والان مع المراجعة على الوحدات من العاشرة للثانية عشر بالاجابات
Review "D"
Units 10-12
l- Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Your bus leaves in ten minutes and you want to catch it.
2. Hesham offers to go the doctor's with you, but you can't take him on your own.
3. You don't have any sugar left. Explain why you are going to the supermarket.
4. You're at Hazem's house and you're late for home. Hazem wants you to stay with him but you apologize.
5. A friend asks your opinion about a film director he likes. You don't agree with your friend.
6. You're doing a project on wildlife. Ask a friend of yours for more information.
7. You advise a friend of yours not to eat too much.
8. Salem believes that fresh fruit and vegetables are good for health. Express your opinion.
1-I must leave now. The bus leaves in ten minutes.
2-Thank you, but I really want to go on my own.
3-I'm going to the supermarket to get some sugar.
4-I'm sorry. I have to leave now.
5-I don't agree with you. I don't think he is a good director.
6-Could you give me some information about wildlife, please?
7-You shouldn't eat too much.
8-I think you are right. / I agree with you.
2- Say where these mini- dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1. A: Passport and tickets, please.
B: Here you are.
A: Smoking or non-smoking?
B: Non-smoking, please.
A: Thank you, I have given you a window seat 24 A.
2. A: Good morning. Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I'd like to get a new passport. What can I do?
A: Please, fill in this form and bring two photos. You also pay 150 pounds.
B: Ok.
3. A: Would you like to start with chicken soup, sir?
B: Yes, please.
A: What would you like to have next.
B: Rice, meat and potatoes.
4. A: I'd like a fashionable dress, please.
B: What size do you wear?
A: 38
B: Here you are.
1-Place: Airport / Check-in-desk S A: Airport clerk S B: Traveller
2-Place: Passport Department S A: Passport clerk S B: Citizen
3-Place: Restaurant S A: Waiter S B: Guest
4-Place: Clothes shop S A: Customer S B: Salesman
3· Choose the correct answer from 8, b, c, or d:
1. Shanghai is a modern ……… city which has a population of 20 million people.
a- Japanese b- Turkish c- Chinese d- French
2. The Olympic Games took .......... in Athens, Greece, in 2004.
a- in b- over c- off d- place
3. A ........... is a dance which is very formal.
a- bell b- ball c- pile d- bill
4. We're going to ......... a quiz.
a- do b- make c- recycle d- bring
5. AI- Ahly will ......... Enppi next week.
a- win b- beat c- gain d- earn
6. Hoda usually hurts ....... when she is peeling the potatoes.
a- oneself b- itself c- herself d- yourself
7. Water skiing is a sport which is still ........ of the Olympics.
a- spot b- portion c-port d-part
8. Mohamed scored an exciting goal, ....... he?
a- didn't b- doesn't c- did d- won't
9. There are five .......... in the Olympic sign.
a- rectangulars b- circles c- squares d- triangles
10. He won't go abroad for many reasons, ........ he?
a- is b- did c- does d- will
11.It is said that ... ….. can be poisonous for the soil.
a- pesticides b- fertilizers c- water d- wheat
12.Let's go the cinema, ........... we?
a- shall b- will c- do d- did
13.Some people are in favour of genetically .......... crops.
a- identical b- modify c- modified d- modification
14 ....... is a chemical substance used to kill insects that damage crops.
a- Herbage b- Herbivore c- Herbicides d- Pesticides
I5.My dog sometimes washes .............. .
a- oneself b- himself c- itself d- themselves
16. . ....... land produces plenty of good crops.
a- Desert b- Fertile c- Organic d- Deserted
17. This book does not belong to me. I'm sure it is ......... .
a- your b- you c- yours d- mine
I8.To .......... pollution from traffic, we could ban cars from cities.
a- increase b- modify c- reduce d- produce
19.In the past, the Nile ........ and left fertile soil on the fields.
