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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

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Egypt Chooses its president (Egyelections)

@8:15 AM

The polling stations have been opened from 15 minutes yet there are long queues in front of these stations for an hour ago , from 7 AM. Some polling stations have opened , some have not opened yet. The army and police are protecting the polling station.
Here is a photo I took for a polling station in Boulaq Abu Ela. 

TV stations like ONTV and Al Jazeera Misr are having special coverage for presidential elections since early hours.
Quick info the biggest voting bloc according to governorates are : Cairo “6 millions” , Giza “4 million” then Sharkia in Nile Delta. We are speaking about 50 million Egyptians choosing their president on two days it is a big thing. 

@9:00 AM

Amr Moussa has arrived to Fatma Anan School Polling station in New Cairo to vote , it is near from his home and he is standing in a long queue refusing to leave his place. He is refusing to speak to the media.

Abu El Fotouh has arrived to Ibn El Nafis school polling station in Nasr City , he is refusing to speak to the media also.

Jimmy Carter has arrived to a polling station in Sayyida Zeinab in old Cairo to observe the elections.
Jimmy Carter by Evan Chill
Queues are longer than you can imagine. People are excited for real.

@9:20 AM 

April 6 Youth got this operation room to monitor the elections, here is a photo for their operation room by Ian Lee.
Al Sharkia governorate's polling stations are reported to be late.
Here is a photo from inside the polling station by dear Rena 

9:30 AM 

Google Egypt celebrates the elections with Google Doodles
Google doodles today
In North Sinai , Al Arish army forces and helicopters are securing the area in Al Arish. There are 11 committees in North Sinai , the number of voters there are 207,906
Here is photo showing famous TV host Hamdy Kandeel in a long queue by Hanan Abdel Meguid . He is going to elect Hamdeen Sabbahi which is not a  big surprise.

Here is the ladies queue in Zamalek by TV host Gamila Ismail.
Friends are telling that there are helicopters flying over in Hadek El Ooba area.

10:02 AM 

There is a noticeable high turn out in several governorates.
Here is a photo showing Amr Moussa waiting for his turn in Fatma Anan school Polling station in New Cairo by Hany Rasmy
There are 38 ministers following up the presidential elections in the government. Field Marshal Tantawy went to inspect a school in Abassiya where some
Abu El Fotouh has issued a short statement :
Today Egyptians will elect a civil servant today. 
Here is a photo for a polling station in Assuit , Upper Egypt by Dr. Sahar Kamel.

@10:51 AM 

Presidential candidates Abu El Ezz El Hariri and Hisham Bastawisi went to vote.
There is a high turn out for voters in North Sinai, specifically in Al Arish , there is noticeable popularity for Muslim brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi in the area.
Ahmed Shafik is holding a press conference. Reports from Christian populated areas whether in Shubra or in Manshit Nasser in Cairo or in Upper Egypt show that the Christian vote is leaning to Shafik.
Shafik is warning.
There are long queues across the country , people sometimes leave due to heat promising to come back either later in the afternoon or tomorrow.
The polling stations will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM.
There are several reports coming in the way concerning Muslim brotherhood practices.
Here is a photo for former PM Sharaf in his way to the polling station from Manal. 

Comgress delegation monitoring presidential elections

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