اخبار الموقع

...مبروك لكل اوائئئئئئئل الثانوية العامة و حظ موفق للجميع.........englishmistro.......أهنى كل طلاب مصرنا الحبيبة بالعام الجديد 2013 و بداية الترم الثانى كما اتمنى ان يكون الجميع قد حققوا التفوق فى امتحانات الترم الاول.............englishmistro................تم ايضا اضافة فديوهات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد و نطق و يمكنكم اختيار اى من هذة الفديوهات بالنقر على كلمة بلاىلست او قائمة التشغيل الموجودة اسفل الفديو على الشمال و تمرير الموس على اى منهم لاختيار الموضوع الذى ترغبون فى تشغيله.........................englishmistro...........كما تم مؤخرا اضافة موقع للاختبار اونلاين على كل مهاراة اللغة من تحدث و استماع فضلا عن القواعد................englishmistro ............انتظروا كل جديد و مفيد ....................englishmistro.........استعدادا لامتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوى سوف يتم طرح مراجعات على المنهج و سوف تكون كالتالى: اولا اسئلة كتاب التدريبات مجمعة حسب ترتيب اسئلة ورقة الامتحان يليها تجميع لنفس النوع و اجابتة ثانيا اسئلة القصة و اجاباتها ثالثاامتحانات كتاب التمرينات و اجاباتها مع الدعاء للجميع بالتفوق ............englishmistro...........زائرى الموقع يمكنكم طبع الموضوعات او اخذ نسخة منها بصيغة بى دى اف وذلك بالنقر على الايقونة الموجودة اسفل عنوان او تاريخ المادة المنشورة كما يمكنكم تلقى جديد الموقع و ذلك بتسجيل الايميل الخاص بكم فلى خانة اتبعنى بالايميل الموجودة على يمين الشاشة..............englishmistro............يمكنكم التعليق على الموضوعات المنشورة فلى الموقع بكل حرية و صراحة و ذلك بالنقر على كلمة تعليقات الموجودة اسفل عبارة اقر المزيد الموجودة اسفل كل موضوع .........englishmistro...........>

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Quick Review on The Spiders (Storybook Questions)

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Chapter 1
1- Answer the questions.
1- Why did the small man shout 'Let's get out of here!'?
                                  لماذا صاح الرجل صغير الجسم " هيا نخرج من هنا " ؟
v    As the spiders attacked them
2- Do you think these spiders are a known species? Say why or why not?
هل العناكب أنواع معروفة ؟ لماذا أو لماذا لا ؟         
v    I don’t think that as they weren't on the data base and they were deadly .
3- What equipment did the men use to see through walls?
                             ما المعدات التي استخدامها اللصوص ليرو خلال الحائط ؟  
v    The GPR and a small computer .
4- Why were the men excited when they went through the gold doors? 
   لماذا كان الرجال مثارين عندما دخلوا من الأبواب الذهبية 
v    As they found gold masks , treasures and two mummies .
5- In the pilot's opinion, what killed the four robbers? 
          ما الذي قتل الأربع لصوص من وجهة نظر الطيار ؟                               
v    He believed they got lost and died of thirst .
6- Did anyone in the town see the big spider in the car?
                           هل أي شخص في المدينة رأى العنكبوت في السيارة ؟   
v    No
7- Why did the four men switch off their lights and engines?                                                                              
 لماذا اطفىء الرجال الأضواء والمحركات ؟                                  
v    In order not to be seen or heard .
8- How old were the things that were in the underground rooms?
                         كم عمر الأشياء الموجودة في الحجرات الأرضية ؟              
v    3000 years old .
D-  Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.
'We'd better get on the radio.'
1 Who did the engineer think they should get on the radio to?
                                                              من أراد المهندس أن يتصل ب ؟                                                                      The police
 2 What did the helicopter pilot do when the engineer said these words?                                     ماذا فعل الطيار عندما قال المهندس عندما قال الطيار هذه الكلمات ؟
v    He left the place and saved him self .
3 How did these words save the pilot's life?                                                 كيف أن هذه الكلمات أنقذت حياة الطيار   ؟                                           
v    As his hands were near the spider and it was about to
     attack him .
B Complete the sentences.
1- The men all died from the spiders bites
2- The cars and the dead men were found by the helicopter pilot  
3- Nobody knew that the cars contained treasures and deadly spiders
4- the robbers all died from the spiders bites