a- flooded b- flood c- floods d- modified
20. Genetic engineering can be used to stop tomatoes ........... rotting quickly.
a- with b- at c- from d- by
21. We should improve the quality of the soil by adding ....... organic fertilizers.
a- inorganic b- artificial c- chemical d- natural
22. Herman Melville had already written two books ..... Typee and Omoo.
a- called b- calls c- call d- to call
23. Organic farms don't produce the same ......... as modern farms.
a- quantities b- qualifications c- qualities d- quantum
24. The principal let Ahmed .......... the class because of being ill.
a-leaves b-left c-leaving d-leave
25. If food or crops ripen, they become ........ .
a- ripes b- rip c- ribbon d- ripe
26. Mr Hassan resigned as a manager because he was bored ....... the job
he had been doing.
a- with b- from c- by d- about
27. Many people in Somalia die of ...... because of wars and drought.
a- thunder b- epidemic c- starvation d- flood
28. He swore to take his .......... on his political enemies.
a- revenue b- review c- view d- revenge
29. Plants are reproduced from .......... .
a- Pollen b- petal c- nectar d- seeds
30. He ........... tennis for 10 years when his brother left for London in 2000.
a- play b- had been playing c- played d- plays
31. Our ....... forces proved to be the strongest ones.
a- arm b- armed c- army d- armour
32. It is possible to be ........ and determined without hurting other people.
a- ambitious b- ambition c- ambiguous d- ambivalent
4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Karim was so exciting to reach the summit of the mountain. ( excited)
2. I haven't been able of playing squash. ( capable ) ( able to play)
3. A team of nurses and doctors should fight together. (think/cooperate)
4. Amal would like to get married and bring for three beautiful girls. (up)
5. The picture was detached to the wall and I couldn't take it off (attached)
6. If you want to take fit, do a lot of exercise. (keep)
7. Football is the least popular game in Egypt. (most)
8. Scientists can make infection about tomorrow's weather. (prediction)
9. Wild animals are keep in cages. (kept)
10.lt's not nice to make fine of old people. (fun)
11.I'd like to get a job board for a few years. (abroad)
12.Why don't you apply at that job. ( for )
13.1 can't use my computer because my mice is broken. (mouse)
14.The ministry has sent a flock abroad to attend the conference. (delegation)
15.Reham has a lot of research to make. (do)
16.Having finishing his work. he went to bed. (finished)
17.No sooner had he bought a mobile phone then he lost it. (than)
18. You must park here. It's a no parking area. (mustn't)
C. Reading
5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Over the past twenty years, computers and the internet have become more and more important to us. In fact, depending on computer technology continues to grow everyday. We seem to use computers for almost everything these days; in shopping, driving our car, or communicating with relatives and colleagues.
This explosion in computer technology has resulted in a rush to install computers in every classroom and to "wire" every school to the Internet. In USA, between 1984 and 1997 alone, the number of computers in secondary schools increased to more than 8 million units. Both educators and students alike have been forced to keep up with this new wave of technology. Teachers have found that even though they themselves are still trying to learn the most basic of computer skills, they are expected to teach students about computer know-how.
Few people would question the role that computers could play in education. Some educators claim that students given the opportunity to use them in a classroom setting will get better grades than those who learn without having had any computer experience.These people say that just as computer technology has improved the way cars work, computers will make the classroom a better place to teach concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter, more successful adults.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. How could computers help students become more successful?
2. Give an example from the passage that shows that computers have been widely used in secondary education.
3. Give some examples of everyday uses of computers in our lives.
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Teachers are expected to teach students how to use computers although ....... .
a- they know how to use computers.
b- they are still learning how to use computers.
c- they know all the basics of computer skills.
d- they are forced to use computers.
5. "Few people would question the role that computers could play" means .......... ?
a- many people are certain about the importance of computers.
b- some people ask questions about computers.
c- not many people doubt the importance of computers.
d- some people want more computers.
