when I was in the village. (since)
3 Amira went to the supermarket and came back. (been)
4 I've arranged to travel to Saudi Arabia. (traveling)
1-I hope to join the Faculty of Engineering.
2-I haven’t caught a fish since I was in the village.
3-Amira has been to the supermarket.
4-I’m travelling to Saudi Arabia.

Practice Test 3
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning.
a I have lived in Alexandria for three years. (started)
b His carelessness made him fail. (If)
c Adel watched TV after he had studied his lesson . (until)
d I'm sorry I arrived late. (regret)
1-I started living/to live in Alexandria three years ago.
2-If he hadn’t been careless, he wouldn’t have failed.
3-Adel didn’t watch TV until he had studied his lesson.
4-I regret that I arrived late.

Practice Test 1
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 Sadat City is a large industrial City among cairo and Alexandria.
2 Census researchers visit people’s houses across Egypt
and ask people to complete a farm.
3 King Lear wondered around the country with his last two friends.
4 I have a great memory, so I can reward everything my mother told me last night.
1-between 2-form 3-wandered 4-remember / recall

Practice Test 2
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 We can lead a better life thanks to scientific exhaust.
2 If you lend too much money, you will be in debt.
3 Modern cars bury petrol more efficiently.
4 One day, I think that scientists will sold the problems of pollution.
1-research 2-borrow 3-burn 4-solve

Practice Test 3
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1 Sanitation is personal cleanliness. public
2 My mother is good at asking quick decisions. making
3 Dirty hands are covered in millions of cons. germs
4 If you cut your hand, wash it carefully or you can get inspectors. infected / infections

Review B
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
People have told poems for thousands of years. The first poets probably told or sang poems to people at special events. Some of the poems were very long and they told a story about history. Perhaps the oldest poem is the Epic of Gilgamesh, about a king in Iraq. It is very long and is about 4,000 years old.
Arabic poetry was the first to use rhyme: people began to write rhymes in English poems in about the twelfth century. Poets have written hundreds of kinds of poem since then. Some continue to tell stories, others have silly rhymes to make people laugh, and some do not rhyme at all. Most poems, however, make people think and sometimes see the world in a different way.
1 Why do you think that people did not write the first poems in books7
2 How old is the world's oldest poem?
3 What is it about!
4 Why do some poets write silly rhymes?
5 …………… first used rhyme in poetry.
a The Arabs b The Ancient Egyptians
c Gilgamesh d The English
6 What do most poems do?
a make people laugh b rhyme
c tell stories d make people think

1 Because this was probably before people
had books or even writing.
2 It is about 4,000 years old.
3 It was about a king in Iraq.
4 To make people laugh.
5 a
6 d

Practice Test 1
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Most people think that smell is the least important of the senses. If you had to lose a sense, this is the one most people would choose. However, scientists say that your sense of smell is very important for memory. For example, when people smell something, they sometimes remember something from the past which they thought they had forgotten. They probably smelled the same thing at that time
We also need smell to warn us about bad food that we might eat, or smoke from a fire, for example. People who cannot smell anything often feel sad and find it harder to remember things from the past 11 is not a sense that you would want to lose.
1 Why do you think people think smell is the least important of the senses?
2 Why does smell help people to remember things?
3 What can smell stop us from eating/
4 How do you think the smell of smoke can help people 7
5 What can happen to people who cannot smell?
a They have fewer memories. b They lose things.
c They don't know people's names. d They feel happy.
6 What does 11 refer to in the last sentence?
a any sense b sight c hearing d smell
1-Students’ own answers.
2-When people smell something, they often remember things from the past.
3-Smell can stop us from eating bad food.
4-The smell can warn them that there is a fire.
5 a
6 d

