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Saturday, February 25, 2012

طريقة تعامل الغرب مع العلماء

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Attacks inside Iran

A look at a series of recent attacks and other moves within Iran.

Jan. 12, 2010

This file photo released by Fars News Agency shows nuclear physics professor Masoud Ali Mohammadi, who was killed by a bomb-rigged motorcycle. (AP Photo/Fars News Agency)

Iranian physics professor killed

Physics professor Massoud Ali-Mohammadi is killed on his way to work by a bomb strapped to a motorcycle in north Tehran.

September 2010

Stuxnet cyberattack hits Iran

Iran says it suspects that a foreign organization or nation designed "Stuxnet," a quickly mutating computer worm that has infiltrated industrial computer systems in the country.

Nov. 29, 2010

The picture shows Majid Shahriari, a prominent nuclear scientist, who was killed in a bomb attack on Nov. 29, 2010. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)

Senior nuclear scientist killed

Majid Shahriari, a senior Iranian nuclear scientist, is killed by a bomb attached to his car by a motorcyclist near Tehran's Shahid Beheshti University. In a similar attack nearby at almost the same time, Fereydoun Abbasi, a nuclear physicist then working for Iran's Defense Ministry, is wounded. He now heads the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

April 8, 2011

Four major gas pipelines explode

Four key gas pipelines explode simultaneously in different locations in Qom province. A lawmaker charges that the blasts were caused by "terrorists," and industry experts later say they were part of a fivefold increase in explosions at refineries and gas pipelines since 2010.

July 23, 2011

A demonstrator holds a picture of assassinated scientist, Dariush Rezaeinejad, during a ceremony to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. (Reuters/Raheb Homavandi)

Engineering student shot to death

Dariush Rezaeinejad, a postgraduate electrical engineering student, is shot to death while he and his wife wait for their child outside a kindergarten. Officials issue conflicting statements about the case, but the state-run Press TV lists him in February 2012 as among "Iranians assassinated in the past two years for involvement in Iran's nuclear program."

Nov. 12, 2011

Iranians carry the flag draped coffin of a member of Revolutionary Guard, in his funeral ceremony, on Nov. 14, 2011. (AP Photo)

Commander of Revolutionary Guards is killed

Maj. Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, a Revolutionary Guard commander in charge of Iran’s ballistic missile program, is killed along with 16 others in an explosion at a missile base about 30 miles west of Tehran. Officials insist the blast was an accident, but Press TV says Moghaddam was among the "assassinated" Iranians honored in the city of Mashhad in February 2012.

Dec. 4, 2011

This photo released by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards shows the US RQ-170 Sentinel drone, which Tehran said it downed a week earlier. (AP Photo/Sepahnews)

Iran captures a U.S. stealth drone

Iran reports that it brought down a highly sophisticated U.S. stealth drone that was launched from a base in western Afghanistan. Authorities later display the RQ-170 surveillance drone on state television.

Jan. 11, 2012

The shrouded body of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan is seen before burial in Tehran, Jan. 13, 2012. (AP Photo/Iranian Students News Agency)

Chemical engineer killed in a car bomb

Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, 32, a chemical engineer and a deputy director of the Natanz uranium-enrichment plant in central Iran, dies after two assailants on a motorcycle attach a magnetic bomb to his car in northern Tehran. His driver, Reza Qashqaei, is also killed.

Feb. 9, 2012

People gather around a car as it is removed by a mobile crane in Tehran, Jan. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Fars News Agency)

Israel involved in Iran attacks, NBC reports

NBC News reports that attacks on Iranian scientists are being carried out by an Iranian militant group, the Mujaheddin-e Khalq, that is financed, trained and armed by Israel's secret service, the Mossad.
SOURCE: The Washington Post. GRAPHIC: Anup Kaphle - The Washington Post. Published Feb. 15, 2012.
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