اخبار الموقع

...مبروك لكل اوائئئئئئئل الثانوية العامة و حظ موفق للجميع.........englishmistro.......أهنى كل طلاب مصرنا الحبيبة بالعام الجديد 2013 و بداية الترم الثانى كما اتمنى ان يكون الجميع قد حققوا التفوق فى امتحانات الترم الاول.............englishmistro................تم ايضا اضافة فديوهات لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد و نطق و يمكنكم اختيار اى من هذة الفديوهات بالنقر على كلمة بلاىلست او قائمة التشغيل الموجودة اسفل الفديو على الشمال و تمرير الموس على اى منهم لاختيار الموضوع الذى ترغبون فى تشغيله.........................englishmistro...........كما تم مؤخرا اضافة موقع للاختبار اونلاين على كل مهاراة اللغة من تحدث و استماع فضلا عن القواعد................englishmistro ............انتظروا كل جديد و مفيد ....................englishmistro.........استعدادا لامتحانات الصف الثالث الثانوى سوف يتم طرح مراجعات على المنهج و سوف تكون كالتالى: اولا اسئلة كتاب التدريبات مجمعة حسب ترتيب اسئلة ورقة الامتحان يليها تجميع لنفس النوع و اجابتة ثانيا اسئلة القصة و اجاباتها ثالثاامتحانات كتاب التمرينات و اجاباتها مع الدعاء للجميع بالتفوق ............englishmistro...........زائرى الموقع يمكنكم طبع الموضوعات او اخذ نسخة منها بصيغة بى دى اف وذلك بالنقر على الايقونة الموجودة اسفل عنوان او تاريخ المادة المنشورة كما يمكنكم تلقى جديد الموقع و ذلك بتسجيل الايميل الخاص بكم فلى خانة اتبعنى بالايميل الموجودة على يمين الشاشة..............englishmistro............يمكنكم التعليق على الموضوعات المنشورة فلى الموقع بكل حرية و صراحة و ذلك بالنقر على كلمة تعليقات الموجودة اسفل عبارة اقر المزيد الموجودة اسفل كل موضوع .........englishmistro...........>

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Spider General Review (Questions&Answers)

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Questions and Answers
1-How does the machine GPR show what is behind the walls?
كيف توضح آله (GPR )ما وراء الحوائط ؟
YIt transmits radio waves through the wall . When the waves hit something on the other side , they come back to it . The computer changes the radio Waves into a picture .
إنها تبث موجات لاسلكي من خلال الحائط. و عندما تصطدم هذه الموجات بأي شئ علي الجانب الآخر من الحائط فإنها ترتد مرة أخري و تعود إلى جهاز ( GPR  ) .و يحول الكمبيوتر هذه الموجات إلى صورة .

2 - How did the band of the foreign robbers disguise themselves and their movement?كيف اخفى اللصوص انفسهم و تحركاتهم؟                                                
_Y (a) They fixed local number plates to their cruisers .
_ Y (b) The switched off their lights.
_ Y (c) Their engines were silent.
_ Y (d) They stopped 200 metres from the tents of the archaeologists.
--Y (e) They walked 50 metres through darkness in order not to be recognized.
--Y (f) They came after midnight.

3-Why did the four men switch off their lights and engines?
لماذا اطفئوا الانوار و المحركات؟                                                                                        
_Y In order not to be seen or heard

4-- Why did the big man shout “Get them off me”?
       لماذا صرخ الرجل الضخم " ابعدوهم عنى"؟                                    
_Y Because the spiders were biting himلان العناكب كانت تلدغه                               

--What did the tall man do at that time? ماذا فلعل الرجل الطويل حينئذ؟ 
_Y He took off his jacket and hit the spiders with it four or five times.