Practice Test 3
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
My uncle is a hard-working cleaner at a hotel. If he had worked harder at school, he would have become an engineer. He always tells me to work hard so that I can have a good career. I am going to graduate in science next year. I want to be science researcher. My uncle also says that it is important to have a hobby that you enjoy When he is not working, my uncle is an actor at a small theatre for children. He has performed to my brother's school and he is very good. My hobby is kung fu . I have done kung fu for several years and it is good fun. I should practice every day, but I do not have time because I must study for my exams.
1 Do you think the writer's uncle has a good career? Why or why not/
2 Why do you think the writer's uncle tells him to work hard!
3 Which job would the writer like to do?
4 Why does the writer not practise kung fu every day?
5 What job would the writer's uncle have done if he had worked
harder at school?
a engineer b scientist c actor d teacher
6 What does the uncle do as a hobby ?
a He is an actor for children c He does kung fu .
b He does science. d He cleans.
1-Students’ own answers.
2-Students’ own answers.
3-The writer wants to be a science researcher.
4-He doesn’t have time because he must study for his exams.
5 a
6 a

5- What is the moral of The Cricket on the Hearth?
It is always best to tell the truth and be kind.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : - 3 -
1 In your opinion,how does your brain help you learn and remember?
It stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible.
2- Which of the five senses, do you think, is the most important?
I think "sight", is the most important of the five senses.
3- How can we help people who have lost one of the senses ? By inventing devices that will help them to make up for what they have lost.
4- In your opinion, which is greater: the computer or the human brain? Why? I think the human brain is greater because it invented the computer.
Answer the following Critical questions : A
3-Why do you think we should be grateful to great scientists like Dr EI-Baz?
4-In your opinion, what do you learn from The Cricket on the Hearth?
5-"Sometimes people are forced to tell lies." Are you for or against this/ Say why?
3-Do you think people should follow rules in gardens? Why or why not?
Yes, people should follow rules in gardens to keep them clean and beautiful.
Critical thinking Questions & Answers: - 6 -
1- Why do you think air pollution is a big problem ?
Because it can damage people’s health as well as the environment.
2- Why is it so important for us to find a replacement for petrol soon?
Because in the future there will be no oil.
3- Do you think air pollution will get better or worse in the future? Why?I think it will get better because cars will use clean fuels.
4- What other things could people use for fuel in the future?
solar power and wind energy
Critical thinking Questions & Answers : B
1-Why do you think some countries are building new cities?To move people away from other big cities which are crowded with people.
2-Would you like to live in a new city? Why \ Why not? Yes, I’d like to live in a new city. There I can start a new life with new people.
3-What do charities depend on?
They depend on donations.
4-Which do you prefer to read, poems or stories? Say why
5-In your opinion, what might be expected replacements for oil in the future?
6-How do you think farmers will be able to "grow fuel" in their fields?

2-How did Helen help other people who were blind?
She worked for the American Foundation for the Blind, an organization which
helps the blind all over the world. She also travelled 35 countries.
3-How do you think we can help people like Helen Killer and Mahmoud Youssef?
We should encourage them and integrate them with us in life.
4-Do you admire Helen Killer’s character? Why or Why not?
Sure I admire her very much. Although she was blind and deaf, she graduated
from the university and could write many books. She proved that nothing was impossible.
5-What lesson do you learn from reading about Helen Killer?
I learn that nothing is impossible and life has no ends.
-Answer the following questions: C
1-What do you think would have happened if King Lear had known how much Cordelia loved him?
2-What lesson do you learn from reading about Helen Keller?
3-In your opinion, how is cleanliness the key to a healthy life?
4-People express their feelings in different ways. (Give two examples.)

5-In your opinion, what qualities does any person need to achieve his or her ambitions in life ?
Mahfouz came from a lower middle-class Muslim family in Cairo, the
Mahfouz was not a stranger to controversy. Many Arab countries banned his books because of his support of Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. He also supported Salman Rushdie after Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini condemned the author to death. Mahfouz received many death threats, and he survived an assassination attempt in 1994. He is the only Arabic-language writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Review B
9 Write an email of about ninety (90) words to a friend about one (1) of the following:
a place that you know in the city or the countryside
To :Ali @yahoo.com
From :Hany@hotmail.com
About : My school
My school is ten kilometers away from my home, and I go by the school bus every morning. I love to go to school. I learn so many new things at school every day. There are many different subjects I study at school. I study languages like Arabic, French and English, and other subjects like mathematics, science and social studies.
My school is very beautiful. There are nice, lush gardens with beautiful plants and trees. In spring time the blooming flowers are a spectacle. My school has a well equipped library, and I enjoy reading books. There are also computers in the school for our use.
I love my school and my teachers. My teachers are very caring. They teach us with a great deal of patience, and they want us to become good and responsible human beings. I want to make my school and my teachers proud of me.
With my best wishes.

