اخبار الموقع

...مبروك لكل اوائئئئئئئل الثانوية العامة و حظ موفق للجميع.........englishmistro.......أهنى كل طلاب مصرنا الحبيبة بالعام الجديد 2013 و بداية الترم الثانى كما اتمنى ان يكون الجميع قد حققوا التفوق فى امتحانات الترم الاول.............englishmistro................تم ايضا اضافة فديوهات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد و نطق و يمكنكم اختيار اى من هذة الفديوهات بالنقر على كلمة بلاىلست او قائمة التشغيل الموجودة اسفل الفديو على الشمال و تمرير الموس على اى منهم لاختيار الموضوع الذى ترغبون فى تشغيله.........................englishmistro...........كما تم مؤخرا اضافة موقع للاختبار اونلاين على كل مهاراة اللغة من تحدث و استماع فضلا عن القواعد................englishmistro ............انتظروا كل جديد و مفيد ....................englishmistro.........استعدادا لامتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوى سوف يتم طرح مراجعات على المنهج و سوف تكون كالتالى: اولا اسئلة كتاب التدريبات مجمعة حسب ترتيب اسئلة ورقة الامتحان يليها تجميع لنفس النوع و اجابتة ثانيا اسئلة القصة و اجاباتها ثالثاامتحانات كتاب التمرينات و اجاباتها مع الدعاء للجميع بالتفوق ............englishmistro...........زائرى الموقع يمكنكم طبع الموضوعات او اخذ نسخة منها بصيغة بى دى اف وذلك بالنقر على الايقونة الموجودة اسفل عنوان او تاريخ المادة المنشورة كما يمكنكم تلقى جديد الموقع و ذلك بتسجيل الايميل الخاص بكم فلى خانة اتبعنى بالايميل الموجودة على يمين الشاشة..............englishmistro............يمكنكم التعليق على الموضوعات المنشورة فلى الموقع بكل حرية و صراحة و ذلك بالنقر على كلمة تعليقات الموجودة اسفل عبارة اقر المزيد الموجودة اسفل كل موضوع .........englishmistro...........>

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Mask of Gold (General Review)

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Answer these questions

1) What do you know about the Inca empire ?

ماذا تعرف عن امبراطورية الانكا؟

Ç   The Inca empire was in its height between 1492- 1525.
Ç   It was a huge empire extending from Colombia in the north to Chile in the south.

2) What do you know about the Incas ?

ماذا تعرف عن الانكاس؟

Ç   They lived in Peru at high altitudes so they were tough .
Ç   They didn't have any writing but they controlled a huge empire.
Ç   They conquered the Chimu who were famous for their gold and sliver work .

3) What important things did Leila take to Dr Hafez ?

ما هى الاشياء الهامة التى اخذتها ليلى لـ د. حافظ؟

Ç   A new laser-dating machine.
Ç   Details of a new technique in archaeology .

4) Why was using the laser machine considered a sort of secret ?

لماذا  اعتبر استخدام الليزر  سرا؟

Ç   Because they  wanted to be  the first  to use it.

5) Why was Leila happy to be back home ?

لماذا كانت ليلى سعيدة بالعودة للقاهرة؟

Ç   Because she had bad days in Peru and she was safe in Cairo then.

     6)Although they were sisters, Leila and Samira were     different. How?

على الرغم من انهما اخوات فان ليلى و سميرة  كانتا مختلفتين .كيف؟

Ç   Samira was funny and never worried about anything, while Leila was serious and worried about everything.

7) How far was Samira enthusiastic ?

الى اى مدى كانت سميرة متحمسة؟

Ç   She was always looking for good articles for her newspaper.
Ç   She imagined the headlines about Leila's adventure in Peru .

8) What did Martin tell Leila about his work in Peru ?

ماذا اخبر مارتن ليلي عن عمله في بيرو؟

Ç   He said he was a mining engineer working for the United Mining .

9) What made Leila doubt Martin Lander ?

ما الذي جعل ليلي تشك في مارتن لاندر؟

Ç   Because he was asking a lot of questions about her work.
Ç   She also saw him looking through her papers in her seat pocket.

10) How is mining similar to archaeology ?

كيف يشبه التعدين علم الاثار؟

Ç    Both of them are looking for valuable things under the ground through digging .