5--What made the oldest man believe that the spiders Were not deadly ?
ما الذي جعل الرجل المسن يعتقد أن العناكب ليست قاتلة ؟
Or Why didn’t the oldest man worry about the spider’bites ?
YBecause he believed that there weren't any deadly spiders in Egypt .
لأنة اعتقد بأنة لا توجد عناكب قاتلة في مصر .

6--Describe the effect of the spiders' bites on the four robbers before they died
صف تاثير لدغات العناكب على اللصوص قبل وفلاتهم؟                             
Or What are the symptoms of the spiders bites on the robbers?
ما هى اعراض لدغات العناكب على اللصوص؟                                        _
 1 – They felt sick. شعروا بالمرض.                                             

_ 2 – They began to sweat heavily and drank all the water they had.
 بدوا يعرقون بشدة و شربوا كل الماء الذى معهم.                
_ 3 – Their hands, arms, legs and face muscles made sudden violent movements.           كانت ايديهم و ازرعهم و ارجلهم و عضلات وجوههم تودى حركات عنيفه مفاجئه.
_ 4 – They couldn’t breathe easily.
_ 5 – They died affected by the spiders’ venom.(poison)

7 -Describe the deadly spider Ayman had seen .
أوصف العنكبوت القاتل  الذي رآه أيمن .
YIt was black spider with two thick yellow lines on its back . It had eight eyes , eight legs and two long fangs . It was as big as a small apple .
كان لونه أصفر وكان ذو خطين أصفر اللون علي ظهره . كان له 8 عيون و 8 أرجل وكان له نابين .كان صغير الحجم مثل تفاحة صغيرة.

8-What did the pilot think the robbers died of ?   
                                                                                 ماذا اعتقد الطيار فلى سبب وفاة اللصوص؟
Y He thought that the robbers died of thirst.

9-How did the engineer save the pilot's life?كيف انقذ المهندس حياة الطيار؟                    
YWhen the engineer suggested getting on the radio to report the police, the pilot returned to the helicopter. His hand had been near the spider before he moved away. It could have bitten and killed him.
عندما اقترح المهندس الاتصال لابلاغ الشرطة, عاد الطيار للطائرة كانت يدة بالقرب من العنكبوت التى كان من الممكن ان تلدغة و تقتلة                                                                                                 

10-Which places do spiders usually choose to hide?
ما الاماكن التى عادة ما تفلضلها العناكب للاختباء؟                                                                                
_ quiet, dark, cool and safe places inside walls or between floors
الاماكن الهادئة, المظلمة, الباردة, الامنة داخل الجدران و بين الطوابق                                              

11-Why didn’t the spider stay at Ayman's house?
لماذا لم تبقى العنكبوتة فلى منزل ايمن؟                                                                               
YBecause it was full of light and noise.لانة ملي بالضوضاء و الضوء                       

12- What did Ayman use the internet for? فى ماذا كان ايمن يستعمل النت؟              
_ 1- for his university studies. فى دراستة الجامعية                                                 
_ 2- for making friends in other countries. لتكوين اصدقاء فلى دول اخري                  

13-Where and when did Ayman see the big spider? اين و متى راى ايمن العنكبوت؟     
_ He saw it in the garden when he was going to the shops.

14-Why did Dr. Shereen Fakhry think the town had disappeared ?
لماذا اعتقدت د/ شيرين فخري أن المدينة اختفت ؟
YBecause the climate in Egypt became drier .
لأن المناخ في مصر أصبح أجف .

15- How did Ayman get a computer ?
كيف حصل أيمن علي الكمبيوتر ؟
YHe Was given a computer by his uncle .
أعطاه له عمة .

16- Why did Ayman phone a student of zoology?
لماذا اتصل أيمن بطالب في علم الحيوان .
YTo give him information about the spider he saw because his friend was a student of zoology .
ليعطيه معلومات عن العنكبوت الذي رآه لأن صديقة طالب في علم الحيوان .