b the importance of cleanliness
Cleanliness is extremely important in protecting us from infections. Hygiene (your own cleanliness) and sanitation (public cleanliness) are both important. Many infections of the stomach pass from one person to another because of bad sanitation and hygiene. If a child has dirty hands, they will be covered with millions of germs which we cannot see. If that child gives sweets to another child, some of those germs will be passed to the other child. When this child eats the sweet, he or she will eat some of the germs and may become ill. The child's mother may say that it is because her child ate the sweet, but it is really because her child ate the other child's germs. These are some of the rules of hygiene.
You should always wash your hands before a meal. You should bathe more often in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the gym. You should also be very careful about the food you eat and the water you drink. Make sure that flies and other insects do not land on your food. Insects eat dirt and there are germs in dirt. If insects land on your food, they may pass their germs on to you. You must not leave pieces of food or dirty dishes laying around, because they will attract flies, You can protect food from flies and germs by covering it. You should always boil tap water before you drink it.
Finally, you must never eat food that smells bad because it may be poisonous. Do not eat food from a tin if the tin is damaged; the food will probably be bad.
Practice Test 1
9 Write a paragraph about ninety (90) words on only one (1) of the following:
a a story with a moral
Once upon a time, an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent. After being released, the man felt humiliated as he walked to his home. He sued the old man for wrongly Accusing him.
In court, the old man told the Judge, “They were just comments, didn’t Harm anyone..”
Here's something you might not expect: Mullen claims there's nothing superhuman about his brain — that growing up, he'd always had an "average" memory. Becoming a world-class memory athlete only took a few years of practice — and the creation of around 100 "memory palaces." But more on those later.
Practice Test 2
Write a paragraph of about ninety (90) words about one (1) of the following:
a the pros and cons of city life
In the following lines, I'm going to write about the pros\advantages\ merits and cons\disadvantages \ demerits of living in the countryside\ the country. I’d like to start my paragraph with the merits\ pros\ advantages of living in the country. Living in the country is wonderful. Fresh air, green trees, simple people, good neighbours, quietness are all of the pros of living in the country. On the other hand, living in the country has demerits cons\ disadvantages/ drawbacks. It is undeniable fact that the countryside lacks a lot of facilities and all means of entertainment and luxury. Life is slow and boring as there is nothing new, the same faces and the same houses. To conclude it must be said that some prefer to live in a big city, others in a small town, both are good, neither are perfect. The choice is there for us to make, and it depends very much of our character, free time, friends and family and other.
b why we should help older people
many older people face abuse and violence in their own homes, and in institutional and long-term care facilities. Many are also denied the right to make decisions about their personal finances, property and medical care. They are often denied social security, access to health and productive resources, work, food and housing. Yet, older people make key contributions to any society through their experience and wisdom. Better protection of the rights of older people will allow societies to better capitalise on the potential that older people represent.
b an athlete you admire
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali (January 17th 1942 - June 3rd 2016) was an American former professional boxer . He was generally considered among the greatest heavyweights in the history of the sport.
He's got more endurance, speed, accuracy, determination, and most importantly heart then any other athlete ever to walk the planet. Defiantly the best all around athlete.
If we were to show another species the strength, courage, love and intelligence that Man has, Muhammad Ali would be Mankind's Representative.
His passion, dedication, confidence, attitude... No doubt The Greatest... He should have been number 1... The Man had it all.. His fellows respected him. What more do you want.
There’s just too much to say about Ali; it wouldn’t be able to fit into this small space.
No one deny that Pollution is a difficult and serious problem in modern life. There are different kinds of pollution. Air Pollution is caused by car fumes which contain very harmful substances. These substances have a bad effect on health and can cause many diseases. The sea is polluted by the chemical waste thrown into it by factories and ships. The soil is also polluted by the chemicals we use such as insecticides
All these kinds of pollution affect not only man’s life but animal life and plant life as well. The world is making great efforts to fight pollution. Ordinary people have to cooperate with the government and scientists to get rid of pollution. If pollution continues to increase, life on earth will be in great danger. Even ordinary people can help to eliminate pollution.