Chapter 2
1- Answer the questions.
1- Why could the police officer not believe his eyes'?
                                                      لماذا لم يصدق رجل الشرطة عيناه ؟                                                     
v    As thy found a lot of gold and treasures in the land cruisers
2- Why do you think Ayman was pleased that he had his own room in the house?لماذا كان ايمن سعيد أن يكون له حجرة خاصة؟                                 
v    As he had his own room in which he had his computer
3 -What did Ayman use the internet for?في ماذا استخدم ايمن الكمبيوتر ؟                                                                          
v    For his university studies and making friends
4- Was the spider much bigger than most spiders? 
   هل كان العنكبوت اكبر من معظم العناكب الأخرى ؟                                      
v    Yes
5-According to the story, how did the town disappear?
طبقا للقصة كيف اختفت المدينة ؟                                                       
v    The people burnt the town down hoping to kill all the spiders
6- In Dr Fakhry's opinion, what is another possible reason for the disappearance of the town? 
ما السبب الآخر لاختفاء المدينة من وجهة نظر شرين  ؟                           
v    The climate became drier so the town perhaps disappeared    under the desert sand
7- Why did the spider need to find a home?لماذا كان العنكبوت في حاجة ليجد موطن ؟                                                         
v    As it was a female and it was ready to lay its eggs
8- What was the spider's 'long wait', do you think? 
ما هو انتظار العنكبوت الطويل كما تعتقد ؟                                                    
v    It was waiting for the eggs to hatch and produce young spiders
2-  Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.
'The story of the spiders may be just a story.'
1- Did Dr Fakhry think the story was just a story or did she think it was true?         هل اعتقدت الدكتورة شرين أن القصة مجرد قصة  أم إنها حقيقية
v    She thought that the The story of the spiders may be just     a story
2- Do you think that Ayman was pleased or disappointed when Dr Fakhry  told him this?           هل ايمن كان سعيد أو محبط عندما اخبرتة شرين ذلك
v    He was pleased
3- If the story wasn't just a story ; what might Ayman think?
                                ماذا ربما يعتقد ايمن لو لم تكن القصة مجرد قصة  ؟                                            
v    He might think that the spider was real
3- Complete the sentences.
1 The spider didn't attack Najat because she moved here foot away
2 Ayman was going to the shops when he saw the female spider
3 The spider enclosed its eggs in silk sacs and then it began its long wait

Chapter 3
Answer the questions.  
1 Why did Dr Fakhry feel a cold shiver down the back of her neck'?
 لماذا شعرت شرين برعشة اسفل الرقبة  ؟                                          
v    Because the spider she saw in the picture was the same
     as the spider Ayman saw
2 Why did Ayman think that the killer spiders in ancient Egypt were not the 
same as the/spider he saw?
لماذا اعتقد ايمن ان العناكب القاتلة في مصر القديمة لم تكن مثل العنكبوت الذي رآه؟     
v    As there weren’t any killer spiders in modern Egypt
3 Why did Dr Fakhry think Ayman should tell the police about the spider 
         that he saw ?  لماذا اعتقدت شرين أن على ايمن أن يبلغ الشرطة عن العنكبوت ؟
v    As the spider might be deadly and dangerous
4 Why didn't Ayman want to tell the police?
                                                ؟لماذا لم يريد ايمن أن يبلغ الشرطة
    v  As he thought that every one would laugh at him
5 Why did Dr Fakhry think that the spiders in the German Egyptologist's text
 were real?             لماذا اعتقدت الدكتورة شرين أن العناكب فى نص علم المصريات حقيقية ؟
v    As they were in the medical text
6 Why does the number of known species often go up ?
                                               لماذا يرتفع عدد الانواع المعروفة غالبا                                                                       because new species are often discovered 
7 Professor Jones thought the spider in Hamdayya was a female ' Was he correct?
                                  اعتقد جونز ان العنكبوت الموجود في الحوامدية أنثى ´هل كان راية صحيح ؟
v    Yes , because it was very big and female spiders are
     bigger than males
8 What must be done to stop the deadly spiders from spreading through Africa,
 Asia and Europe?                                     ماذا يجب أن يفعل لإيقاف العناكب من الانتشار ؟
v    The female spider must be found
Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.
"I haven't seen anything like this before.'
1 Who says these words? من قال هذه الكلمات ؟                                                                                                                         professor jones
2 What is the person looking at when he says these words ?                  ماذا كان ينظر المتحدث إلى عندما قال هذة الكلمات ؟                        
v    He is looking at a very old picture of a spider from 
a tomb near Bawiti
3 If he hasn't seen 'anything like this before', what probably mean?
                        لو لم يرى مثل هذا الشيء من قبل فماذا يعنى هذا ؟          
v    It probably means it is an unknown species
B Complete the sentences.
1 None of the six yellow and black spiders on the database were
the same as the spider he had seen
2 Dr Fakhry asked Professor Jones why nobody had seen any 
of these spiders before
3 Perhaps all the other spiders died when the climate changed 
and became drier