11) How did Leila decide on her career ? كيف اختارت ليلى مهنتها؟

OR : What made Leila take up archaelogy? مالذي جعل ليلي تشتغل بالاثار؟

Ç   She was interested in Dr Hafez’s stories about work as an archaeologist.
Ç   Also to follow in his footsteps .

12) Why did Leila decide not to study archaeology at Cairo University ?                           لماذا قررت ليلى الا تدرس الاثار في جامعة القاهرة؟

Ç   She took her degree in Rome in order not to let anyone talk about special treatment from Dr Hafez who was a friend of her family.

13) What did Leila discover in her first dig in Luxor with Dr Hafez ?ماذا اكتشفت ليلى في اول حفر لها في الاقصر مع د. حافظ ؟                                     

Ç   They discovered the tomb of Sennofer in the Valley of the Nobles in Luxor.

14) When did the customs officials allow Leila to take the laser machine with her ?متى سمح رجال الجمارك لـ ليلى ان تأخذ جهاز الليزر معها؟

Ç    When she told them she was part of a UNESCO archaeological project.
Ç   Also when she showed them some papers .

15) What did the papers, Leila brought from Cairo, show Dr Hafez?

ماذا بينت الاواراق التى احضرتها ليلى معا من القاهرة لـ د. حافظ؟                                                                  

Ç   They showed him he was working along the right lines .

16)What are the similarities between the Incas and the ancient Egyptians in burying their dead kings?

ماهى التشابهات بين الانكاس وقدماء المصريين في دفن  ملوكهم الموتى؟

Ç   Both of them mummified their kings .
Ç   They put gold masks on their faces .
Ç   Both of them put gold and silver objects beside their kings’ bodies.
Ç   They dressed them in beautiful clothes .
Ç   They also put food and drink beside them .

17) What are the differences between the Incas and the ancient

Egyptians in burying their dead kings ?

ماهى الاختلافات  بين الانكاس وقدماء المصريين في دفن  ملوكهم الموتى؟

Ç   Every year at important festivals, the Incas mummified kings were put on litters, dressed in fine clothes and were taken through the streets .
Ç   The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the kings to take care of them in the next world .

 18)The Ancient Egyptians were more humane than the Incas. Discuss.

قدما ء المصريون كان اكثر انسانية من الانكاس . وضح
Ç   The Incas sacrificed children to please the gods .
Ç    They killed women and servants to serve their kings in the next world.
Ç   The ancient Egyptians never did that.

19)According to Dr Hafez, in what way are thieves different from archaeologists in digging up ancient tombs ?

طبقا لـ   د  . حافظ كيف ان اللصوص  مختلفين عن علماء الاثار في حفر المقابر؟
Ç   Thieves break into tombs not caring about the things of the past.
Ç   Unlike archaeologists who are fully aware of  the historical importance of such valuable things.

20) What did Dr Hafez say about Martin Lander?

ماذا قال  د . حافظ عن مارتن لا ندر؟
Ç   He told Leila that his name was not Lander.
Ç   He was a mining engineer but he had to leave his job because he got involved with people who were taking Inca objects out of Peru .

21) Why did Dr Hafez choose Leila to be his assistant in Peru ?

لماذا  اختار د. حافظ ليلي لتكون مساعدته في بيرو؟
Ç   Leila understood him and he trusted her.
Ç   She could deal with the local people who had different ideas .
Ç   The work  needed a younger person .

22) Why did Dr Hafez want the UNESCO representative to have a good impression about his work ?

لماذا اراد د. حافظ ان تأخذ مندوبة اليونسكو فكرة جيد عن عملهم؟

Or: Why should they find something important before the end of the year?

لماذا كان عليهم ان يجدوا شيئا مهما قبل نهاية العام؟
Ç   As the UNESCO wouldn't support the program the following year unless they found something important .

23) What was Leila's knowledge about Inca civilization derived from ?

مما استمدت ليلى معرفتها بحضارة الانكا؟                                                        
Ç   From her studies at the Italian Institute of Archaeology in Rome .
Ç   Through reading Dr Hafez's reports about the excavation .

24) In her reply to Amalia's accusations , how did Leila correct her misunderstanding about her coming to Peru ?

في ردها على اتهامات امليا كيف صححت ليلى سوء فهمهما لمجيئها لبيرو؟
Leila said that Dr Hafez chose her to work with him as :
Ç   She was an experienced archaeologist .
Ç   Dr Hafez also thought her experience would be useful in this excavation .