P 1 Translation
10 A Translate into Arabic:
1 We should cooperate with census researchers by giving them correct data.
.يجب / يتوجّب علينا أن نتعاون مع باحثي التعداد )السكاني( عن طريق إعطائهم بيانات / معلومات صحيحة.
2 To achieve your ambitions in life, you should have determination.
لكي تحقق طموحاتك في الحياة، يجب أن يكون لديك / عندك التصميم )لذلك.)
B Translate into English: . -
لقد حقق ذوو الاحتياجات الخاصة نجاحًا عظيمًا فى كل أنحاء العالم
People with special needs have achieved great success all over the world.
P 2 Translation
A Translate into Arabic:
1 Thieves should always go to prison for their crimes.
يجب أن يذهب اللصوص للسجن دائمًا )ثمنًا / جزاءً( لجرائمهم .
2 Honest people should always be rewarded and honoured.
يجب أن يُثاب / يكافأ ويُكرّم )الأشخاص( الأمناء .
B Translate into English: . –
لو كان لدى الكثير من الوقت أمس، لزرت صديقى
If I had had enough time yesterday, I would have visited my friend. /Had I had enough time yesterday, I would have visited my friend.
P 3 Translation
A Translate into Arabic:
1 We should play a positive role in solving society’s problems.
يجب أن نمارس / نلعب دورًا إيجابيًا في حلّ مشاكل المجتمع .
2 Fifty years ago, our environment was much cleaner than today.
كانت بيئتنا أكثر نظافةً منذ خمسين عامًا مما هي عليه اليوم .
B Translate into English:
- تسهم المرأة إسهامًا عظيمًا فى تطوير المجتمع وتقدمه .
Women contribute greatly in the development and advancement of society.

Translate into English :
١- يجب ان نزرع اشجار كثيرة لكى نحافظ على البيئة
We must plant more trees to preserve the environment
٢- علينا جميعا أن نتشارك في دعم الاقتصاد المصرى
We all should/must cooperate to support the Egyptian economy.
٣- سوف يوفر مشروع قناة السويس فرص عمل كثيرة
The Suez Canal project will provide many job opportunities.
٤- قالت سلمى أنها سوف تسافر إلى لندن.
Salma said that she would travel to London.
٥- لقد افتتح السد العالى في أسوان عام ١٩٧٠
- The High Dam was opened in Aswan in 1970.
٦- يجب أن يعاقب كل مهمل على إهماله
-Every careless person should be punished for his / her / their carelessness.
٧- يجب ان نبذل قصارى جهدنا للتخلص من التلوث بكل اشكالة
We should do our best to get rid of pollution with all its kind
٨- لقد تمكنا بالكمبيوتر والانترنت ان نكون على اتصال بالاخرين فى كل انحاء العالم Computers and the internet have enabled us to get in to touch with others in all over the world.
٩- لاتدع الفشل يؤثر على طموحك
-Don’t let failure affect your dreams/ ambitions
١٠ - من الافضل ان تخطط لمستقبلك الان.
-It is better for you to plan for your future now
١١ - يجب أن نشجع السياحة بجميع أنواعها ، حيث أنها تشكل مصدرا رئيسيا للدخل القومى
We should encourage tourism with its all kinds, as it is considered the main/chief source of national income.
١٢ - يجب أن يكون لك هدف فى الحياة وأن تبذل قصارى جهدك لتحقيقة
You should have a goal in your life and do your best to achieve it.
13 - تبذل الحكومة أقصى جهدها لإيجاد فرص عمل للشباب و بناء مساكن لهم .
The government does its best to provide job opportunities For the youth and build
١٤ - ينبغى علينا بذل المزيد من الجهد لحماية البيئة من التلوث السمعى والبصرى
We should exert/make more efforts to protect the environment from audio and visual pollution
١٥ - تعتبر قناة السويس اعظم ممر مائى بين الشرق والغرب. ولقد اصبحت مصدر هام للدخل القومى
- The Suez Canal is the greatest water way between East and West. It has become an important source of national income.
3-Was the addressed person really lucky? Why? Why not?
- No, he wasn't because. His bed was very uncomfortable and the food was never enough.
4-"Please, sir, I want some more."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to the master of the workhouse.
Why did this person say it?
- He wanted more to eat.
2- What was the result of this request?
- He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten
5-"You've given him too much meat. You've been too kind to him. "
1- Who said these words?
- Mr Bumble said this.
2- Where was the speaker?
- He was at Mr Sowerberry’s.
3- What had happened shortly before these words were said?
- Noah Claypole insulted Oliver's mother,.