Chapter 4
Answer the questions.
1 Why do you think Ayman's sisters laughed when he talked about the spiders? 
                                                   لماذا ضحكت أخوات ايمن عندما تحدث عن العناكب ؟                
v   as they thought that Ayman had imagined half of it
2 What would happen to local businesses if people heard and believed Ayman's story?                                          ماذا سوف يحدث للعمل لو الناس صدقوا قصة العناكب
 If people heard Ayman 's story they wouldn’t stay in hotels . they wouldn’t eat restaurants so business would lose a lot of money  3 If you were Ayman, would you tell the police about the spider?لو أنت ايمن هل سوف تخبر الناس عن العناكب ؟                                             
v    I would tell the police if I 100 % sure
4 How did Ayman's family find out that he had already told other people about the spider?                            كيف اكتشفت أسرة ايمن انه بالفعل اخبر أناس أخرى عن العنكبوت ؟
v    Ayman showed them Dr Shreen's e-mail
5 How was Professor Jones feeling when he arrived?كيف كان شعور جونز عندما وصل ؟                                                                                      
v    he was excited about finding new species of spiders          
6 What did Ayman wish he had not done? ماذا تمنى ايمن انه لم يفعل ؟                                                                                                                 
v    he wished he hadn’t told any one about the spider   
7Why did Colonel Mikhail hope the spiders were a known species?                       لماذا آمل المقدم ميخائيل أن تكون العناكب نوع معروف ؟                                                                                               so that there would be an antivenom for them  
8 Who wanted to know everything about spiders?من أراد أن يعرف كل شئ عن العناكب ؟                                                                                       
v    Captain Ahmed
'Spiders! Men don't die from spider bites! How ... ?'
1 Is it true that men do not normally die from spider bites?  
                                     هل حقا صحيح أن الإنسان لا يموت من لدغات العناكب ؟                
v    Yes
2 Why had men died from these spider bites?لماذا مات الرجال من لدغات العناكب ؟                                                                                                
v    As they were unknown species ( deadly )
3 What question do you think Mr. Hassan started finish?
 بماذا انتهى السؤال الذي بدأه مستر حسن ؟                                                                     
v    How could spiders kill them
B Complete the sentences.
1- Ayman's family did not know about the professor's until just before the professor's arrival
2 The chief of police was called colonel Mikhal
3 Ayman didn't have time to read Dr F.akhry's so he printed it out and took it with him
4 At the police station Colonel Mikhail asked Professor Jones to find one of these spiders and identify it  
5 Professor Jones went to his hotel to collect his equipment
6Ayman went to his house to get few things
7 Professor Jones, Captain Ahmed and another officer, and Ayman left the town for the archaeological site
8 Twenty policemen in two lorries followed them
9 Captain Ahmed asked Professor Jones to tell him every thing about the spiders