17-Where did the spider find a suitable home ?
أين وجد العنكبوت البيت المناسب ؟
YIn a secret place that was quiet , dark and cool in the house next to Ayman .
في مكان سري سري و مظلم و بارد في منزل مجاور لمنزل أيمن .
18- What did the spider do when it laid eggs ?

 ماذا فعل العنكبوت عندما وضعت بيضها ؟ 

YIt enclosed them in sacs of silk and then began its long wait .
لقد وضعهم في أكياس من الحرير وبدأ انتظاره الطويل .

19-How did Ayman make use of the internet ?
كيف استغل أيمن الإنترنت ؟  
YHe used the internet for his university studies and for making friends in other countries and to identify the spider too .
لقد استخدم الإنترنت في دراساته الجامعية و لعمل صداقات في دول أخري وليتعرف علي العنكبوت .

20-What surprised Ayman about the spider? ما الذى ادهش ايمن عن العنكبوت؟       
_ He was surprised at its speed and size.

21-What was the spider that Ayman saw like? ما وصفل العنكبوت الذى راة ايمن؟    
_ It was black with two yellow lines on its back. It was very large, it was as big as an apple. It had eight eyes and eight legs, the longest of which was as long as a pencil. It had two fangs in its mouth which were a centimetre long each.

22-Why didn't the spider attack Najat? لماذا لم يهاجم العنكبوت نجاة؟                      
_ Because her foot moved away when her mother called her.

23- Why did the town people burn the ancient town?لماذا حرق سكان المدينة القديمة؟    
- To kill the spiders which killed a lot of people.

24-Why did the inhabitants of the town leave the town?       لماذا هجر السكان المدينة؟
Or Were the people successful when they burnt the town?
_ Because many spiders escaped to underground tombs and passages.

25-Who was Shereen Fakhry? من هى شرين فخرى؟                                                
_ She was a doctor in the Department of Egyptology at Oxford University.

What was Dr Fakhry’s opinion about the story of the spiders?
ما راى د/ شرين فلى قصة العناكب؟                                                                                   
_ It may be just a story

26-Why was the spider looking for a quiet and dark home?
لماذا كانت العنكبوتة تبحث عن منزل هادئ و مظلم؟                                                             
_ Because it was ready to lay eggs and it didn't want anybody to disturb it.
لانها كانت تستعد لوضع البيض و لا تريد ان يزعجها احد.                                                      

27-What did the female spider do when it laid eggs?
ماذا فلعلت انثى العنكبوت عندما وضعت بيضها؟                                                                   
_ It enclosed them in four white silk sacs and then began its long wait.

28-How did Dr Shereen feel on seeing the picture? Why?
كيف شعرت د/ شرين عند روية الصورة؟ و لماذا؟                                                                
_ She felt a cold shiver down the back of her neck as the spider was the same
as the spider Ayman had seen.
 شعرت بقشعريرة اسفلا عنقها لان العنكبوت كان تماما مثل العنكبوت الذى راة ايمن                        

29-How did Ayman try to comfort himself and Dr Shereen?
كيف حاول ايمن ان يطمئن نفسه و د/ شرين؟                                                                          
 _ He told her that the spider he saw can't have been the same as the killer spiders in the ancient text, because there aren’t any deadly spiders in modern Egypt. اخرها ان العنكبوت الذى راة لا يمكن ان يكون مثل العنكبوت القاتل فلى النص القديم لانة لا يوجد اى عناكب مميتة( قاتلة) فلى مصر الحديثة.                                                                                   
30 – How did the spiders come to the town according to Ayman’s?
كيف اتت العناكب للمدينة طقا لراى ايمن؟                                                                             
_ May be they were in the boxes that the police brought.

31 - What did Dr Shereen advise Ayman to do? بماذا نصحت د/ شرين ايمن ان يفعل؟    
_ She advised Ayman to tell the police.
71 - Why did Dr Fakhry think Ayman should tell the police about the spider?
لماذا نصحت د/ شرين ايمن ان يبلغ الشرطة عن العناكب؟                                                          
_ Because she thought that the spider might be dangerous and deadly.