Explosion | انفجـار | Install | يُـركب | |
Computer know-how | دراية بالكمبيوتر | Educator | مُعلم / مُربي | |
Question | يشُـك في | grades | درجات | |
Concept | مفاهيم | Bright | ذكي / بارع | |
1-Computers help to teach concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter, more successful adults. Students will get better grades.
2-In USA, between 1984 and 1997 alone, the number of computers in secondary schools increased to more than 8 million units.
3-We seem to use computers for almost everything these days: in shopping, driving our cars or communicating with relatives and colleagues.
4-b) they are still learning how to use computers.
5-a) many people are certain about the importance of computers.
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Antarctica is the continent surrounding the South Pole. It has an area of over 15 million square kilometers, about the size of the USA and Mexico put together. With an average temperature at the South Pole of 50°C, it is the coldest continent. It is so cold that a thick sheet of ice always lies over the land. Pack ice surrounds the shore of Antarctica and cliffs of ice from the coast. The mountain ranges which lie along the shore and inland are always covered in snow. In fact, Antarctica contains 90% of all the snow and ice in the world.
However, Antarctica is not just a large, cold desert. It is rich in mineral deposits; ,coal and minerals such as copper, iron, uranium, gold and platinum have found there. Many oil companies have carried out surveys in the area for oil and it is not clear whether they have found any there, and whether it could be successfully
exploited in the conditions in and around the continent.
Cold as it is, Antarctica is also rich in animal life, but because of the temperature, the animals and birds found there are aquatic, e.g. seals and penguins. The sea is also particularly rich in Krill which are small shrimp-like creatures that whales, seals' and penguins feed on.
At the end of the nineteenth century, interest in Antarctica grew, so that an increasing number of explores came from many countries to explore the continent. They were from Sweden, Belgium, Australia and New Zealand. They crossed the coast by sledges pulled by dogs. That means of transport proved more reliable than the motorized means which a British team was using at that time.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. How large is Antarctica continent?
2. Is it possible to grow vegetables in Antarctica soil or not?
Give reasons for your answer.
3. What do whales feed on in Antarctica?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. The shore and inland are ........... with a thick sheet of ice.
a- discovered b- recovered c- uncovered d- covered
The underlined word "They" in the last paragraph refers to …………….. .
a- explorers b- animals c- transport d- riches
Antarctica | القارة القطبية الجنوبية | shrimp | جمبري | |
average | متوسط | Thick sheet | كتلة أو طبقة سميكة | |
cliff | منحدر صخري | Mountain ranges | سلاسل الجبال | |
deposit | ترسيب / راسب | Platinum | البلاتينيوم | |
Uranium | اليورانيوم | Exploit | يستغل | |
aquatic | مائي | sledges | زحافات | |
1-It has an area of over 15 million square kilometers, about the size
of USA and Mexico put together.
2-No, it isn't because it's too cold.
3-They feed on krill, which are small shrimp-like creatures.
4-d) covered 5-a) explorers
The Spiders
7-1- a. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Ayman's family think of Ayman's story about the spiders?
2. Why had men died from these spiders bites?
1-They thought half of it was true and the other half was Ayman's imagination.
2-They were an unknown deadly species of spiders.
b. Complete the following sentences:
1. If the spiders were an unknown species, ................................................ .
2. As Ayman didn't have time to read Dr. Fakhry's second e-mail, …………......
1-scientists would have to develop a new antivenom for them.
2-He printed it out and took it with him to read later.
C. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"We have protective clothing. Do you need any other special equipment?"
1. Who said these words? To whom?
2. What equipment did he take with him?
1-Colonel Mikhail to Professor Jones.
2-He took a machine that looked like a gun (the smoker), a white sheet and metal tubes.
2- a. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Ayman's uncle advise him to do?
2. What made Ayman feel that he was a fool?
1-He advised him not to tell anyone about the spider he had seen.