Chapter 5
1 Why had a fence been built around the site? لماذا تم بناء سور حول الموقع الأثرى ؟                                                                                               
v    1- To keep the robbers out     2- to prevent any one to go near the site as it was dangerous               
2 Why did the men need to wear special clothing when they went underground?
      لماذا ارتدى الرجال ملابس واقية ؟     
v    To protect themselves against the spiders
3 Where did the professor put his equipment?أين وضع البروفيسور معداته ؟                                                                                                           
v    In a place where many large webs hung from the ceiling
4 Why do you think the large black and yellow spider did not die?
 لماذا لم يموت العنكبوت الأنثى ؟                                                                                 
v    As it was stronger than the others
5 How did they know that the spider had not bitten the man's face? 
كيف عرفوا أن العنكبوت لم يلدغ وجه الرجل ؟                                                                 
v    As there was no blood on his face
6 Who wanted to kill the spiders? Who didn't want to kill them?
من أراد ومن لم يريد قتل العناكب ؟                                                                               
v    Captain Ahmed    -   professor Jones
7 Why would it be difficult to kill all the spiders? لماذا من الصعب قتل كل العناكب ؟                                                                                           
v    AS they live in unknown places under the ground
8 Who agreed to take Wafaa Sultan into the mountains?من وافق أن يأخذ وفاء للجبال ؟                                                                                     
v    The police
Read the following quotation and then answer the questions.
'I will pass your opinion to the colonel. This matter must be decided at a higher level.'
1 Who was speaking to whom when this was said?من يحدث من ؟                                                                                                                   
v    Captain Ahmed to professor Jones
2 What exactly does 'your opinion' refer to in this quotation?
ماذا يشير بقولة " رأيك " في العبارة ؟                                                                     
v    It refers to the professor's opinion ( it's impossible to kill the spiders )
 3 What exactly does 'this matter' refer to? ماذا يشير بقولة " هذة المسالة " في العبارة ؟                                                                                                
v    ( the matter ) is the issue of whether to try to kill the spiders
Complete the sentences.
1 It could be many years before a safe antivenom is produced in large quantities
2 The men who were going underground wore protective clothes
3 The police officers tried to kill the large female spider by using insecticide sprays

Chapter 6
1 Why do you think the police wanted no one to leave Hamdayya?
 لم تريد الشرطة من أي شخص أن يترك الحوامدية؟                                              لماذا
v    So that no spider could get into or out of the town
2Why did extra officers come to the town? لماذا أتى المزيد من الضباط للمدينة ؟                                                                                                       
v    To search for the large female spider
3 What did the thousands of small black spiders do when the officers opened the door?                                         ماذا فعلت العناكب الصغيرة عندما دخل الجنود المنزل ؟
v    They moved like the waves on the see and attacked the officers
4 What did the officer hope to do with his insecticide tank?
ماذا أراد الجندي أن يفعل بخزان المبيدات ؟                                                                
v    He hoped to kill the female spider  
5 What did the large female spider use its fangs for?فماذا استخدم العنكبوت أنيابه ؟                                                                                             
v    For cutting through its own leg to escape
6 Why were the spiders able to bite Ayman?لماذا استطاعت العناكب لدغ ايمن ؟                                                                                                     
v    As his suit was torn
7 Do you think the large female spider died?هل تعتقد أن العنكبوت الأنثى مات ؟                                                                                                    
v    No , as they haven’t found its body yet
8 Why must the officers find the spider's body?لماذا يجب على الجنود إيجاد جسم العنكبوت  ؟                                                                                     
v    To make sure it was dead
'Ayman Hassan doesn't have much more time.'
1 Who said this to whom?
v    Colonel Mikhal to captain Ahmed 
2 What did this mean?.                                                                                                              
v    He doesn’t have much more time to live
3 Why didn't he have 'much more time'?
v    As he had been bitten by the spider and he would die
Complete the sentences.
1 Inside the empty house there were 2000 young spiders and the female spider 
2 The spiders attacked the men as soon as the men began to spray the poisonous insecticide in the room
3 The echinacea negra medicine was delayed because there was a storm in Sinai and the helicopter couldn’t get to the cars