72-How did Dr. Fakhry know about this medicine ?
كيف علمت د/ شيرين بخصوص الدواء ؟
YShe knew the medicine from a German Egyptologist who translated a 2,000 year old text about the medicine .
عرفت بالدواء من عالم مصريات ألماني الذي ترجم نص قديم عن الدواء عمره 2000 عاما .

73-Why was Prof. Malcom Jones interested in the spider Ayman had seen ?
  لماذا كان البروفيسور مالكوم جونز مهتما بالعنكبوت الذي رآه أيمن ؟
YBecause it was unknown species of spider .
       لأنه كان فصيلة  غير معروفه .

74-Why was the female spider more dangerous than the male ?
   لماذا كانت أنثي العنكبوت أكثر خطورة من الذكر ؟
YBecause it can produce 2, 000 small spiders within a few weeks and its bite is more dangerous .
  لأنها تنتج 2000 عنكبوت صغير في خلال أسابيع قليلة ولان لدغتها أكثر خطورة . 

75 – Why didn't Ayman want to tell the police ?
  لماذا لم يريد ايمن إخبار البوليس ؟  
YBecause people might laugh at him .
   لان الناس كانت ستسخر منه .

76- What was Susan Bennett ?
   من كانت سوزان بينيت ؟
YSusan was a zoologist at Oxford University . She searched for the black and yellow spiders in her database but she couldn't find anything .
كانت سوزان عالمة حيوان في جامعة أكسفورد . وقد بحثت عن العنكبوت الأسود والأصفر في قاعدة البيانات ولكنها لم تستطع أن تجد أي شئ .  

77- What did Ayman's family think of Ayman's story about the spiders ?
                     ماذا اعتقدت أسرة أيمن في قصته عن العنكبوت ؟
YAyman's family thought that half of it was true and the other half was اعتقدت أسرة أيمن أن نصف القصة كان حقيقي و Ayman's imagination . النصف الآخر كان من خيال أيمن .

78- What Did Ayman’s uncle advise him to do ?
       ماذا كانت نصيحة عم أيمن له ؟
-He advise him to keep quiet and not to tell the police or anyone outside the family .
نصحه بأن يلتزم الهدوء وألا يخبر البوليس و أي شخص خارج العائلة .

79-Why did the professor think that there was only one female spider ?
لماذا اعتقد البروفيسور بأنة يوجد أنثي عنكبوت واحدة ؟
YBecause only Ayman had reported seeing a big spider .
لأنة أيمن فقط هو الذي بلغ برؤيته لعنكبوت كبير الحجم .  

80- Why didn't uncle Walid want Ayman to tell the police about the spider he had seen? لماذا لم يكن وليد يريد ايمن ان يبلغ الشرطة عن العنكوت الذى راة؟                        
_ (a) He would worry people unnecessarily.                          سيقلق الناس بلا داعى
   (b) People wouldn't stay in the hotels and they wouldn't eat in the restaurants
or buy food products. A lot of business would lose money. لن تمكث الناس فى الفنادق و لن تاكل فى مطاعم او تشترى المنتجات الغذائية و تخسر الكثير من الاعمال المال.    

81-What did Ayman wish he had not done? Why?
ماذا تمنى ايمن ان لا يكون قد فعله و لماذا؟                                                                    
_ He wished he hadn’t told anyone about the spider as stories about
    dangerous spiders aren’t good for businesses.

82-How did the police take their precautions before fighting the dangerous spiders? كيف اتخذت الشرطة الاجراءات الوقائية قل مكافحة العناكب؟                                    
_ They armed themselves with protective clothing and other equipment.

83 –What did the professor say about the spiders ?
   ماذا قال البروفيسور عن العنكبوت ؟
YHe said that the spiders are useful animals because they eat insects .
قال بأن العناكب حيوانات مفيدة لأنها تأكل الحشرات .