25) What did the Incas do to ensure the loyalty of the Chimu kings?

ماذا فعل الانكاس للتأكد من ولاء ملوك التشيمو؟
Ç   They sent their children to Cuzco to make sure their fathers were loyal .

26) What made Dr Hafez decide to go to Quenco ?

ما الذي جعل د. حافظ يقرر الذهاب الى كوينكو؟
Ç   To get his computer fixed .  
Ç   To meet the UNESCO people before inspecting the site .

27) What was Dr Hafez's reaction when Leila said she had seen Amalia sitting with Martin ?

ماهو رد فعل د. حافظ عندما قالت انها رأت اميليا جالسة مع مارتن؟
Ç   He said it would be a bit strange for Amalia to do so, but he was sure she wouldn't do anything wrong as he trusted her.

28) What did Leila do on arriving at the camp from Quenco ?What did she find out?

ماذا فعلت ليلى عن وصولها للمعسكر من كوينكو ؟وماذا اكتشفت؟
Ç   She logged onto the internet to check the information given to her by Martin about the United Mining .
Ç   She found that United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. So, Martin Lander was a liar .

29) What were the two possibilities for having the man's skull broken ?

ما هما الاحتمالان اللذان وراء كسر جمجمة الرجل؟
Ç   Dr Hafez thought that the man was killed .
Ç   Leila thought it happened because of the fall of rocks.

30) How could archaeologists make sure the tomb is a royal one?

كيف يتأكد علماء الاثار ان المقبرة ملكية؟
Ç   By finding a mask of gold.

31) Why was the work inside the tomb tiring ?

لماذا كان العمل داخل المقبرة متعب؟
Ç   They were bent over the earth and there was not much air in the cave.

32) What important thing did Leila find in the tomb ?

ما هو الشيئ المهم الذي وجدته ليلى في المقبرة؟
Ç     She found a gold figure of a llama .

33)Describe the figure of llama discovered by Leila.

صف تمثال اللاما الذى اكتشفته ليلى؟
Ç   It was only about five centimetres long .
Ç   It had a square head and a thick tail.

34) How important were llamas for the Incas ?

ما اهمية اللاما بالنسبة للانكاس؟
Ç   The Incas used llamas as the Egyptians used camels in carrying loads.

35(What did the discovery of the gold llama indicate?

ماذا يشير اكتشاف اللاما الى؟
Ç   It indicated that the tomb was of somebody important.
Ç   It was more likely to be a king’s tomb.

36) Why did Dr Hafez take the team to Quenco ?

لماذا اخذ د . حافظ فريق العمل الى كوينكو؟
Ç   To celebrate finding the llama by taking them out for dinner at the best restaurant in the town.

37) How did Lander defend himself being a thief?

كيف دافع مارتن عن نفسه انه لص؟
Ç   By saying he was more of  a collector who appreciated fine things and he wanted to add them to his collection.

38) What was the effect of fear on Leila inside the tomb ?

ما تأثير الخوف على ليلي داخل المقبرة؟
Ç    She had a nightmare in which she saw many skeletons of dead kings carried on litters.
Ç    They pointed at her and raised their swords  to attack her .


   39) Why did Leila consider herself responsible for the robbery?

لماذا اعتبرت ليلي نفسها مسئولة عن السرقة؟
Ç    As she gave Martin some information about her excavation work when she had met him on the plane .

40) Why did the police think it would be difficult to find Martin?

لماذا اعتقد البوليس انه من الصعب القبض على مارتن؟
Ç   As they thought :
1) He had a false name and a false passport .
2) He might have left the country.


41) What was the mask of gold like ?

صف القناع الذهبي؟
It was a king's mask. It was made of gold. It was like the face of the sun with its wonderful rays.

42) What did the police do to decide the robber ?

ماذا فعل البوليس لتحديد اللص؟
Ç   They took everyone's fingerprints
Ç   They searched everyone's things.


43) Why did the police suspect Leila to be the robber ?

لماذا شك البوليس في ليلى ان تكون هى اللص؟
Ç   As they found a gold rabbit among her working clothes .

44) Unlike Leila , Amalia kept her discovery secret. Explain .

على عكس ليلى اميليا حافظت اكتشافها سرا . اشرح
Ç   When she discovered the gold rabbit, she kept it secret to use it in getting Leila  into trouble .