1. Why did Oliver cry when he left the old house?
* Because he was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known
2. Describe the boys working in the workhouse.
* They were all as thin and weak. They wore old and big clothes.
3. Why wasn't Mr Sowerberry happy(complained) when he saw Oliver?
* Because he was very small
4. Why did Oliver attack and hit Noah?
Because he spoke badly and insulted Oliver's mother
B- Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-"Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was."
(A) Who said these words? Where? The nurse. At the workhouse.
(B) What happened to that woman? She died.
(C) Why wouldn't they be able to know who that woman was?
 Because they even didn't know her name.

Chapter Two
1- Why was Oliver careful to hide after running away from Mr Sowerberry's?
- He thought that people would want to take him back to Mr Sowerberry.
2- How did Oliver go to London? - He went to London on foot.
3- How did Jack Dawkins seem to be kind to Oliver when they first met?
-He bought Oliver a meal and said he could show him the
4- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser بخيل?
- Because he had so much jewellery and so many watches, however he lived in such an old place.
5- What did Oliver think about the way Fagin used all his money?
- He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
6- Why didn't the magistrate القاضى send Oliver to prison?
- Because Mr Brownlow said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him and the owner of the bookshop
7- Why did Fagin want to find Oliver?
- Because he was afraid that Oliver would tell the police
8- Why did Mr Sikes suggest sending Nancy to the police station?
- Because the police didn't know her. She could go and find out what had happened to Oliver.
9- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?
- They ran quickly back to the old house.
10- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?
- It was how to steal يسرق things from people.
11- Why did Oliver think he should run away again when Jack took him through the streets of London?
-. The streets were poorer and dirtier than he had ever seen.
12- Why was Mr Brownlow puzzled when he first saw Oliver?
1- - He thought he had seen the boy before, but he didn't know where.
13- Why didn't the magistrate send Oliver to prison?
- Because the owner of the bookshop said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys.

Chapter Three
A- Answer the following questions:
1- What did Mr Brownlow do when Oliver got better يتحسن?
- He bought him some new clothes.
2- Why did Mr Brownlow send Oliver to the bookshop المكتبة?
- To pay for يدفع ثمن some books and to return ليعيد some others.
3- What did Mr Brownlow give Oliver when he sent him to the bookshop?
- He gave him five pounds and some books.
4- What happened to Oliver while he was walking to the bookshop?
- Nancy and Mr Sikes kidnapped him and led him قادوه to Fagin's old shop.
5- What did Nancy tell the people who saw her grab Oliver?
- She told them that Oliver had run away from هرب home and she was returning him to his parents والديه.
5- new clothes, the money and the books?
- Fagin took the new clothes and the books while Mr Sikes took the money.
6- What did Mr Sikes do to Oliver when he tried to escape?
- He began to beat يضرب him with a stick عصا.
7- Show that Nancy was kind to Oliver.
- She asked Mr Sikes to stop hitting ضرب Oliver
8- Why did Mr Sikes stop hitting Oliver?
- Because Nancy threatened هددت to call the police if he didn't stop.
9- Where was the house that Sikes and Crackit want to rob?
- It was in the countryside.
10- What happened when Oliver went inside the house?
- Oliver heard someone shout something. Then there was a loud bang صوت إطلاق النار. Oliver was shot.
11- Did Oliver want to help the gang to rob the house? Explain.
No, he didn't. He cried asking not to ask him to do such a thing..
12- How much did the books cost?
- They cost four pounds.
13- Why was the painting of the woman taken down?
- Because it seemed to worry Oliver.