84-How is the antivenom made?كيف يصنع المصل؟                                           
YFirst, scientists put small quantities of venom into animals, usually horses or
sheep, and then the animals make antibodies to fight the venom. But it could be many years before a safe antivenom could be produced in large quantities.
      اولا يضع العلماء كميات صغيرة من السم فى الحيوانات(عادتا الخيول و الاغنام) فتنتج هذة الحيوانات مضاد حيوى لمحاربة السم ثم يستخلص العلماء المصل 

85-What were the spiders' fighters wearing? ماذا كان يرتدى مقاتلى العنكبوت؟        
_ A large black suit made of strong plastic. Each suit had a thick transparent
window over the face. There was no opening for a spider to get through.
بدلة كيرة سوداء مصنوعة من البلاستك القوى بكل بدلة نافذة شفلافلة سميكة على الوجه , و لم يكن بها اى فتحات لاختراق العناكب

86- How did the professor examine the spiders ?
  كيف فحص البروفسور العنكبوت ؟
YBy using a magnifying glass .
  باستخام عدسة مكبرة .

87-Who put the barriers across the road ?Why ?
    من الذي وضع المونع عبر الطريق ؟ ولماذا ؟
YThe police because they didn't want to take a spider out of the town .
البوليس . لأنهم لم يريدوا أن يأخذوا العنكبوت خارج المدينة.

88-Where did the professor put his equipment?اين وضع البروفسر معداتة؟         
He put it in a place where many large webs hung from the ceiling.

89-What happened to the young officer when the spider attacked him?_
ماذا حدث للضابط الشاب عندما هاجمه العنكبوت؟                                                                  
_ He was coughing badly and fell to the ground.كان يسعل شدة ووقع على الارض   

90-How did the police officers try to kill the large female spider?
كيفل حاول ضباط الشرطة ان يقتلوا انثى العنكبوت؟                                                                
_ By using their insecticide sprays.

91-Why did the captain want to destroy the spiders?
لماذا  اراد كابتن احمد ان يد مر العناكب؟                                                                            
_ Because ten people had died and his job was to prevent more death.
92-Why would it be difficult to kill all the spiders?لماذا من الصعب قتل كل العناكب؟
 _ Because they didn't know where all the underground rooms and passage were.        لانهم لا يعرفوا  اماكن كل الغرف اسفل الارض
_ He thought that it would be a great scientific discovery.
 و البروفسر يعتقد انة اكتشاف علمى عظيم                                                                         

93-How did the spider get rid of the trap made for it?
كيفل تخلصت العنكبوت من المصيدة التى دبرت لها؟                                                                
_ The spider used its sharp fangs to cut through its own leg.
استخدمت العنكبوتة انيابها الحادة لقطع احدى ارجلها.                                                                

94-What happened when the female spider released itself ?
ماذا حدث عندما حررت انثى العنكبوت نفلسها؟                                                                     
_ It jumped with its other seven legs and landed on Ayman's face.
قفزت بارجلها السبعة و هبطت على وجه ايمن.                                                                     

95-How did Ayman react when the big female spider jumped on his face?
كيفل كان رد فلعل ايمن عندما قفزت انثى العنكبوت على وجهه؟                                                 
_ He was shocked. The surprise knocked him off balance and he fell to the ground 
.صدم و افقدته المفاجئة توازنة و سقط على الارض

96-Why were the captain's men looking for the body of the large female spider?
لماذا كان رجال المقدم احمد يبجثون عن جسد انثى العنكبوت؟                                                 
To make sure that it was dead.ليتاكدوا انها ماتت                                                