45) Jealousy had blinded Amalia and made her commit an awful crime against Leila. Discuss. 

الغيرة اعمت اميليا وجعلتها ترتكب جريمة شنيعة في حق ليلى . ناقش
Ç   As she was very jealous of Leila , she put the gold rabbit figure which she had found in Leila's clothes to get her involved in the crime of the disappearance of the king's mask .

46) How did Amalia regret committing her bloody crime with Leila?

كيف ندمت اميليا على ارتكاب جريمتها الشنيعة ضد ليلى؟

Or-Amalia was a girl of conscience. Illustrate.

امليا كنت بنت ذو ضمير . وضح
Ç   When she confessed to the police that she had put the gold rabbit in Leila's clothes to get her involved in the crime.
Ç   So she set Leila free.

    47) What problems did Leila and Amalia face on their way to Acomayo?

ماهى المشكلات التى واجهت ليلى واميليا في الطريق الى اكومايو؟
Ç    The problem in the country was communications.
Ç    The road was narrow and steep.
Ç    As they climbed higher into the mountains the weather turned bad.
Ç    They were driving as if they were in clouds.

48)What happened on the way to Acomayo? Why?

ماذا حدث في الطريق الى اكومايو ؟لماذا؟
Ç     Leila and Amalia had an accident and the car fell down the mountain because Amalia might have lost her concentration or  the road was broken.

49)Show that Lander was  liar and deceitful .

بين كيف كان  لاندر  كاذبا ومخادعا
Ç   He was a liar when he falsely told Leila that he was working for the United mining.
Ç   He was deceitful when he persuaded Amalia’s father to put up money for a silver mine, but there was no mine and he lost all his money and became poor.

50) Both Leila and  Amalia were eager to catch Martin .Why?

كلا من ليلى واميليا متلهفتين على القبض على مارتن؟
Ç    For Amalia :To take revenge for her father whom Martin deceived.
Ç    For Leila    :As Martin  stole the gold mask and some artefacts .

51) What trick did Dr Hafez play on Pablo ?

ما الخدعة التى لعبها د. حافظ على بابلو؟
Ç     Dr Hafez suspected Pablo. He told him that Martin was arrested . At that time , Pablo began to talk about his reasons for helping Martin .

52) How did Pablo justify leaving the safe keys in the hut ?

كيف برر بابلو  ترك مفاتيح الخزينة في الكوخ؟
Ç   He said he was tired and excited the day they found the gold mask. He left the keys in the hut by mistake .

53) How did Pablo justify helping Martin to steal the mask?

كيف برر بابلو مساعدة مارتن في سرقة القناع؟

Or: Why did Pablo accept the bribe from Martin?

لماذا قبل بابلو الرشوة من مارتن؟
Ç   He said he had a sick child who needed expensive medicine.
Ç   He said he got a low pay.

54) What was Leila's plan to catch Martin ?

ما هى خطة ليلى للقبض على مارتن؟
Ç   Pablo would meet Martin in Cuzco , so they would follow him to catch Martin .

55) Why was the mask robbery a great problem for Dr Hafez and the team?

لماذا كانت سرقة القناع مشكلة كبيرة لــ د . حافظ وفريق العمل؟
Ç   As the project might come to an end if it wasn't found .

56-The police came to the site twice for two different purposes.                Illustrateالبوليس جاء الى الموقع مرتين لغرضين مختلفين . وضح                                                                

Ç   The first time :Because Lander tried to rob the tomb.
Ç   The second time: Because the gold mask has already been stolen.

57) What good news did the police tell Dr Hafez after questioning Martin ?

ماهى الاخبار التى اخبرها البوليس لـ د . حافظ بعد مساءلة مارتن؟
Ç   They told him that they had found the gold mask and the other artifacts stolen by Martin .

58) Why did Dr Hafez and Leila go to village again?

لماذا ذهب د. حافظ وليلى للقرية مرة اخرى
Ç   To thank the people there for their help to Amalia.
Ç   Leila wanted to show Dr Hafez a new Inca site .

59) Dr Hafez had a sense of humour  Give an example .

د. حافظ كانت لديه روح الفكاهة . اعط مثالا
Ç   When Leila took Dr Hafez to show him the blocks of stone in the      mountains , he asked her if she would show him two strangers sitting together at a cafe ( Lander and Amalia ) .