2- Why did he say "You were right"?
- because Mr Grimwig had said that Oliver would return to the thieves.
3- Whose name does he not want to hear again and why?
Oliver’s name because he learned (from Mr Bumble) that Oliver was bad.
5-"We need a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the countryside."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who did the listener suggest?
- He suggested Oliver.
3- Why did they need a boy for that job المهمة?
- Because the window was too small
6-"Please, take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to Fagin and Mr Sikes.
2- Why did the speaker want to return the books and money to Mr Brownlow?
- Because he might think that Oliver stole them.
3- Did the listener agree?
- No, he didn't.
Chapter Four
A- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Toby and Mr Sikes do with Oliver after he had been shot?
 They carried him through some fields, but people were chasing them, so they left him in a field.
2. Why was Monks worried when he knew that Oliver had been shot?
 Because if Oliver was dead, the police would look for them.
 4. Why was the doctor against the idea of telling the police Oliver's story? - Because a magistrate would send Oliver to prison because he had run away from the place where he worked, then he joined a gang of thieves and tried to break into a house.
5. How did Oliver try to show how thankful he was to Mrs Maylie and Rose?
- He offered to work for them. He asked to water their flowers to make them happy.

2- What did the speaker steal and from whom?
- She stole a gold locket from Oliver’s mother.
3- About how long after the theft did the speaker say this, and what happened to the speaker after saying this?
- The speaker said this more than ten years/nearly eleven or twelve years after Oliver was born, and she died after saying this.
5-"Mr Sikes had a job for him. And you should be happy I found him!"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Monks.
2- For whom did Mr Sikes have a job?
- He had a job for Oliver.
3- What was that job that Mr Sikes had for that person?
- He wanted Oliver to help him and Toby in breaking into a house.
work book - The Novel
8 -A ) Answer the following questions :-
1- What did Noah Claypole say about Oliver's mother that made Oliver so angry ?
* Noah Claypole said that Oliver's mother died in the workhouse because
she was no good at anything.
2- What is the setting ( time and place ) of Oliver Twist ?
* It was in a town in England during the Industrial Revolution.
3- Why did Oliver cry when Mr. Bumble took him to Mr. Sowerberry?
* Oliver cried because he had no friends.
4- Oliver agreed that the notebooks were well made. Why did Fagin
and the boys find this very funny ?
* Because Oliver didn't know these notebooks had been stolen by them.
B ) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:-
"Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was. "
1- Who said these words ?
* The nurse said these words.
2- Who is the beautiful woman?
* the beautiful woman is Oliver's mother.
4- Did Oliver want to help them rob the house ? Explain.
* No. He begged them not to do this , but Sikes threatened him pointing to his gun.

B ) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:-
" He 's run away from home. I 'm taking him back to his mother and father. "

1- Who said this ? * Nancy said this.
2- To whom was it said ? * It was said to people in the street.
3- Where was the speaker really taking " him " to ?
* Nancy was taking Oliver to an old shop where he saw Fagin , Charley and Jack.
C- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-

1- Jack Dawkins's friends call him " The Skillful Dodger ".
* The Artful Dodger.
2- Mr. Brownlow is a rich criminal who lives in London.
* and kind gentleman.
C- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :-

1- Bill Sikes was sent to look for Oliver and bring him back.
* Nancy and the Artful Dodger.
2- Mr. Grimwig is Mr. Brownlow's servant.
* friend.
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