97-What difficulties did Wafaa, Farouk and the officers face in Sinai?
ما الصعوبات التى وجهها وفاء و فاروق و الضباط فى سيناء؟                                                   _
_ It was raining heavily. The wadis were flooded with water. The road down
the mountain was a narrow track. It had no surface and it was very
steep.(The weather/ the road/ the Wadis) كنتمن
كانت تمطر بغزارة و الوديان تفيض بالماء و الطريق اسفل الجبل ضيق و منحدرا                             
98-Why did they have to cross the third wadi ?لماذا كان يجب عليهم ان يعبروا الوادى الثالث؟
_ To get the Echinacea Negra to Ayman to save him.ليحصلوا على النبات و ينقذوا ايمن

99-How did Wafaa Sultan help ?
        كيف ساعدتهم وفاء سلطان ؟
YShe could get the Echinacea Negra plant from Sinai .
    استطاعت أن تحضر نبات الاكناسيانيجرا من سيناء .

100-Why was the road down the mountain very dangerous ?
لماذا كان الطريق أسفل الجبل خطير جدا ؟
YBecause it was steep and narrow .
لأنه كان منحدر و ضيق .

101 – How was Wafaa able to get the plant from the third car ?
كيف كانت وفاء قادرة علي الحصول علي النبات من السيارة الثالثة
YShe got into the first car and used the lowest gear and pulled the third car out of the water. She climbed onto the third car and carried the plants back to the Captain's car and drove fast .
دخلت السيارة الأولي و إستخدمت أقل سرعة وسحبت السيارة الثالثة من الماء .ودخلت السيارة الثالثة وحملت النباتات عائدة الي سيارة الكابتن ( الأولي ) وقادتها بسرعة .
102 – Why was Ayman in the intensive care?
لماذا كان أيمن في العناية المركزة ؟
YBecause his state was serious after spider had bitten him.
لأن حالتة كانت خطرة بعد ما لدغة العنكبوت .  

103- Why didn't Ayman tell his sister that the spider was behind her?
لماذا لم يخبر أيمن أختة بأن العنكبوت كان خلفها ؟
YBecause if he had told her,  she would have moved and the spider would
    have bitten her.
لأنه لو كان أخبرها لكانت تحركت و لدغها العنكبوت .

104-How did the female spider come to the hospital?
كيف وصلت أنثي العنكبوت الي المستشفي ؟
YIn the ambulance that brought Ayman.
في سيارة الإسعاف التي أحضرت أيمن .

105-How did the minister describe Ayman?
كيف وصف الوزير أيمن ؟
YThe minister described Ayman as a brave young man who was ready to give his life to save others.
لقد وصف الوزير أيمن بأنة شاب شجاع والذي كان مستعد ليضحي بحياتة لينقذ الآخرين .
Quotations with Answers

1-''A team of six archaeologists found these two rooms last week .''
A] What did the speaker see in the first room ?
B] Why was the second room empty ?
C] How was the room found ?
Answers ;
A] Five ancient Egyptian mummies .
B] Because the gold objects were sent to the museum in Cairo .
C] By using GPR.

2-''There aren’t ,any deadly spiders in Egypt . We might get sick but we won't die . ''
A] Who said these words to whom ?
B] Why did the small man think it was an unknown species of spiders ?
C] Why was he terribly wrong ?
Answers ;
A] The oldest man to the other robbers .
B] Because he heard about the fist in South America and those fist were like no other fish .
C] Because the spiders were unknown species and all the men died .

3-''They probably got lost and died thirst . ''
A] Who said this to whom ?
B] Who he thought got lost and died of thirst ?
C] What did he do when he found them dead ?
Answers ;
A] This was said by the pilot his team .
B] The four men in two cars .
C] He left the car and went back to the helicopter to get the radio .
4-" We'd better get on the radio . "
A] Who were on the plan ?
B] Who did the engineer think they should get on the radio to ?
C] How did these words save the pilot's life ?
Answers ;
A] A pilot ,a telecom engineer and a technician .
B] The police .
C] The pilot left the car and went . back to the helicopter to report the police before the spider's attack .