2-Because everyone blamed him for telling people about the spider he had seen and he wasn't sure that the spider was dangerous.
b. Complete the following sentences:
1. The police got protective clothing from ……………......... .
2. The archaeologists at the site died because ............................... .
1-the fire department.
2-the deadly spiders had bitten them.
c. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"That's why I came to Egypt. If it is a known species, I can identify it."
1. What was the speaker's job?
2. Why did he think of spiders?
1-His job was to identify the spiders at the archaeological site.
2-What did he think of spiders? He thought that the spiders were useful animals.
D- Writing
8- 1. Write a letter of about 100 words to your English pen friend Jack describing a place that is off the beaten track. Your name is Ahmed Samir.
2. Write an e-mail to you friend explaining how you think people could be successful. Your name is Karim.
9- 1- a. Translate into Arabic:
Cairo has many fascinating places to visit, such as the Egyptian museum, the citadel, the opera, and the wax Museum. They are so wonderful that tourists and Egyptians like to visit them several times. They also show that Egypt is a civilized country.
القاهرة بها أماكن رائعة يمكن زيارتها مثل المتحف المصري و القلعة و الأوبرا و متحف الشمع وهي أماكن رائعة لدرجة أن السياح و المصريين يحبون زيارتها عدة مرات كما أنها أيضا تبين أن مصر دولة متحضرة.
b. Translate into English:
1- تولي الحكومة إهتماماً كبيراً للأطفال فهم شباب الغد و قيادات المستقبل.
1-The government gives due care to children because they are the young men of tomorrow and the leaders of the future.
2- إن النظافة الشخصية ضرورية ملحة لتجنب الأمراض مثل أنفلونزا الخنازير.
2-Hygiene (Personal cleanliness) is very important to avoid diseases such as swine flu (H1N1).
2· a. Translate into Arabic:
Vitamins are very essential for good health. Their absence causes serious diseases. Foods that contain vitamins are often called protective foods because they protect us from many fatal diseases.
الفيتامينات ضرورية للصحة الجيدة وعدم وجودها يسبب أمراضاً خطيرة و الأطعمة التي تحتوي علي الفيتامينات تسمي عادة أطعمة واقية لأنها تقينا من كثير من الأمراض القاتلة.
b. Translate into English:
1- بفضل وسائل الإعلام و الأقمار الصناعية أصبح العالم قرية صغيرة.
1-Thanks to mass media and satellites, the world has become a small village.
2- السياحة من أهم مصادر الدخل القومي والنقد الأجنبي اللازم للتنمية.
2-Tourism is one of the most important sources of national income and foreign currency needed for development.
Sample Test One
1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1. You see a classmate who has been away for many weeks.
2. Ahmed suggests going the beach but you'd like to play.
3. You suggest going out for a walk to your cousin.
4. You want to know if your grandfather did anything when he was not working.
1-How are things? / Where have you been?
2-No, I'd rather play tennis. / No, I'd prefer to play tennis instead
3-Let's go for a walk.
4-What did you use to do when you were not working?
What did you use to do in your free time?
2- Say where these mini- dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1. A: What would you like to start with, sir?
B: little soup.
A: Next?
B: meat and rice.
1-Place: Restaurant S A: Waiter S B: Guest
2. A: Where can I find some books about geology?
B: They are on the shelves over there.
A: How many books can I borrow at a time?
B: Only three.
2-Place: Library S A: Student / Reader S B: Librarian
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. . ......... houses keep out cold and heat.
a- Isolated b- Separate c- Individual d- Insulated
2. How ......... do you go to Mersa Matrouh? Once a year.
a- long b- often c- many d- much
3. . ........ engineering may bring new diseases in the future.
