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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Telegraph: Israel plays down fears over Muslim Brotherhood

6/26/2012   2:43 PM
Telegraph: Israel plays down fears over Muslim Brotherhood

Mr Netanyahu said he looked forward to co-operating with Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's first Islamist president, sounding a more positive note than the Israeli press and several former ministers, one of whom suggested the country should be "prepared for war".
"We expect to work together with the new administration on the basis of our peace treaty," Mr Netanyahu said. "I believe that peace is important to Israel. I believe that peace is important to Egypt. I believe that peace is a vital interest for both countries."
The headlines in the Israeli media reflected the concern across parts of the Middle East about the rise of the Brotherhood that contrasted sharply with Sunday night's scenes of triumph in Cairo's Tahrir Square. "Darkness in Egypt," read the headline in Yediot Aharonot, the country's best-selling paper.
The same tone was reflected in interviews with former officials. "We must seek dialogue with the Islamists, and at the same time be prepared for war," said Benjamin Ben Eliezer, a former defence minister.
Their anxiety would undoubtedly have been heightened by an interview with Mr Morsi carried by the Iranian news agency FARS, which quoted him as saying he wanted to restore relations with Tehran as part of a "rebalancing" exercise of Egypt's foreign policy.
It also quoted him as suggesting that the Brotherhood would "reconsider the Camp David Accord" that, in 1979, forged a peace between Egypt and Israel that has held for more than three decades.
Later a spokesman for the Egyptian president was quoted on state news denying the interview, saying it was "without foundation".
In his victory address, Mr Morsi had promised to respect existing treaties, including the Camp David Accords. "We will preserve all international treaties and charters," he had said. "We come in peace."
In any event, Mr Morsi's comments are largely theoretical as the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has reserved to itself the right to dictate foreign policy.
In the longer term, though, the Brotherhood is likely to become more assertive, particularly if there is a new conflict in Gaza, which borders on Egypt.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, last night called for stronger ties between Iran and Egypt in the wake of Mr Morsi's presidential election victory.
"I congratulate you for your victory as head of Egypt, a friendly and brotherly country," Mr Ahmadinejad said in a statement addressed to the new president-elect.
Yasser El-Shimy, a former Egyptian diplomat now working as an analyst with the international Crisis, said that any democratic government in Egypt would sooner or later have to readdress its relationship with Israel.
"You are not going to have the same kind of policy that Egypt had with Israel in the time of Mubarak," he said. "You are going to have to show the Egyptian people that there is something in it for them."
Mr Morsi moved into the presidential palace and was in talks with the head of SCAF, Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, about forming a new government. Brotherhood officials confirmed that they were discussing offering the prime minister's office to Mohammed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, though he has given no indication he wants a job in government.
Officials are also confident that they can negotiate a settlement to the country's ongoing constitutional crisis. They offered a key concession, stepping back from their claims immediately after Mr Morsi's victory that he would swear his oath of office in front of parliament, even though it has been dissolved by the army.
They hope in return that a new court hearing will allow two thirds of MPs to remain in place, with a re-run of parliamentary elections being held just for the third of seats whose legitimacy was contested in the original constitutional court ruling that led to the dissolution.

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