5-"They hoped to kill all the spiders and then rebuild the town ."
A] How did the people try to kill all spiders ?
B] Why did they decide to kill all the spiders ?
C] To what extent were the people successful?
A] The people tried to kill all the spiders by burning the town down .
B] So as not to let any spider remain alive.
C] They couldn't get rid of the spiders.

6-" Don't worry, we will find it on the data base."
A]  Who was the speaker?
B]  What would they try to find on the data base?
C] Did they find what they searched for?
A] The speaker was Susan Bennett.
B] They would try to find or to identify the black and yellow spider that was in the picture.
C] No , they didn’t , they only found six spiders , but none of them were like the spider that Ayman saw.

7-"That's why I came to Egypt . If it is a known species , I can identify it."
A] Who said it to whom?
B] What was the speaker's job?
C] What did he think of spiders ?
A] Professor Jones to Colonel Mikhail.
B] He was a famous arachnologist, who came to Egypt to identify the spider.
C] He thought that the spiders are very useful animals because they eat insects.

8-"Tell me every thing about spiders."
A] Who said these words to whom?
B] When were these words said?
C] In the speaker's opinion why he should know everything about the spiders?
A] Captain Ahmed  to Professor Jones.
B] When They were going to the site.
C] Because he knew that if you must fight an enemy, you should first understand the enemy.

9-"How is an antivenom made? And why does it take along time?
A] Who said these words to whom?
B] What was he talking about
C] What were the answers of the questions above?
A] Captain Ahmed  to Professor Jones.
B] He was talking  about making a new antivenom.
C]Scientists get some venom from the spiders. Venom is put into animals, which make antibodies to fight the  venom. Scientists then extract the antivenom from the blood of animals and make it safe to use. So it take a long time.

10-"I don’t know much about plants. This botanist is the person to ask."
A] Who speaks to whom?
B] What does the word "this" refer to?
C] What does a botanist study?
A] Professor Jones to Captain Ahmed.
B] This refers to Wafaa Sultan.
C] A botanist studies plants.

11- "Yes , they are the same as the spider I saw in town .Only that one was larger ."
A] Who said these words ? to whom ?
B] What did he mean by saying as the spider I saw ?
C] Why was the other spider different ?
Answers :
A] Ayman to captain Ahmed  .
B] Ayman said that the spiders in the site are the same as the spider he saw in the town .
C]Because the spider he saw was larger , and the spiders of the site were adult males .
12-''I will pass your opinion to the colonel . This matter must be decided at a larger level . ''
a]Who said these words to whom ?
b]What was the opinion he was talking about ?
c]What were the speaker's orders to his men ?
a-Captain Ahmed to professor Jones .
b-Professor Jones said it was a great scientific discovery and it's hand that important archaeological site would be damaged .
c-The speaker ordered his men not to let anybody come near the site .

13-''Iwant to thank you for work today .you are welcome to Join us tomorrow .''
a]Who said these words to whom ?
b]what was the speaker preparing for ?
c]Why were the stronger suit ordered by the speaker ?
a-Colonel Mikhail to Jones .
b-He was preparing for attacking the spiders in the town .
c-Because the previous suits were not strong enough.

14-''Your suit's torn . Get out . Get out . ''
a]Who said these words to whom ?
b]Why was Ayman taken to an ambulance ?
c]What did the captain order his men to do ?
Answers :
a-       Captain Ahmed to Ayman .
b-       Because he felt a sharp bite
c-        To spray the whole house and the surrounding area , too .

15- ''He has only hours to live unless the Echinacea Negra can get to him in time . ''
a]Whose words are these and to whom ?
      b]what was the situation in Sinai ?
c]What did the message from Sinai say ?
       a-Captain Ahmed to Colonel Mikhail.
b-They've found some Echinacea Negra plants, and the cars are on their way back .
c-The message from Sinai said there's a bad storm in the area and they would have to drive through it.