a- Medical b- Genetic c- Organic d- Agricultural
4. It's said that modern farming makes ....... money than organic farming.
a- less b- more c- little d- least
5. Many houses in Japan are made of wood because Japan has a lot of………
a- deluges b- floods c- earthquakes d- volcanoes
6. Organic food is better for you, ........... it?
a- is b- won It c- isn't d- wasn't
7. Some houses are made from mud bricks to be suitable for ......... climates.
a- dry b- mild c- cold d- hot
8. I think that the train never comes on time, .......... it?
a- won't b- didn't c- doesn't d- does
9. New York is famous for its ........ .
a- fountains b- towers c- headquarters d- skyscrapers
10.They built their house by .......... .
a- himself b- themselves c- ourselves d- them
II. Buildings have .......... roofs in places where there is a lot of rain or snow.
a- sloping b- flat c- insulated d- isolated
12.He had his field ........... .
a- watering b- water· c- waterproof d- watered
13.Hassan Fathy is the world famous .......... .
a- astrologer b- astronomer c- architect d- archaeologist
14.She'd better study hard, ........... she?
a- wouldn't b- hadn't c- didn't d- doesn't
I5.All students should be ....... about asking questions when they don't understand.
a- ashamed b- confident c- confidential d- confiding
16.Ayman prefers the market ........ the supermarket.
a- above b- over c- on d- to
4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. He is the manager for a travel agency in Aswan. ( of )
2. More than 100 million people visit places on the Mediterranean bank. ( coast )
3. We should leave now. The train leaves in five minutes. ( must )
4. Biology is the scientific study of people, their customs, beliefs, etc. (anthropology)
5. His car is rusty. It needs to be polish. ( polished )
6. Too many cars in city centres can create pollution, cars noise and congestion. (traffic)
C- Reading
5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Ecotourism is traveling to protected areas where human rights are respected. Ecotourism is important as we want the future generations to enjoy the same wonderful environment we have today. Individuals who are ecological and socially conscious have a role to play in that respect. They greatly appreciate the natural beauty of nature.
Governments are trying all the time to help local communities and local people to keep their heritage. Ecotourism also calls for promotion of recycling and· energy and water conservation. Ecotourism is facing a great conflict between making money and keeping away from the negative impact of tourism. The more pressure on local environment is put, the more necessary the development of infrastructure is needed. Places where wildlife viewing is involved, animals can be scared away.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. What is ecotourism as you understood from the passage?
2. Why is it important for future generation that we keep nature as it is today?
3. What is the role of individual in ecotourism?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4. The underlined word impact means ............. .
a- influence b- fluent c- affect d- efficiency
5. The underlined pronoun their refers to ........... .
a-local communities b- individuals c- governments d- tourists
generations | أجيال | conscious | واعي |
appreciate | يُقدر | Heritage | التراث |
Promotion | تشجيع / النهوض بـ | Recycling | إعادة الاستخدام |
Conservation | المحافظة (علي شيء) | Conflict | صراع |
Impact | تأثير | infrastructure | البنية الأساسية |
Involve | يتضمن | Scare away | يضطره للهرب خوفا |
1-It is a kind of tourism that seeks to preserve the environment.
2-So that the future generation can enjoy the same wonderful environment we have today.
3-Individuals should greatly appreciate the beauty of nature. They should also help to protect the environment by using recycled materials and saving water and energy.
4-a) influence
5-a) local communities
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The ancient Greeks always asserted that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a well-balanced life. Nowadays many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports, and some schools are removing it altogether. Although academic subjects are certainly a very important part of the school curriculum, I am strongly opposed to the complete removal of sports.
Firstly, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas. For that reason, it is just as important to provide sports practice for the professional sportsmen and women of the future, as it is to provide academic training to those who will go on to university.
In addition, students these days spend long hours studying or working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during the school day. This will not only help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer, and thus achieve better result.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that sports should remain a key part of the school curriculum. All children have the right to get a balanced education and they should not be deprived of the opportunity to learn how to play sports.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. Does the writer support or oppose the issue of increasing sport time at schools?
2. In your opinion, how could practising sports at schools help students later in university and at work?
3. Why is it important to practise sports during the school day?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Which statement is not true?
a- Sports encourage team spirit.
b- Sports give the chance to be physically fit.
c- Sports help students become more successful.
d- Sports lead to overweight.