60)To what extent was Leila lucky in the story?

الى اى حد كانت ليلي محظوظة في القصة؟
Ç   Leila discovered the mask of gold .
Ç   She discovered the gold figure of llama .
Ç   She discovered  a new Inca site .
Ç   She caught a thief who had stolen artefacts.
Ç   She survived a dangerous accident.

  Quotations & Answers  

1.    "It's amazing what they did. Did you know, they didn't have any writing. “
a. Who said this ? To whom?
b. What did the speaker mean?
c. What's the difference between the Egyptian civilization and the Inca civilization?
+      Leila said this to her sister Samira.
+          The Incas didn't have any writing.
+      The Incas didn't have any writing but the Egyptians had.
2.    "Is that carbon dating?"
a.Who asked this ? To whom?
b.What does “that “ refer to?
c.What did they use it for?
+          Samira to Lelia.
+          It refers to the laser dating machine.
+          For dating things made of wood or cloth.
3.    “Nice to meet you ,Mr Mander.”
a) Who was the speaker?
b) What mistake did the speaker make?
c) What was the answer to his question?
+          He was Dr Hafez
+          It was saying Mander instead of Lander.
+          Lander hoped to meet him again in Peru.

4.    "Beautiful. So interesting and so sad," he said
a) Who was the speaker? to whom?
b) What does the speaker describe?
c) What did that figure show about the Incas?
+          Pablo to Leila and Ramon.
+          The gold figure of the child.
+          It showed that they were tough and inhumane.
5.    “They don’t care about the things of the past.”
a)Who were” they”?
b) How didn’t they care about the things of the past?
c) On what occasion was it said?
+          They were the thieves of the ancient objects.
+          By breaking into the old Inca tombs to steal the gold and silver objects.
+          When Dr Hafez wanted Leila to be careful.
6.    “I’ve worked with Dr Hafez before. But don’t get the wrong idea.”
a)Who said it? To whom?
b) Where had Leila worked with Dr Hafez before?
c) What was the wrong idea Amalia had?
+          Leila to Amalia.
+          She worked in the Valley of the Nobles in Luxor in  Egypt.
+          She believed that Leila came to Peru because Dr Hafez was a friend of her family
7.    “ You will get along better when you start working with her properly.”
a) Who was the speaker?To whom?
b) What is the problem?
c) What does exactly “when you start working with her properly.” mean?
+          Dr Hafez to Leila.
+          The problem is that Amalia is unfriendly to Leila.
+          This means when they start working they will understand each other better and become friends.
8.    “ We need to find a gold mask to be absolutely sure."
a)Who said this to whom?
b)What would they like to be sure of?
c)What was the response to it?
+          It was said by Amalia to Dr Hafez.
+          They would like to be sure of the tomb being a royal tomb.
+          Dr Hafez agreed that they needed to find a gold mask to be sure it
      was a tomb of a king.
9.    “ Martin Lander, What a coincidence. The world is a small place."
a)By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b)What was the coincidence the speaker referring to?
c) What did the speaker say about Martin’s work?
+          It was said by Amalia to Leila.
+          Leila met Martin on the plane.
+          She said he worked for United Mining.
10.   “It is a llama. The Incas used llamas like we used camels."
a)By whom and to whom was this statement said?
b)What did the Incas use the llamas for?
c)What was the importance of finding that thing
+          It was said by Dr. Hafez to Leila.
+          They used the llamas for carrying loads on their backs.
+          It showed that the tomb was that of an important character.
   -  It was more likely to be a king’s tomb.
11.   " So you're not a mining engineer. You're just here to steal things that other people have found. You're a thief."
a) Who said these words? To whom?
b) What was the man in the cave accused of?
c) How did the surprise affect the speaker?
+          Leila said these words to Martin Lander.
+          He was accused of being a thief.
+          She couldn't speak at first and she was shaking with fear.
12.   " You can call me a thief if you like."
a. Who said this? To whom?
b. What did the speaker say he was?
c. How did the speaker justify stealing things?
+           Martin Lander said this to Leila.
+           He said he was a collector.
+          That he was a collector who appreciated fine things and he wanted to add them to his collection.
13.   "I hope you will spend a pleasant night in the company of a great king?"
a. Who said this ? To whom?
b. What did the speaker intend to do?      
c. Why was the speaker there?
+          Lander said this to Leila.
+          He intended to trap her in the tomb.
+          Because he was looking for some artifacts to steal from the tomb.
14.    “I’m very shocked and upset. The police have not found the gold mask but they found this among your work clothes”
a. Who said these words? To whom?
b.   What does the word “this” in the second sentence refer to?
c.   Why was the speaker shocked and upset?
+          Dr. Hafez said these words to Leila.
+          It refers to the little gold rabbit.
+          Because they found the little gold rabbit among Leila’s clothes.
15.    “I’m sorry for what has happened. You must forgive me.”
a.Who said this ? To whom?
b.Why did the speaker apologize?
c.Why did the speaker do that?
+      Amalia said this to Leila.
+      Because she put a little gold rabbit among Leila’s clothes and caused her to go to prison.
+      Because she wanted to get her into trouble.