 16-''Keep very still lamia I want to take a photo .''

a]When did Ayman decide to photograph Lamia ?
b]What did he do after that ?
c]What were on his hand after that ?
Answers :
a-When he saw the 7-Legged female on the wall behind her shoulder .
b-He blinded the spider with the camera's flashlight ,then knocked it into the aluminum case and shut it .
c- There were two bright red marks on his hand .

17-''Ifeel like a new person with a new future .''
a]Before Ayman said these words , what did professor Malcolm ,
    Ayman's father , Ayman's uncle say ?
b]Why did Ayman say so ?
c]How did the minister describe Ayman ?

a-4professor Malcolm said that Ayman saved the world from the spider and he could go and study at Oxford University if he wanted to.
  4Ayman's father said that Ayman wouldn't have to worry about getting a good job any more .
  4 His uncle said that the best employers would want a man like him .
b-He said so because he became famous , everyone was talking about him and his picture was in the newspapers , too .
c-The minister described Ayman as a brave young man who was read to give his life to save others.

18-''We can only guess how many thousands of people might have died without       the intelligence and bravery of this young man.''
A]Who said these words to whom ?
B]Why should people be grateful to the young man ?
C]What was his most dangerous deed ?
Answers :
a-The minister said these words to the reporter.
b-Because he saved the world from the deadly spiders .
C-When his hand shot out and knocked the spider into the aluminum box.
Complete with answers

1-      Although the robber's cars had Local number plates , ………….
-the men were not Egyptian. (Foreigners)
2-The pilot though that the men died ………..
-of thirst when they got lost.
       3-The spider would have bitten Nagat unless …………..
-her foot had moved away.
4-Dr. Fakhry received an ancient picture of a spider from …………..
- an archaeologist in Egypt.
5- The old Egyptian text was about ………….
-a town in ancient Egypt whose people burnt it to kill the deadly spiders.
6-The German Egyptologist had translated a …………….
-2,000year –old text about a medicine for the spiders bites . It was made from a plant called ''Echinacea Negra .''
7-The big spider's bites can't be treated as …………
-there was no antivenom for the spider .
8-The most suitable place for a spider to live in ……………
-Quite ,dark and safe places .
9-Ayman said that the old picture was the same as ……………..
-the spider he saw .
10-Professor Jones came to Egypt to ……………
-identify the spider .
11-If the spiders are unknown species ………………
-scientists will have to develop a new antivenom .
12-Ayman believed his uncle was right as he was not sure ………..
-there was a danger .
13-Ayman's uncle made an urgent call to ………..
-the police chief colonel Mikhail .
14 –As Ayman did,nt have time to read Dr . Fakhry's second e- mail ,………
-he printed it out and took it with him to read later .
15-The men who were going underground wore ……………..
- Large black suits made of strong plastic .
          16-The antivenom for one spider won,t work against another because ……
- every venomous animal has its own venom .
17-An antivenom is ……………..
-an antibody to fight the venom .
18- The police officers tried to kill the large female spider by ……………..
-using the insecticide sprays.
19-It was Wafaa's duty to ……………
-get the plant from Sinai to save Ayman's life.
20 –The Jeep was so light that ……………..
-the water carried it fast and it turned over.
21-Although the second car turned over in the water, ……………
-the men managed to get onto the rocky island.
22-Captain Osama asked the two men to stay in the car so as to ………..
-make it heavy.
23 –Wafaa was terrified when ………
-she was completely alone and when she could see nothing as the rain got   heavier.
24 Ayman was expected to die from the female's bite ………….
-but his body produced a lot of antivenom when he was bitten the first time.
25 –The shock and the horror was so much for Ayman that ……………
-his eyes closed , and he fell to the floor .
26 – People throughout Egypt are not only praising Ayman ………..
-but they are also celebrating because Ayman is still alive.
27 –When the venom enters bodies, they begin to ……..
-make antivenom to fight the venom.   
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