5. The underlined word Key means .......... .
a- unimportant b- crucial c- unique d- easy
Assert | يؤكد | Balanced | متوازن | |
Altogether | تماما | Curriculum | المنهج | |
Removal | إزالة | Physical activities | أنشطة بدنية | |
Social skills | مهارات اجتماعية | Concentrate on | يـُركز علي | |
In conclusion | وختاما / وفي الختام | Crucial | هام / حيوي | |
Deprive of | يحرم من | Level of fitness | مستوي اللياقة (البدنية) | |
1-The writer supports the issue of increasing sport time at schools.
2-This will not only help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer.
3-Students these days spend long hours studying or working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activities during the school day.
4-d) sports lead to overweight. 5-b) crucial
The Spiders
7- a. Answer the following questions:
1. Why had Ayman to go with the professor?
2. What was Ayman's uncle?
1- To tell him if the spiders at the site were the same as the spider he saw.
2- He was a successful businessman.
b. Complete the following sentences:
1. The protective clothes were made of ........... .
2. Ayman believed that his uncle was right as he was not sure ......... .
1- strong plastic.
2- if the spider he had seen was dangerous.
c. Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Dr. Shereen thinks I should tell the police about it."
1. Why didn't the speaker tell the police?
2. When did the speaker say it?
1-He thought that everyone would laugh at him.
2-He said this to his uncle when he told him about the spider he had seen.
D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:
"Global Warming"
Most people now accept the fact that the world's climate is changing. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing mainly because we burn fuels such as oil and gas. The fact that we continue to destroy the rainforests (which take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen) makes matters worse. How will global warming affect the world? It is now known that the ice at the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting. If this continues, sea levels will rise and some parts of the world will be flooded, making many people homeless. So what can be done? Countries must stop destroying the rainforests and produce less carbon dioxide. And, as individuals, we must all reduce the carbon dioxide we produce. This can be done by people using cars only when they have to or by turning down air conditioning in the summer.
9- a. Translate into Arabic:
Nothing is uglier than a street without trees. Trees give us shade and the green colour makes us feel at ease. They also purify the air as they give off oxygen by day.
لا شيء أكثر قبحاً من شارع بلا أشجار ٬ فالأشجار تعطينا الظل و اللون الأخضر يجعلنا نشعر بالإرتياح كما أنها أيضا تنقي الهواء لأنها تطلق الأكسجين نهاراً.
b. Translate into English:
1- إن تصرفاتك و إتجاهاتك و علاقاتك بالآخرين تحدد الجانب الأكبر من شخصيتك.
1-Your behaviour, attitudes and relationships with others determine the greatest part of your personality.
2- يشكل الإنفجار السكاني في الدول النامية عقبة في طريق التقدم.
2-Over-population in developing countries is an obstacle on the way to progress.
Sample Test 2
A- Language Functions
1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1. You meet someone for the first time. What do you say?
2. Someone thanks you for a favour you did for him.
3. You are invited to a wedding party, but you refused politely.
4. You ask Tamer about the troubles Ahmed had. Write a question.
1- How do you do? / I'm pleased to meet you.
2- Not at all. / You're welcome.
3- I'm sorry I'm very busy. / I wish I could, but I'm so busy.
4- What's wrong with Ahmed? / What's the problem with Ahmed?
2- Say where these mini- dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1. A: Why are you throwing this rubbish here?
B: Well, what would you like me to do with it?
A: You should put it in the garbage bin.
2. A: Excuse me, do you have these trousers in a large size?
B: Just one moment, madam. I'll check.
A: Thank you.