Chapter 7
1 Why did Captain Osama switch on the car's lights?لماذا أضاء كابتن اح                                                                                
v    As it was dark during the storm
2 What do you think would happen if the road disappeared ?ماذا سوف يحدث إذا اختفى الطريق ؟      
v    It would be impossible for them to drive down the mountains
3 The road was not their only problem. What was the other problem? ما المشكلة الأخرى غير الطريق ؟    
v    The three wadies were filling up with water
4 Did they have a choice about crossing the third wadi?
 هل لديهم خيار في عبور الوادي الثالث ؟                                                                      
v    No , they had to get the Negra plant to save Ayman's life
5 Did the first car cross the third wadi without stopping?
هل عبرت السيارة الأولى الوادي الثالث بلا توقف ؟                                                        
v    No as its engine stopped
6 Why did Farouk cup his hands to shout at the third car?
لماذا ضم فاروق يديه لكي ينادى على السيارة الثالثة ؟                                                   
v    To shout at the third car to hurry
7 Why did Captain Osama say the third car must be kept heavy?
لماذا قال اسامة أن السيارة الثالثة يجب أن تبقى ثقيلة ؟                                                 
v    In order not to be carried away with the water
8 How did Wafaa feel as she was driving through the storm?
                                                  كيف شعرت وفاء أثناء العاصفة ؟   
v    She felt frightened as she was alone . she could see nothing 
     but lightening and could hear nothing but thunder
* Read the following quotation and then answer questions.
'We're running out of time.'
1 Who said this to whom?
v    Captain Osama to Wafaa Sultan
2 What were they running out of time to do? ماذا كان ينفذ الوقت لكي يفعلوا ؟            
v    To reach the third wadi before it was impossible to cross it
3 Was there another reason why it was important not to run out of time?
 هل كان هناك سبب أخر انه من المهم أن لا ينفذو من الوقت ؟                                          
v    Aymen needed the Negra plants or he would die
* Complete the sentences.
1 Captain Osama attached one  end of the rope to the tow bar of his car
2 Captain Osama told Wafaa to press the horn if she saw a tree coming
3 The first and third cars were heavy
4 The three people in the first car were Osama , Farouk and Wafaa
5 The second car was a light jeep
6 In this car there were two officers
7 The third car contained the Negra plants and two more officers
8 Captain Osama and Farouk tried to attach the other end of the rope 
 to the third car

Chapter 8
1 Which shift was ending when Ayman began breathing normally? 
أي وردية كانت تنتهي عندما بدا ايمن في التنفس بصورة طبيعية ؟                                       
v    Nurse Huda's shift
2 What did the doctors do with the plants? ماذا فعل الأطباء بالنباتات ؟                                                                                                                 
v    They made medicine with it
3 Who came to see Ayman in hospital? من آتى لرؤية ايمن في المستشفى ؟                                                                                                           
v    His family
4 Why did Ayman 'feel like a person with a new future'?
لماذا شعر ايمن كشخص جديد بمستقبل جديد ؟                                                              
v    As professor Jones said that he could go and study at oxford university and his uncle said that the best employers would want a person like him
5 Why didn't Ayman tell his sister that the spider was behind her?
لماذا لم يخبر ايمن أخته أن العنكبوت ورائها ؟                                                             
v    If he had told his sister , she would have moved and the spider would have bitten her
6 Why was everyone surprised that Ayman didn't die from the deadly female spider's bite?                                      لماذا كان الجميع مندهش أن ايمن لم يمت من لدغة العنكبوت ؟
v    As there were no medicine for it
7 What had Ayman's body already made when the female spider bit him?
ماذا انتج جسم ايمن عندما لدغ في المرة الأولى ؟                                                            
v    A lot of antivenom
8 Why do you think the reporter described Ayman as 'the most popular young man in Egypt today'?                               لماذا وصف المذيع ايمن بأنه اشهر شاب في مصر ؟
v    As all people admired him for his intelligence and bravery for saving Egypt and the world from the spiders
'We can only guess how many thousands of people might have died without the intelligence and bravery of this young man.'
1 Who said this to whom?
v    The minister to the reporter and the viewers
2 At which points in the story do you think Ayman showed (a) intelligence and (b) bravery?                                         في أي نقطة في القصة بين ايمن شجاعته وذكائه ؟
v    1-At first when he saw the spider in the garden he didn’t fear it but he went close to it , he used the computer and the internet to get information about the spider
v    2-when he saw the spider moving near Lamia, he used the flash of the camera to blind it
* Complete the sentences.
1 As Ayman got out his camera, he asked if any one knew what was going to happen to the spiders in the desert
2 His sister Lamia thought that if nobody went to archaeological site, the spiders wouldn’t hurt any one  
3 Ayman said he thought that science would find an answer , until then , they shouldn’t hurt the spiders
Complete the notes on the deadly spider's last attack.
1 The spider probably came to the hospital in the ambulance that brought Ayman to the hospital
2 Ayman's sister was sitting very near the deadly female spider
3 Ayman raised his camera and told his sister that he wanted to take a photo
4 He blinded the spider with the camera's flash
5 The spider bit Ayman as he was knocking it in the case
6 When Ayman saw the two bright red marks on his hand, he fell to the floor

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