16.    “That’s why I wanted to come with you to try to catch him.”
a. Who said this ? To whom?
b. What does “him” refer to?
c. Why did the speaker want to catch him?
+          Amalia said this to Leila.
+          It refers to Lander.
+          Because he deceived her father and caused him to lose all his money.
17.   “It’s a matter of life and death.”
a. Who said this ? To whom?
b. Why was it a matter of life and death?
c. What did the speaker decide?
+          The doctor said this to Leila.
+          Because Amalia was badly injured and in need of hospital.
+          She decided that a helicopter should come to take Amalia to hospital.

18.   "We have to stop him now before he gets back to his truck and shuts the gates again."
a) Who said this ? To whom?
b) Who was the speaker talking about?
c) What would have happened if the gates had been shut again?
+          Ramon said this to Dr. Hafez and Leila.        
+          Martin Lander.
+          They wouldn't have caught him.
19.   "I'd like to go back to the village on the road to Acomayo."
a) Who said this ? To whom?
b) Why did the speaker want to go to the village?
c) Was there another reason for that visit?
+          Leila said this to Dr. Hafez.
+          Because she wanted to thank the village people who helped Amalia.
+          Yes, she wanted to show him a new Inca site.
20.   "You're not going to show me two strangers sitting at cafe, are you?" he said.
a) Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to?
b) Who do you think the strangers were?
c) What did that show about Dr Hafez?
+          Dr. Hafez to Leila.
+          Amalia and Martin Lander.
+                        That he had a sense of humour.


    1-The Incas were tough because………………..
+     they lived at high altitudes.
    2-The gold and silver work of the Incas was made by …………….
+     The Chimu people.
    3-As there was no direct flight to Lima………….
+     Leila had to fly to New York then change planes.
    4-Leila had a headache and felt tired because of …………..
+     the jet lag and the altitude.
    5- Leila realized that she was back home in Cairo
 only when ..............
+     She could hear the sounds of the neighbourhood, the man selling melons, the  roar of traffic and the children playing in the street.
    6-At the site, Ramon found……………………………….….
+     a small figure of a child
    7-In old town, the women were dressed in ………………………
+     colourful clothes.
    8-Machu Picchu was…………………..
+     a great city in Peru, that was lost for hundred of years.
    9-Leila attributed Amaila’s being unfriendly to…………………
+     being Dr Hafez’s assistant and  in charge of  her team.
    10-The work inside the cave was tiring as..................
+     they were bent over the earth and there was not much air in the cave.
    11-UNESCO would not support the project if………………..
+     The local UNESCO representative  got bad impression of the work.
    12. Out of jealousy, Amalia ............ .
+     put the gold rabbit among Leila's clothes.
    13. Amalia was jealous of Leila because ..........
+     Dr. Hafez put her in charge of the excavating team
+     The gold mask she discovered would get her all the credit.
     14. The police put a special kind of powder on the
safe in order to…..
+     take everyone’s fingerprints to know who stole the mask.
      15.Amalia was as brave and tough as……………….     
+     an ancient Inca.
      16-Pablo had such a hard life that ............
+     he worked with Martin in stealing the artifacts.
      17) Pablo helped Dr. Hafez and Leila to catch
Lander by ............... .
+     showing them the place where he would meet Lander.
    18. The next day Cairo newspapers were talking about.............
+     the story of the Egyptian archaeologist who had made important discoveries in the land of the Incas.
    19-Without Leila’s bravery ,………………………….
+     Lander would have escaped with the mask of gold and other artifacts.
     20- All artefacts should go to the museum where.......
+     People can see them.
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