1-Place: Home S A: Mother S B: Son
2-Place: Clothes shop S A: Customer S B: Salesman
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. I succeeded in ........ that e-mail at six o'clock p.m.
a- send b- sent c- to send d- sending
2. Adel is interested in ............. fiction novels.
a- scientifically b- science c- scientific d- scientist
3. She .......... to pass her driving test last week.
a- succeeded b- could c- managed d- got
4. ....... changes affect the growth of plants.
a- Climate b- Climatic c- Weather d- Climatology
5. He took his car to the garage where one of the mechanics was ......... start it.
a- succeeded b- able to c- managed d- could
6. Rainforests ........... in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
a- result b- put c- give d- take
7 . You .......... borrow my bicycle tomorrow if you like.
a- won't b- must c- can't d- may
8. When a volcano .......... , it gives out hot lava.
a- emits b- rebels c- revolts d- erupts
9. He ............. be Egyptian. His parents are German.
a- might b- must c- can't d- could
I0. The sea level will rise if the Arctic glaciers ............. .
a- melt b- vaporize c- condense d- freeze
11. You ......... smoke here because there is a "No smoking "area sign.
a- need to b- don't have to c- mustn't d-must
12. He is ............. a project on a peaceful atomic reactor.
a- doing b- making c- creating d- forming
13. You ................... wash your hands before you eat so as not to catch swine flu.
a- needn't b- must c- mustn't d- don't have to
14. She interviewed a .......... scientist last might.
a- remark b- remarkably c- remarkable d- remarked
I5.When you are on holiday, you ......... get up early.
a- mustn't b- must c- have to d- needn't
16. All my sisters are married, but my brother is still ......... .
a- free b- alone c- single d- one
4- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Concrete houses are suitable for hot weather. (Mud brick)
2. Meat is rich with protein. ( in )
3. Wood may withdraw an earthquake better. (withstand)
4. You must eat too much butter as it has a lot of fat. (mustn't)
5. In the past, whales were hunted for their meet, their tongues and their oil. (meat)
6. Ayman was borne in a good Cairo family in 1999. (born)
5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The Asian Tigers are Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Malysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They are countries with growing economies. The whole world acknowledges their superior status in world economy nowadays. If you follow the example of these miracle economies in East Asia, you can be very rich. A great amount of stories circulate about the success of Asian families and peasants who moved from poverty to wealth. The number of Asian companies went from two in 1988 to 30 in 1997. American money in Asian funds grew 18- fold in five years. This rapid growth of Asian Tiger economies has been due to the special characteristics and mind-set in Asia. People are hard-workers. They care about their children's education. Add to this, foreign investment is the key to success there.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. What is so special about Asian Tigers?
2. Why do you think people in those countries succeeded in their life?
3. Mention two reasons for Asian Tigers' success.
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4. The word circulate means ............. in the passage.
a- move in circles b- spread c- spring d- disappear
5. The word poverty is the antonym of ........... .
a- health b- wealth c- poor d- fortunate
The Asian Tigers | النمور الآسيوية | Acknowledge | يعترف بـ | |
Superior status | مكانة متفوقة | Miracle | معجزة | |
circulate | ينشر | Peasants | الفلاحون | |
Wealth | الثروة | Characteristics | خصائص / ميزات | |
Mindset | أسلوب التفكير | Growing economy | اقتصاد متنامي | |
1-They have growing economies. The whole world acknowledges their superior status in world economy nowadays.
2- People are hard workers and they care about their children's education
3-The hardworking people and foreign investment.
4- b) spread
5- b) wealth
6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Computers are a major technological breakthrough of the twenty-first century. Their benefits are numerous; yet, much can be said against them.
The main disadvantage of a computer is that staring at a screen for long periods of time can be damaging to the eyes, and sitting for hours at a time is certainly not healthy. Secondly, computers distract from social interactions such as conversation. People can be inclined to become anti-social, and stay at home to use their computer. Finally, one of the major arguments against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers, the fewer are done by people.
However, the advantages of computers are numerous, such as the undeniable educational benefits, especially to children. School subjects become more interesting when presented on a computer screen. Moreover, computers can be fun with a seemingly endless variety of games which can be played on them. In addition, computers are valuable to any business, making life easier and saving time by being capable of storing and retrieving vast amounts of information at the touch of a button. Furthermore, personal gains can be seen as the use of computers increases powers of concentration. To sum up, there are strong arguments both for and against the use of computers.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. How do school subjects become more interesting?
2. How do computers affect social life?
3. In what way are computers beneficial to any business?
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Some people have the negative opinion about computers that they …..... .
a- solve the problem of unemployment.
b- increase the number of unemployed people.
c- help people find more jobs. d- create more job opportunities.
5. The underlined word "fewer" in the second paragraph refers to ........... .
a- argument b- computers c- people d- jobs
Breakthrough | طفرة / تقدم هائل | Benefits | فوائد |
Numerous | عديد | Stare at | يُحملق في |
Period | فترة زمنية / مدة | Distract | يشتت |
Social interaction | تفاعل أو تواصل اجتماعي | Be inclined to | يميل إلي |
Undeniable | لا يمكن إنكاره | Seemingly | فيما يبدو / علي ما يظهر |
Furthermore | وعلاوة علي ذلك | Personal gains | مكاسب شخصية |
concentration | التركيز | retrieve | يسترجع (معلومات مثلا) |
1-School subjects become more interesting when they are presented on a computer screen.
2-They distract people from social interactions such as conversation. People can be inclined to become anti-social and stay at home to use their computer.
3-Computers save time by being capable of saving and retrieving vast amounts of information at the touch of a button.
4-b) increase the number of unemployed people.
5-d) jobs
The Spiders
7- a. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you agree with scientists who experiment on animals? Why?
2. What did the ancient medical text describe?
1-Yes, I agree because the life of man is more important than the life of animals. / No, I don't agree because animals have the same rights as humans do.
2-It described a medicine made from the roots of the Echinacea Negra plants for the bites of the black and yellow spiders.
b. Complete the following sentences:
1. When scientists put small quantities of venom into animals, these animals .......
2. It was difficult for the spiders to get through the men's suits because …………..
1-make antibodies to fight the venom.
2-these suits were made of strong plastic, so the spiders couldn't find a way in through the protective suits.
C- Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Professor, where is the best place to set up your equipment?"
1. What was the equipment that speaker was talking about?
2. Why do you think the equipment was brought?
1- A machine that looked like a gun, a white sheet and metal tubes.
2-To catch some spiders so that the professor could identify them and also to send their venom to the antivenom lab where scientists will begin work on an antivenom.
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:
"The advantages of Teamwork"
Without team work, life would be impossible. All living creatures are in need of cooperation to live. Any complex or easy job can't be successfully achieved without cooperation. Cooperation can help all countries to overcome any threat or harm which has a bad effect on their common interests. There are many situations where groups of people such as surgeons or scientists or a sports team need to cooperate to succeed. The family members also should cooperate together to lead a happy life .Animals and birds need to cooperate. To succeed, you will have to show tolerance and work with these people.
9- a. Translate into Arabic:
We are lucky to be living in this marvellous age. Children are immunized since their birth against several serious diseases. A large number of past fatal diseases can be cured by modern drugs and surgery.
من حسن حظنا أننا نعيش في هذا العصر الرائع ، فالأطفال يتم تطعيمهم (تحصينهم) منذ ولادتهم ضد العديد من الأمراض الخطيرة – وعدد كبير من الأمراض الفتاكة (القاتلة) في الماضي يمكن علاجها باستخدام العقاقير الحديثة و الجراحة.
b. Translate into English:
1- أعتقد أن المحاصيل المعدلة جينياً يمكنها حل مشكلة نقص الغذاء.
I think that genetically modified crops can solve the problem of food shortage.
2- علينا الإستفادة من مزايا العولمة لخير مصر و مواكبة التقدم العلمي.
We should make use of the advantages of globalization for the good of Egypt and to keep up with scientific progress.

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